Whwn will Mexico be superpower?

whwn will Mexico be superpower?

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never? why would it be

When they stop all flooding into the country above and actually push for change back home.

A book called "The next 100 years" predicts that Mexico may be able to challenge the US in the 2030's

The only superpowers left in this world are corporations, gook. What is a state anyway?

When they stop fleeing the shithole of their country and actually work to improve it. So never.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

redpill mexican intellectuals.

Lol. They can challenge us once they challenge the cartels..

I wonder when they take California back from the US with numerous illegal immigrants.

When Mexico's population becomes white it will be a super power

>cant take care of criminality and cortails within
>wants to be superpower

If Trump deports all they illegals to Mexico they would experience a notorious economic and demographic growth. Specially considering that all american babies are Mexicans at the moment

>whwn will Mexico be superpower?

Japbro bringing the funny.

Economically: 10 years
Militarily: Never

Just like Russia


How many books are actually correct in their "predictions"?

When Quetzalcoatl returns and Jill everyone.

It would surprise you, but we dont have bands of armed bandits roaming around, keeping populace in fear and doing weekly beheadings and mass executions that make ISIS pale while corrupt politicians are bought by them.

In before Chechen, we kicked their ass and showed you how it should be done.

Mexico is already superior to USA...in soccer.

>able to challenge the US in the 2030

My fucking sides


It said it would challenge around 2100 and even then only because of millions of spics in the US southwest would create a separatist movement.

>It would surprise you, but we dont have bands of armed bandits roaming around, keeping populace in fear and doing weekly beheadings and mass executions
Kek. Russia has higher murder rates than Mexico and the biggest mafia in the world. What are you talking about.
Russia has 5 times more suicides than Mexico and twice as much murders.

In the next 100 years


Mexico was a pooper power before the white male arrived.

Spaniards' account of the aztec society superiority (except militarily, that is) is well known.

When Europe was rolling in shit, we wuz mayans and aztecs had formidable cities, agriculture, astronomy and rigid social structures.

They were also stupidly superstitious, so their own prophecies fucked them up that brown ass.

Long live Quetzalcoatl

Nope. Stop posting 10 year old charts. Plus majority of our "homicides" are one drunk stabbing other drunk with a kitchen knife.

Probably never

The Aztecs didn't even invent the wheal kek.

That's for sure, they will have their own little mexico in the US and then push for more. At least they're not muslims...

Mexicuties are the best.

Sorry dude, I have huffed a lot of Freon since i last read it.

He'll never return when you're catholic. Are there groups in latin america which worship old religions, like the european pagans?

They did, but it was considered a kid's toy, if they wanted to move from one place to another they used slaves.

And yet built them pyramids while your quixote was fighting a fucking wind mill.

hur dur corporations

in europe corporations are our bitches

I agree

Keep them for yourself. We're not interested


They're not wearing hijabs.

Mexico actually rivaled us in terms of strength until the mexican war, and the peso was about equal to our dollar until around the late 1800's.

Ah yes Mexican pride!
*leaves to go to an actual good country*

Dude you are russian what are you talking about?

As soon as all the Mexicans are gone and replaced with white people

You might be redpilling them too hard.

When they take back all their natural conservatives from the US

After they take their country back from the drug lords.


Lucky 7's from Leandro confirm it.

Can't tell if jew or just a good goy.

According to the book, North America will remain the center of gravity for the global economic and political system for at least a few more centuries following the 21st century. However, this does not guarantee that the United States will always dominate North America. In the decades following the war, starting in the 2070s, tensions between Mexico and the United States will rise. By this time, after decades of massive immigration, many parts of the United States, especially the South West, will become predominantly ethnically, culturally, and socially Mexican. During this period, many ethnic Mexicans living in the Southwestern United States, especially those living in the Mexican Cession, will increasingly shun assimilation into American culture, due to the fact that they will live in a predominantly Mexican region, as well as the close proximity of Mexico. These demographic changes will be irreversible. Most Mexicans in the US Southwest will identify as Mexicans rather than Americans, and their national loyalty will be to Mexico and not the United States. During this period, Mexico will experience substantial economic and population growth. By the end of the 21st century, Mexico's military and economic power will have grown tremendously, and it will be in a position to challenge the United States for dominance of North America. In addition to an insurgency by Mexican separatists, political, cultural, and military tensions between the United States and Mexico will rise, and generate into a full-blown confrontation.

An extended crisis between the United States and Mexico will ensue, one that the United States will be unable to resolve through the use of military force. Most of the world, wary of American dominance, will secretly hope for a Mexican victory, especially Poland and Brazil, but no other nation will directly interfere. Friedman's final prediction is that the conflict will continue into the 22nd century.

something something cia drugs transportation something something politicians

I bet the juice did this

>late 1800's

Maybe they should to hide their ugly faces

When it gets annexed

when we get another "Porfirio Diaz". those where glorious days to mexico.

this is why we need to deport all the fucking pedros and build the wall

and then nuke mexico

That's just wrong Mehmed.

When the US annexes it.

When Quijote was fighting mills "you" had already been killed or raped. Do you actually take pride for what some random savages did some thousands of years ago when I'm sure you speak Spanish and are the bastard of some Castillian.

Really cute they are. You consider the word
"gorda" a fucking compliment. Nothing more needs to be said.

400 or so years if lucky

Bring back the Aztec work ethic

Mexicans are worst than musilisms. So never

Cool, can I be proud of where I was born as well, thanks.

>This is my pride
>around 90% of my fellow Mexicans never do their civil duty.
This is why I laugh every time I heard someone saying that Mexicans serving in the US army will revolt in case of a US vs Mexico war.


Figuratively. When Mexico is invaded by the US, they will be absorbed by a Super-power.

Nice beach front house you got there mapuche.

Heh good one

But Vivendi CEO has probably more power than your president



>They agreed to work at it viribus et posse, and began at once to divide the task between them, and I must say that they worked so hard, and with such good will, that in less than four days they constructed a fine bridge, over which the whole of the men and horses passed. So solidly built it was, that I have no doubt it will stand for upwards of ten years without breaking —unless it is burnt down — being formed by upwards of one thousand beams, the smallest of which was as thick round as a man's body, and measured nine or ten fathoms in length, without counting a great quantity of lighter timber that was used as planks. And I can assure your Majesty that I do not believe there is a man in existence capable of explaining in a satisfactory manner the dexterity which these lords of Tenochtitlan, and the Indians under them, displayed in constructing the said bridge: I can only sav that it is the most wonderful thing that ever was seen.
- Cortes to Charles V about his expedition to Honduras


Chicanos are useless. They can't shift the balance of power.

We need to rally our mexican intellectuals and the MEXICAN WARLOCKS to dominate the world.

Fun fact
Punishment for crimes was more harsh for the noblemen, meaning that politicans and military officials had to actually use thier power for good instead of becoming corrupt.

Meanwhile in modern Tenochtitlan; Politicians hava a little pesky think called 'clero, which is basically the opposite of the mexica system