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What is this? Does this person think a micro USB is a rare item or some shit?

Its absurdist humor you fucking brick

it is very clearly neither

I don't get it at all. I see zero humor unless the guy tweeting thinks that he stole some rare item from someone

drumpf is finished!

It's called a USB line, I'll show you later

hurr durr i'm retarded

>It's absurdist humor you fucking brick

kill yourself

It's super rare when you need it and can't find it, you fucking imbecile!

Dumb motherfucker. What State are you in?

>Black guy
Colour me surprised

Literally never happened to me. I have an excess of micro usb around me.

LOL, commiefornia. Just don't see the slightest bit of humor in this. Is the guy that made the "joke" some sort of comedian or something?

>It's called a USB line, I'll show you later

Pretty damn salty phrase to coin for a monday.

You need to put your fucking glasses on.


He is the director of the new king kong movie coming out. He got seated next to a conservatard (aka neonazi) and stole his charger as retribution for the election. In post trump america every little victory counts

how petty and sad can one person be..


You are just upset because liberals are going to have all the phone chargers in the coming year. Enjoy your power while you still have it

LOL, its actually funnier that he's proud of that "victory" than the fucking joke he made. It's hilariously pathetic

I guess you could say... he no longer has WHITE POWER XDDDDDDDDDDD

>He is the director of the new king kong movie coming out.

A perfect example of why hollywood is a cesspool. Classless (((directors writers and producers))) who get millions to produce shit movies and think stealing a 5 dollar USB cable from someone who disagrees with their political views is some kind of victory.

This is what these (((people))) actually think of the average American.

It's a classic meme. I'll show you later.

Awesome for that multi-millionaire hollywood director to stick it to the man!
*everyone claps*

The man, of course, being a middle class white guy who posts wrongthink on the internet


jokes on you faggot I actually keep my phone fully charged when I leave the house

>It's a classic meme.

The like of which we shall never see again.

Alas poor /b, we knew him well...

Old Sup Forums would have pissed in his drink for caring about something that wasn't porn, a cat, or Hitler.


Jesus christ, what a petty loser.
Guess I wont be watching that movie.

Jesus fucking Christ what a fucking loser.

somebody call him racist for making a movie about a huge black man stealing white women


No it isn't

Now we're talking.

Tell him a black man forcing a white woman upon himself is offensive.

Tell him that it doesn't matter if he thinks blacks are people, the alt right considers them monkeys

Story sounds like 90% made up.

You can't prove that, and look at that old man anyways. He looks like a complete nazi

He also looks like someone who would notice a liberal cuck with a long beard that is watching every word he types and every thing he clicks like to.

Better yet, start a campaign of people sending him various charging cables in the mail.

Tied into nooses.

>Memes? In MY pol-gina?? It's more likely than you think.

This post is absurdist humor.

I am a thief ha ha, take that Trumps America!
