As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry...

As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry, a weeaboo or whatever.

Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?

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Because my biggest concern isn't how much Big Brother makes. My biggest concern is the future of my people, nation, and especially my progeny. Fuck taxes and fuck you. Go back to Turkey.

You're blind.

You should serve your people, not forigners.
And all that tax is doing is paying for the destruction of your children.

see ahmed the problem is that in a near perfect society accepting one obedient black fellow that is peaceful and lawful means that you have to accept another 9 that arent and the offsprings of said blackman. Bottom line leave Germany to the Germans and go back to your country

But I serve my society.

And everybody can be part of this society if they are decent people who wörk and pay taxes.

And we don't exclude people in this society because of their skin color, sexual preference or whatever metric bullshit stormfags care about.

sage goes in all fields

>literally the most important thing in life is to financially support the state
>nothing else matters

This is a level of strangeness I honestly can't comprehend, Germanbro.

Only whites pay any taxes
Others are not that stupid

>As long as someone fulfils arbitrary standards I just made up, he can do whatever the fuck he wants!
>Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
Wessi education never fails to make me laugh.

Gay people try to avoide Paying

not wörking is exactly the problem with shitskin scum.

nope. the sexdrive still isn't colorblind, so it makes a difference to me whether there are 95/75/55/35% white people living in Germany at a given time.

so if it shoulf ever become fashionable for german girls to date non-white guys, that is in my eyes a huge problem. to prevent this, non-whites may never become too powerful/influential in Germany. look at the hellhole that is the USA in coming years to see the resulting issues.
and if you are blind to the rivalry between people, you're a fucking hammer & dickle commie. go read the mao bible, faggot.

tl;dr = as long as the sexdrive isn't colorblind, I won't be either.

>And we don't exclude people in this society because of their skin color, sexual preference or whatever metric bullshit stormfags care about.
and does competition exist in this society? what do you tell Hans Jr. when he comes to you and tells you that his girl-friend Gretel has dumped him because she has discovered she prefers arab cock? never thought about it, eh? don't see a problem with it, eh? because you're a fucking marxist.

it's like Honecker:
>everybody should have roughly the same (except me ofc)
it is just fucking blindness to the rivalries between people and the result is Yugoslavia, straight hellhole. there will never be a society in which people of all races live peacefully together - there will always be envy, jealousy and rivalry.

and by importing these different races, you are xposing our white children to DIRECT and very PERSONAL competition who is best.

now you have been told. go away, you disgust me.

>inb4 racism,fascism
you don't understand anything. I am not dreaming of a pure germany of any kind. we are merely seeking to ensure that there is no threat to white man's rule over this land. and any such threat, be that by non-whites or white cucks needs to be crushed

I am telling you man, it's the hippies. The 68ers. that's why the east is uncucked because they never had them. they formed first the RAF and then the Greens. I know it because I was one of them 20 years ago. now I am working towards uncucking these faggots.

>Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
No, I cant.

What is German byzantinism?

1. Moral dualism (positivism, law apart from ethics)
2. The government treats the state as its own property and doesn't care about citizen rights
3. Religion controlled by the state (caesaropapism)
4. Bureaucratism as a sign of the government's dominance over citizenry
5. State is oriented towards expansionism and militarism

But are they wörking kraut?

Society the fiction vs. race the reality. Working here is one thing being a German is another, you don't magically transform into a German, if you work and pay taxes. The stormfag smear is complete bullshit most here don't care about stormfront, maybe we agree on certain things, but we disagree on others.

>My biggest concern is the future of my people, nation, and especially my progeny.

Because only whites and asians actually work, so it dosent make any difference

We don't want their taxes. We don't need their taxes. We want to be left alone.

So you are saying that you are not ok with it because they might cuck you?
what do you think about this my fellow krauts?

that's where you're wrong, they should also be respectable and not an annoying fuck in public, and follow western culture

Hence why Germany is in such a mess you only care about your gdp and nothing about your heritage/culture

you germans have become so fucking disgusting it´s mind-boggling