Why did Hitler go full retard and attempt to exterminate all the Jews? If he felt the Jews were in control...

Why did Hitler go full retard and attempt to exterminate all the Jews? If he felt the Jews were in control, the cause of the degeneracy, and the collapse of Germany, then why the fuck not target those directly in power? Why not go directly after the bankers, and the media heads etc?

Yet another shill thread

Count step every make?

gake and fake


because Hitler was a Zionist pawn too.

because he saw the behavior of jews (the race) as just their extended phenotype. They go to a nation, rise in power and academics with their high IQs and then collapse nations by pushing debt, garbage art, dishonest media, etc.

I ain't a fucking shill you moron...

Make every step count


hitler was a puppet used to attack moralities of mankind and allow "lesser" evils to take control.

The Jews were a secondary consideration. He was butthurt over the loss of world war one and wanted to grab land for Lebensraum. If he was merely concerned about Jews he would have exterminated then in Germany before going out an invading all of Europe.

Read Mein Kampf and you will understand a little better.

When will she give me the sweet SUCC of DICK?
This is now a /THICC/ thread

He fell for the World conquest meme, or rather he understood that nationalism wasn't sustainable with only Germany resources, so he couldn't just deport the Jews knowing that one day they would be still on his turf. Then everything went to shit.

ther nazis said lots of stuff. The jewish thing seemed to work so they stuck with that.

This was before comic books, so the idea of this supervillan, the jew, captivated the ignorant german masses.

She has a shit face. You can tell when she's older, she's gonna look like shit. Look at Hillary in this pic. And look at hernow.

Because, like Pizzagate, The Clintons and the Rothschilds, they were all connected.

Once you're afraid of something.. you try to destroy it. :^)

Count step every make?

>Why not go directly after the bankers, and the media heads etc?

He did and along with any future bankers and media heads.

Because you got to get rid of the forest if you want to get rid of the individual trees that are poisoning society.

> implying all women in their 69 don't look like shit

Count step every make. Did a fucking retard make that poster?

Christ, fucking weebs detected. Read from left to right, you fucking mongoloids.

sIt goes up and down you fucking moron


It's not even straight up and down, nigger. It even starts in larger font. Just end your pathetic mango reading existence.

People normally read from up to down and for you to say it's not up and down tells me you are either blind or fucking retarded as fuck