Somalia hate thread

Are somalis the niggers of niggers? Discuss.

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Dumb nigger can't even have a functioning government

Leave ze germans alone already.

they are the most filthy, barbaric, degenerate, retarded subhuman species that currently exist.

but they look much better than wester africa scum

I like how these general nigger hate threads are now getting more specific.

When's the general for Haitian hate thread going to pop up.

this the osu ali muhammad?

Somalis are the absolute worst. They've ruined Minnesota and they turn everywhere they live into a garbage dump. Somalis are for garbage what India is for poo.

West Africans are more likely to be Christian, and they can speak English or French.

There are less than a 1000 Christians in Somalia. Somalians speak a ooogabooga language.

I think somalia deserves special recognition. I think if a typical Sup Forumstard were shown a group of Africans they'd be able to spot any somalis in the group.

Why does every last goddamn one, without fail, have that big fucking ayylmao head, and the tiny vestigial face

They all look like they have water on the fucking brain


Remember when ooga booga gibberish turned out to be words in Somali

das racis

there is something with somalians that makes me uneasy. not the fact that they are black,but something with their faces,like,you can't trust them

i hate how they all look similar

>West Africans are more likely to be Christian

the only Christians of Africa

Somalians have the brutality of a African with the brains of an Arab.

Actually most of Somalia is peaceful. The area near the boarder with Kenya are where al Shabob are.

Google Mogadishu 2016, or Lido beach. Life is pretty normal there by Africa standards. Stable enough to repatriate.

This right here. The twin cities have more Somalis than anywhere else in the world save the Somali capital.

Yup, live in mn can confirm

something alien about them. it really sets me off. they have rapey eyes and shouldnt be within 1000 miles of any European women

Somalis are not humans , they are closer to baboons

It's extremely unsettling to look at someone and be able to so clearly see their mental deficiencies. The littlest thing could set one off and he'll revert instantly to the oogaboog tribal warrior culture of his people and find the nearest machete.

>somalia apologism

You can tell that there is NOTHING going on upstairs.

couldnt you tell when they hi jacked tom hanks and looked into his eyes.

Everyone fucking hates Somalians. In Saudi Arabia, they're barely considered rats

Well that's not true, but I get what you're saying.

Ethiopians are quite different. They aren't Semitic, nor do they look sub-saharan African. I guess they're their own thing.

The Ethiopian church is strange. They do some psuedo-judeo practices and have very "odd" traditions, like ordaining children to the priesthood.

>why haven't you gotten yourself a qt somali waifu Sup Forums?


>They aren't Semitic

they are

>hating based Somalis

As long as they have the world convinced that nothing has changed since 1995. They will have their refugee status in perpetuity.

Just saying it is time to reexamine our policy.

Did you post this because of the OSU attack? Because I used to go there and have some serious Somali hate right now


A somali just attacked the OSU campus, running over and stabbing people

London is looking extra diverse today :^)

