
Can we have a real discussion about the homeless? I believe cutting all social welfare is justified but I can't do anything to stop charity. Rather than give money to charity and pass it ran through the accounts of bearuacrats and spent on advertising I've recently started to give money directly to the homeless. Theres a lot of cut drugs going around and people are dropping like flies. Am I a bad guy for giving money to the dregs knowing they might die?

You're giving them the chance to make a choice. You are not responsible for them choosing wrong. You are giving them the chance to choose the right thing. Do it fagget.

The church best takes care of the homeless. Always has and always will.

No. You're still helping, up to them what they spend it on. Low iq dealers cut heroin with fent or people who are untouchable in the game and dont care.

So why should I tithe? Is believing in god and repenting for my own wrong doings not enough? I have to ensure a level of comfort for those unwilling?
My point wasn't that it's low iq. I'm wondering if those dealers should be commended for cleaning the streets while cutting down their clientele. Really taking one for the team

As they should, they are enjoying that sweet tax exemption status.

We're going to build a wall and stop the import of heroin, where have you been?

There's nothing wrong with welfare in principle. It costs a lot less than putting them in prison. The main issue is that people on welfare can and do have kids, which creates a permanent welfare class. Start sterilizing people who go on welfare and you're good to go.

If you're homeless, 99% of the time, it's your own fault

Haven't certain dictators taken a bit better care of them?

don't get me wrong. I'm against welfare as much as the next capitalist slum lord monster but the homeless are notorious for being mentally ill. I don't know whether they're crazy because they're homeless or the other way around, but it certainly doesn't help their situation. that being said I'd argue a great way of improving their situation would be to abolish any regulations on housing - so that they are able to rent a doghouse or something similarly inhumane for little money. That way they at least have a starting point for working their way up in society - and do not freeze to death which often times results in inconvinience for real people.

on account of the drugs: dude, that's fucked up. you really shouldn't give people money when you know they kill themselves with it.

>live in Santa Monica, California
>over 9000 homeless people here
>doubt more than a few of them are actually from Santa Monica
>charity groups stage lots of public feedings at churches and parks
>city has all sorts of public services for the homeless
>everywhere you look there are bums begging for money
>see people actually give them a few dollars at a time
>ignore every single person who tries to talk to me outside, because 99.9% of the time they will be beggars

Its like a micro-scale example of what happens to the whole country when we keep letting in all the Mexicans.

But why do we /need/ to choose welfare or prison? We leave them be and they either starve, survive off charity or participate in a violent uprising. I'm either not effected, not effected or police begin public executions (still not effecting me.)
Cucks have entered the thread. Time to get interesting

I'm thinking of moving there, how's the soil?

what is the 1%?

nothing he said was cucked, unless you mean just by him being german.

Support homeless vets and divorced dads,


I wasn't being ironic. I actually meant what I wrote: fuck housing regulation because that way the homeless won't freeze and have a starting point for reintegrating into society.
at least here in Germany not having a address is a reason for not getting a bank account and having trouble finding jobs and getting service from the government. the laws on what constitutes a living space hold people back from getting back into society.

Mental illness is a spook and calling the drug thing fucked up was textbook pussery. Don't wanna kill yourself don't buy fentanyl. The vagabonds seem upset when you offer them food. I'm "really trying to help"

Don't let the homeless take you for a ride,
God looked into their hearts and saw THE DEVIL inside,
So HE cast them down lower than the dogs in the street
But now there's homeless everywhere gettin' under my feet.

Before you criticize my urban poetry and the sentiments it encapsulates, yes, I HAVE worked with the cunts and I have directly observed that 90% would end up homeless AGAIN in a few months after being given new homes and free benefit payments. Often they'd get the rent money which was usually sent to the landlord/council/housing association sent directly to themselves, then spend it on drink/drugs - or would just cause so much trouble they got evicted.

I lost my family in 9/11, fuck you bitch

Soup kitchens and flophouses run by the church should be the beginning and end of welfare. Anything else encourages the poor to breed.

haha fuck you

I'd love to see a government offered sterilization program. A 5 figure buyout for the retards that really need the money. Want to get two birds with one stone, I'd even entertain the idea of getting rid of the buyout and just throwing on a dick enhancement whilethe doc's down there. You know who never shuts the fuck up about muh dick

>s. Am I a bad guy for giving money to the dregs knowing they might die?
>the drug thing fucked up was textbook pussery
fuck you. next time you don't wanna know someones opinion, don't ask. I hope some bum stabs you for drug money.

What the homeless need is an incentive by the government that will benefit not only themselves but the country they inhabit, If our public figures who want to dictate people's lives let them do it to these people. Like choosing to live in a ghost town and help repopulate & build things.

bullets are cheaper, rope too

Look dude it's not that I don't want your opinion. It's that I want your opinion to be the same as mine. It's not my fault your opinion is wrong, blame Merkel you stupid commie faggot.
>everyone deserves a house
Fuck you

I think he was arguing for the option to sell them doghouses.


They can build their own. Who the fuck can't frame up a dog house? Consider it training for when they go back to work. Not that they ever will