Anti-Communist thread. Fuck all Commie Scum invading the board

The one time Leninism was tried it was quickly ousted into Communism and it will never work.


There's no such thing in Marxism/Communism/Leninism.

There will always be someone who must worked the field three times as hard as someone who oversees the field work, yet only receives the same amount of food, or less.

It simply is a rouse, the goal of Marxism is to create a small elite who rule over the Proles.

No woman ir Blacks are not equal. It merely the Propaganda. Remember that the Soviet Union was extremely Nationalistic.
Nature isn't equal and it won't work, ever.


Are you truely happy being told lies by state and then having them alter the past to make it look like the new lies are better than what you had before?


Has never worked in History. Minor countries with small populations have lasted for a while, but are not truely socialist in nature, as they have a free market.

Socialism won't work because you'll eventually have to use the free market in order to supply your country and her needs.

>Social Stances

Are merely to lure the College educated, naive peoples to promote and encourage Communism. It is they who shall hold the power (so long as white and a male) while the proles do their bidding to get them into power.

These social policies are not wanted by the power hungry leaders.
>Anti-Red books

Animal Farm and 1984 are must reads to any Commie basher, and generally anyone who loves freedom.

Other urls found in this thread:

Press F to laugh

Need help filling my anti-commie folder



It's inevitable Neo.


corruption =/= communism.

>dissing a dead ideology
for what

communism = virgin rage



Be careful!

Indeed commies need to fuck off

That same pick can be applied for Communism.

How the Elites rule and live an easy life as the Proles slave to bring in the crops for the elites.

the fire might be gone but the ashes remain.


I really can't tell you how much I despise their sense of gibmedats privilege. If a friend even jokes about flirting with authoritarian socialist ideas, it's pretty much a deal breaker.

This is not your safe space, scumfilth.

Pic related, it's art. Not that modern trendy liberal shit that the Marxists have the audacity to call art.



>babbys first internet argument

no u

That doesn't absolve capitalism.

Nice strawman.

Reactionaries gonna react.






actually, given the immense benefits of capitalism in actually providing food for the population and empowering them to get food for themselves, Yes. yes it does.

I have never once heard an argument for socialism that even remotely addressed the horrifying economic concerns that would arise if wealth redistribution would happen.

Nor have they ever effectively refuted the "starvation meme".

You have to be a fucking idiot to believe an ideology that kills millions of people for the sake of giving the poor things from the rich.





ok point out how it is wrong cunt.



Can we kill the commies?

>mfw ancap is a better system

Found these gems.

ancaps are dumb too


How can anyone over the age of 15 believe communism could have ever worked and how did they find nations stupid enough to try it irl?

Tell that to all the people starving under the wonderful capitalist system in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

>third worldism

Tell me where you live so I can personall escort you to the gulag comrade.


I'm not a Maoist or Third-Worldist. I just believe that capitalism has failed the billions of people living in what we call the Third World.

>what is mao
>what is pol pot
>what is mugabe

more people starve to death in a collectivist society then in a capitalist one

without capitalism these people wouldn't even have a job to provide for them

>posting an American puppet and tyrant

I like how capitalists see unironically for authoritarianism and internationalism when their precious system is threatened by nationalist movements. Really shows you their true priorities.

Stalin et al never actually believed that communism would work, it was just their way to get and maintain power.

All these prolelife fucks really boggle my axons when they genuinely believe that Stalin, Mao, etc would care for them.

in case you were wonndering where all the leftshilling was coming from it's a mix of CTR and

When will they learn

hahah peasant slave. soon your monarchy gonna die bitch.

long live communism.

Mugabe is a former Marxist. Zimbabwe turned more capitalist eventually, and he lives in an obscenely large mansion and his wife goes on shopping trips in Paris while the commoners starve.
This happens in capitalist countries too. Look at Haiti or El Salvador during the 20th century. Haiti is still in that condition.

I got you senpai

congratulations, you've just described the nominal communist country

the leaders live in massive wealth with western luxery goods readily at their disposal while the common folk die in droves

This makes no sense. The real middle class has no interest in communism, the only ones who could be accused in this manner are the stateist class of media cucks in which case the capitalist would be entirely right to call them out.

Commie shit is the new contrarianism for Sup Forums now that Trump is elected.

wow, their memes are so dank.

That makes no sense

In America "middle class" is code for "working class." Even poors desribe themselves as "lower middle class."

Only because you are blinded by ideology.

Yes of course, that must be it. At last I truly see. Thank you.

we need more red pills like this
none of the rusbros ever come to these threads coz they know about it and want nothing to do with this shit

>more capitalist

Because the land distribution plan failed miserably, the government run mines are not even close to functioning, and they are selling the wildlife off to the Chinese. The government planned economy is a dumpster fire.

Zambia happily invited the white farmers that were kicked off their land in and now have a booming surplus. Shocking, people that know what they are doing find success when given the freedom too.

>the commie built his opinion on internet sperg lords' reddit posts and propaganda.
To be rich you have to be smart and cautious.
Only an inteligent and well-educated would amass money, see:Trump.
Capitalism is the survival of the fittest.If you work smart, not hard, and dont let someone else dictate your life, you will become the "fat porky" in your pic.

I see that you are from W.Europe, so I assume you have never experienced the horrors of the communism.
You must now that this ideology devours your soul, wash and throw your mind, and cripple your body.Because if you are smart, talented,strong, that doesnt matter, because there will always be someone above you, son or daughter of a big guy from the party.

Oh, yeah, also there's no such thing as middle class in communism, bc everyone is equally poor.

Look at you. Already afraid of us.


>third world bourgeois scum thinks that Trump is sophisticated

Well by your standards I suppose he is. How do you even have internet?

>Trump is sophisticated
Ofc, he is.
Tell me, college commie boy, do you know a dumb man, who kept his fortune for 40 years without loosing it?

Also, i have internet thanks to capitalism.