Maxaa fuck ma waxaad kaliya fucking iga yidhaahdaan ku saabsan, waxaad jawaan yar? Ayaan aad ogtahay waxaan ka qalin top of my class in piratry, oo aan ku lug lahaa weeraro qarsoodi badan ee saaran maraakiibta ganacsiga, anna waxaan leeyahay in ka badan 300 dileysaa xaqiijiyay. Waxaan ahay tababaray dindu dagaal iyo waxaan ahay kufsaday ugu sareeya oo dhan aan magaalada Soomaali. Waxaad waxba ii laakiin kaliya diirada kale yihiin. waan idinka soo tirtiri doonaa fuck la sax kooxaha reer oo weligeed laguma arag ka hor inta on Earth this, u fiirso erayada fucking aan. Waxaad u malaynaysaa inaad ka heli kartaa iska leh isagoo leh shire ii Internetka? Mar kale feker, fucker. Sida aynu ka hadalno lay xiriiraya aan network qarsoon coalburners guud USAand ee aad IP loo ogan hadda si fiican aad isugu diyaariso duufaanka, dixiri. duufaan ah in tirtiro oo soo baxay wax yar liita waxaad wici noloshaada. Waad fucking dhintay, kid. Waxaan noqon karaa meel kasta, wakhti kasta, oo waxaan idinku dili karaa in ka badan toddoba boqol oo siyaabo, iyo in kaliya la dhiiggayga ay cabeen. Ma aha waxaan uun ahay waxaan si ballaadhan loo tababaray in dagaal aan hubaysnayn, laakiin waxaan leeyahay ciyey weyn madow oo waxaan u isticmaali doonaa in ay ilaa xad buuxa si ay u tirtiri aad dameer loo naxo gooyso oo qaaradda, aad shire yar. Haddii kaliya aad garan karin waxa ka aarsanay xaaraan ah oo aad u yar "xariif" comment ahaa oo ku saabsan in la keeno hoos korkiinna, waxaa laga yaabaa in aad qaban lahayd carrabka fucking. aad Laakiin ma aad kari waayeen, ma yeeleen, oo hadda waad bixinta qiimaha, waxaad goddamn nacas. Waxaan shire doonaa cadhadayda oo dhan aad ka weyn oo idin Maansheeyo doonaan. Waxaad fucking tahay dhintay, kiddo

Ethiopians aren't Arabs or Jews.

I just did a quick search and found they have the closest relation with of modern humans migrating out of Africa. So they are different from other Africans


Yes but it's not the first time I've had to vent my somali-hate.

>the brains of an Arab
So does this make them smarter or dumber than the average nigger?

look into my eyes

Replace "brains" with "rage" and I agree with that statement.

Yes. They are the niggers of africa. Even other africans hate them

I have some Somali muslims that rent a property from me. They own a hookah bar that attracts the lowest scum on earth. The surrounding parking lot is constantly littered with fast food wrappers and bottles, garbage everywhere.

They never pay their rent on time and lie about why its late every time.

There have been multiple shootings in the parking lot.

The owner said he wouldn't be paying rent during Ramadan because he was flying to Dubai.

When i need to drop the owner a letter at the space he is never there, and my knocks go unanswered for 10 minutes until the strangers sleeping inside unlock the door to tell me hes not there.

all of the somalian immigrants i know are okay people

but MSM should report the ethnicity of crazed attackers

most of the haitians i know are lazy and stupid

>It's extremely unsettling to look at someone and be able to so clearly see their mental deficiencies. The littlest thing could set one off and he'll revert instantly to the oogaboog tribal warrior culture of his people and find the nearest machete.

But I feel that way with lots of black people.
You just know they would slaughter you for half a cigarette.

Had one in my class when I was ~15. He would get these raging episodes and throw chairs, flip couches and scream like crazy. But then he settled down.
Everyone tried to tease him to his breaking point because it was always a spectacle to watch.

Need original... for research purposes. Purely intellectual.

Have you noticed how somalis can never close their mouths properly? They always have this retarded expression with lower lip opened slighlty so that the teeth are showing. I wonder why.




They look more esthetic, than murrica niggers

I hate those niggers. They acting all righteous like an alex, but then one of them fags go and shoot up a campus. No one thought it was weird that a black man was getting a career in something other than dog fighting? BTFO

They are technically Caucasian.

Literally the worst immigrants to have. over 60% are leeching wellfare here

Somali refugee just stabbed 9 people at ohio state

Fuck Sweden, We have to kill all fucking Swedes.

Mohammad Ali
Mohammad Ali
Mohammad Ali

"But most Somalis are christian, user. I've been to church with them."


I remember seeing a video of Somali claiming that Somalians are descendents of an Ancient Raider tribe who conquered many tribes, the rest of video was him just playing rave music as some prideful celebration.

