Is Germany Fucked

Are there any parts of Germany that aren't infected with immigrants and refugees.


> Is Germany Fucked
It's not Sweden-tier fucked, but it's getting there. Another round with Merkel and it'll probably be, although Germany's big... they'll need a fuck ton.

red areas are a shit-fest
green is pure (mostly)

As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry, a weeaboo or whatever.

Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?

Is Green fully Germanic?

Anywhere larger than a village is already infested with mosques


I think you mean fully polish/Russian

you need to go back

since russian soldiers raped the women in eastern germany big time after WWII probably no.. but no akhbars there which is a plus

>red areas are a shit-fest
>green is pure (mostly)
Totally accurate.
Also, Augsburg is already full.
Please leave us alone here.

time to head to L E I P Z I G

Or better, Dresden!

> Germans firebomb an asylum house
> Police protect the foreigners
Think about it.
The government doesn't care about the citizens.

I updated this. Pls also remember, all things in consideration. If green means good to go, it's good to go on a german level.

Whatever you say reddit.

>Refugees and immigrants paying taxes.
Top kek m8

Of course not all refugees are good, but most immigrants are civilized, intelligent people who are often superior to the ethnic Germans.

I live in Berlin. All of the hysteria is bullshit. Everything seems totally normal aside from maybe more Syrians in skinny jeans smoking cigarettes in the train stations than usual.

Please tell me you're being ironic

>Of course not all refugees are good, but most immigrants are civilized, intelligent people who are often superior to the ethnic Germans
Reverse racism much? You must love Merkel, who hates Germany. She wants to implement Soros' plan to racemix Europeans into non-existence.

Fuck this shit, NRW used to have the Germans I got along with the best.

t. Achmed

nice trips

germans are still the majority here, only thing is that it's become glaringly obvious that the major cities in NRW are being taken over - culturally, socially and politically.

Can you update?

Border Niederbayern->Austria is red.
Especially the Inn River

>Mannheim = reclaimed turkoland

Yup. It's pretty awful.

>Fuck this shit, NRW used to have the Germans I got along with the best
Dortmund is already lost to the invaders.

Do you truly not see the danger looming over you? Maybe all hope is lost for Germany. Sad.

oh a dortmund-fag! welche ecke in dortmund ist die schlimmste? und sag nicht nordstadt!

though OP will be killed by nazis if he goes to the green area

>let me tell you about your country
Th-thanks mr. 56% #100

>green is pure
more like green is poor, get over your Sup Forums-tier shilling stormfag

Alerta alerta, die Hartzer sind da

die Ossis?

really don't think there's that many there in the grand scheme of things

I was in Dusseldorf for a week for work, all over the city, all over Westphalia, and saw maybe two arab women and a handful of asians the whole time

Now take London, I was there for a week and saw fewer white people than nonwhite

I really live in Berlin and you're a liar or you never go out of your apartment/quarter

Ich hab' nur die Innenstadt besucht. Sie ist mir immer enttäuschend. Kebab überall. Überall Kebab. So viel Kebab. Kebab with Burkas. Kebab ohne.


Yesterday the police shot a roach two blocks over from where I live. He was threatening his wife and neighbors with a knife.

Feels good man, but yeah, generally we're fucked. I live in Hamburg. It's quite infected.

Du nutzloser arbeitsunwilliger Anti-Deutscher bist gemeint
>Linke in der Verantwortung, Geschriebenes semantisch zu verarbeiten und zu verstehen

your city name literally indicates to suck ahmeds dick

>>Linke in der Verantwortung, Geschriebenes semantisch zu verarbeiten und zu verstehen
Sowas zu fordern ist rassistisch. Ich habe Wahrheitsminister Maas über deine Umtriebe informiert

Weil ich mit Ostdeutschland nicht viel anfangen kann bin ich Anti-Deutsch?

looks like a war map

you are fucked

Green area are literally brainwashed into German culture during Middle Age slavs. Really makes you think, right?

Der Heiko mit seinem Antifa-Sohn :^)

fuck that noise you retard.

upper half leipzig's uni library.
lower half dortmund's.

thank you west-Germany for your immense funding :)

I don't mind slavs. Slavs every day over folk from the middle east and turkey.

Like in France, we both still have a chance but it is our last.

The problem isn't immigrants the problem is Germs being racist cunts.

Didn't a lot of them abort their rapebabies?

>h-help! these people are being m-mean and intolerannnnnt! WAAAAAH

Shut your goddamn liberal mouth.

I don't know, I did never learn about that stuff

Panslavic union when?

I live there and can confirm you are talking bullshit


Funny thing is that I never get why people even make these claims. Grown up in Berlin and Munich and never did I feel like I was in a foreign nation (unless we were playing shit like Turkiyemspor, then you literally felt like standing on a pitch in Istanbul). Its still mostly white people. Currently living in Heidelberg and its pretty chill.

Im a turk myself, but i have a law degree and always hated these arabs and gypsies causing problems in my neighborhood. I also had arab burglars in my house and they even stole my quran.

I can tell you i want these fuckers out of germany more than all of you together.

95%+, but there's also Berlin

Can you guys bring back Kaiserreich and be cool again?

I like the old flag too, but I think you guys equate it with Nazis now.

Is there any actual evidence for this or is it just a pan-Slavic fantasy? Because it seems more likely Western Slavs are brainwashed Germans.

Refugees need to be spread everywhere and be evenly distributed across the entirity of Germany. Not a single place will be left without a refugee.


Only very few areas are predominantly of Slavic origin. In most regions, you had a fair amount of peaceful coexistence between local Slavs and German colonists.
The main Slavic region is, unknown to most, Mecklenburg. The local Slavic dukes repelled the crusade against them but immediately offered to join the Empire. They were in charge until 1918.

You're wrong. I have been n Dresden a few weeks ago, looks the same as Dortmund.

But have you ever seen Essen or Gelsenkirchen ?