The fucking cheeky grins of those fags on the left

>Fantino, then head of 31 Division, told North York’s committee on community, race and ethnic relations that, while blacks made up 6 per cent of the Jane-Finch population, they accounted for 82 per cent of robberies and muggings, 55 per cent of purse-snatchings and 51 per cent of drug offences in the previous year.

The somalis in Canada are causing massive problems. They are the niggers of niggers.


This is literally their fucking language
Put any variation of "Ooga booga shooga dooga" into google translate and see what comes up

Somalia is one of the few countries in Africa that I've never heard a single good thing about.

American nigs are mostly West African bucks. These gracile somaligroids wouldn't last a week in the cotton fields.

The US is considered the king of Somali integration. Workforce participation is a little less than half, rather than 20% as it is in Europe. It's a joke.

Witness the somali attempt to process if what he's looking at can be:
1. eaten
2. attacked
3. begged for money

He will be like this for a while

they are not nigger, they are a sub evolved race of niggers

The official languages of Somalia are Somali and Arabic

>describing every nigger there is
But for some reason Somalis have a tendency to go violent for no apparent reason. good thing by teasing him, he might have gone to special ed class

Somalis are the worst niggers. All the somalis I've met acted like niggers. All the other niggers I've met acted like white people

They kinda remind me of ayylmaos now that you mention it. Something with the head shape.

When Clinton dumped them on Columbus he settled them on the NE side of town, right next the Da Hood. Basically doubled the number of niggers in Columbus within a decade.

>west africans are more likely to be christian

in other words they are brainwashed

>tips fedora.

trash people
organ harvest when?

I am from Minnesota and I wish for the day that we only had normal niggers.

I watched a video where their Walmart raft sank. Most of them can't even swim. Even the ones with floatys on became dead fish because they are just that savage and idiotic. Wish fisherman would just shoot a single hole in the rafts and let them sink. Would be like a tree dropping in the forest.

>When the liberal media wants you to pretend your going to capsize and drown but you know your only in 4 feet of water.

Ethiopians do seem to be distinct. Their facial structure as well as the tone of their skin is very different from anyone else in Africa.

All my Muslim friends, and Arab Christians fucking hate Somolians.

Can confirm; the niggers of nigger.

They're hideous to boot, too.


no value lost. keep moving along.

Actually the arabs of niggers

Jesus fucking christ, even their women have the absurd fucking forehead


Not even fucking mayan noses or chink eyes are this fucking bad

cant tip fedora 'cause dont have head

I want to know who the one guy is that went on a giant rape spree back in the day cause they all look fucking identical, both the men and the women

they just chew qat/khat all day

I had the misfortune of working with Somalis a couple years ago.

They're all sickly and violent. If they're not picking fights with non-Somalis, then they're fighting each other.

It doesn't surprise me at all that a Somali guy did that Ohio shooting.

dafuq is u say

They are the most lankyist, pencil-headed, arab-nosed degenerates on the face of the earth.

In don't know why pol presumes that negros are a homogeneous group of people. A negro from Latin America, South Africa and east Africa are all different in the same sense that a Japanese is different from a Thai or Malaysian. Somalians are objectively some of the ugliest people on the planet. IMO.

Also every second word he used was English, or a mix of English and Swedish. Instead of "hej, vad gör du?" He said "Hej, vad do'ar du?"
"Jag ska gå" became "jag ska walk'a"

Even Somalians can't name any contributions to the world, they don't even try to stretch it.

Abos are uglier.
That is if you consider them people at all.

I know one. He's calm and tries his best, even though he almost fail every exam. But he's nice.

His brothers however, I've heard they are the stereotypic nigger

It's terrible and they always settle them in the whitest areas so they contrast so badly.

Please tell me you are trolling. The guy in your pic is a 1/10 easily. All of these inbred fucks, and I mean ALL of them, have these humungous lightbulb heads and disgusting overbites. Or are you the one somali nigger they allow to exist in Russia? Either way, kill yourself right now.