Would you vote for him?

Would you vote for him?

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Fuck yeah I'd vote for Sheev.

Anakin a good boy he dindu nuffin

He was on his way to the temple to kill younglings and get his life back on the podracing track

Fuck Disney's fanfiction shit. Star Wars ended in 2014.

>Upjumped Nabooite coastal elite who shares a platform with Gungan retards for self-promotion

Fuck that. Finis for reelection.

Voting is degenerate.

Already did,waitin for the anakin to do the cleansing

He did pretty damn flawless until he derped about anakin. Seriously, what a plot hiccup. Here is sheev: successor of one of the most powerful sith ever and one of the best himself, manipulated the galactic government, became emperor, slew countless jedi, remained undercover this entire time, AND STILL MANAGED TO GET A HARD-ON FOR ANAKIN. Anakin ffs. A whiny faggot who cant even walk to the bathroom by himself and sidious somehow couldnt read it. There is no way a real Sidious would do something as retarded as wanting Anakin as his apprentice. Anakin wasnt even that powerful.

>Anakin wasnt even that powerful.

He has the highest midiclorian count of anyone

But he couldnt control himself and had the mind of a twelve year old. Its like putting a jet engine on a four wheeler. Doesnt matter how many midiclorians he has if he cant control himself to use it properly.

He is an analogy for Hillary Clinton

Midichlorians count doesn't equate with force power.

Midichlorians are just a lifeform that feed on the force. Wherever the force is, the midichlorians thrive.

Anakin obviously was force sensitive and midichlorians lived in him, but his mastery of the force was still lacking in comparison to Luke or Starkiller. The fact that he had lots of midichlorians in his body could just mean that he was genetically more well-suited to host midichlorians in his body or that he got lucky and lots of midichlorians infested him.

Dooku was pretty based if you heard what he said in attack of the clones.

pretty sure i just did

Anakin had a lot of potential and he was hoping that Anakin would end up growing as a person. But he was wrong on that.

And no, I wouldn't vote for Palpatine. He'd probably try to take my guns away.

Luckily Trump won

The establishment government is the failing New Republic, Democrats are the Imperial Remnant, Globalist forces of evil are the First Order, and WE... WE are the Resistance.

Ego is a classic flaw of the Sith and he truly believed he could harness that jet powered 4 wheeler into an unstoppable machine of inter-galactic fascism.

Wasn't this nigga who showed those Jedis, once and for all, who the BOSS is?

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan certainly thought it was significant he had that many midiclorians. Also, there is clearly a relationship between Midiclorian and force power. Sheev and Yoda have tons of midiclorians, for example.

>jar jar binks sith puppet
fuck no

>this is the timeline where they called episode ii 'attack of the clones'


>Anakin had a lot of potential and he was hoping that Anakin would end up growing as a person. But he was wrong on that.
All Sidious had to do was ask Padme how much Anakin had grown as a person, of which he was around literally all the time as Palpatine. But no, master of the dark arts and plotter of galactic revolutions was too blinded to see such a thing.

>Ego is a classic flaw of the Sith
I suppose, but given that Sidious was unknown to basically everybody I find it hard to believe that Sidious wasnt in control of his ego.

There is a relationship but it's not a 1:1 ratio of midichlorian to force power.

It's just like meteorology. The same signs of a storm could be in the air, and it might rain the next day, but on another day it might be sunny, even though the weatherman predicted rain.

It's not an exact science!

>can't practice the force
>muh storm fag meme imperials

>not master race Darth Revan who revolutionized sith code and interpretation of the force

Never, stay pleb new empire. You guys tanked long before Palpatine came and after he died.

Why? He might be better than the republic. But Jar Jar is an improvement.

Didn't sheev foresee the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong and create the Empire to unite the galaxy to fight them off?

your headcanon doesn't real




>make giant super weapon in order to scare rest of the galaxy into peaceful submission
>rest of the galaxy doesn't like it

Fuck your shitty thread. >>>>>>/Reddit/ is right around the corner

this desu

The empire was born and died under the rule of a single man (new cannon: there is only the first order now): emperor palpatine

Then senator palpatine violated the NAP by directing the trade fereration to impose an illegal trade embaro on naboo, thus leading to his rise to power

>Yuuzhan Vong
Speaking of non canon posts...

Quality Gin and Old Boy were shitty Jedi. Gin wasn't far from having his status revoked.


The expanded universe was never canon. Not before or after 2014. Disney just laid your dead corpses to rest.

>The expanded universe was never canon

>he needs proof that the Bible is fiction as well
Go play in the sandbox, kiddo

This guy is the proverbial Patriot Act George Bush Jr.

I voted for Gore.

>George Lucas' original trilogy of films—Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Return of the Jedi (1983)—spawned a series of novelizations, comic books, newspaper comic strips, radio dramas, video games, role-playing games, and spin-off novels not written or produced by Lucas. This body of work became known as the Star Wars Expanded Universe.[1][2] Lucasfilm tracked the storylines and content of these media in large black binders, known as bibles, until Leland Chee was hired in 2000 to create a Star Wars continuity database.[3]
>The Star Wars canon was first defined in a 1994 interview with Lucas Licensing's Allan Kausch and Sue Rostoni in issue #23 of Star Wars Insider:
>Gospel, or canon as we refer to it, includes the screenplays, the films, the radio dramas and the novelizations

Fuck off leaf

dumb sheevposter

>Eliminates the (((banking clans))) and the (((trade federations)))
>Played 12D Pazaak by managing both sides of a war so he could get rid of the most corrupt elements of the Republic and his opposition
>Eliminates a death cult that had manipulated galactic politics to fit with their religion since its inception.
>Reforms a corrupt and inefficent republic into a prosperous and thriving empire.

Nah, I'd rather suck Jedi cock and let them take my wife's son to (((teach))) him the ways of the (((force)))

Sheev wiped out a terrorist organization. Unfortunately lone wolves survived.. but there were good times when they weren't around messing with the Galaxy

Picture Related, Jedi Younglings that Sheev eliminated.

Post YFW chancellor of Galactic Senate and also Sith Lord

>>Eliminates the (((banking clans))) and the (((trade federations)))

Get a load of this bigot!

>The Star Wars canon was first defined in a 1994 interview with Lucas Licensing's Allan Kausch and Sue Rostoni
>the canon was defined by a bunch of jews that work in Copyrights and Licensing

Good goy. Buy all our products! They're totally canon!

>gets the various warring factions of the Trade Federation to work together even though they hated each other
>singlehandedly defeats the greatest Jedi Master in the cannon
>Unites a bunch of petty senators into the Intergalactic Empire
>masterminds the greatest military force in Star Wars history
>builds a space station that is capable of destroying worlds
>Supports the supremacy of humans as opposed to alien snot skins.

Yes, I would vote for Space Hitler

>Would you vote for him?
No but he wins a freedom medal because he came out as a sith.

Yes, a franchises canon is determined by the people that own the franchise.

You lost. Get over it.

Lucas owned the franchise at the time, dummy.


Anakin ended up extremely powerful despite crippled.

Luke, did I ever tell you about Luuke Skywalker? He was a genetic clone of you that was grown from cells extracted from the hand you lost during your duel with the Dark Lord Darth Vader on Cloud City. Your hand and lightsaber were recovered by Vader and taken to Emperor Sheev's Mount Tantiss storehouse on the planet Wayland. In 9 ABY, the insane clone Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth performed a mind trick on Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's subordinate, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, ordering him to make a special clone for him. The clone that later became Luuke Skywalker was grown in secret from sample B-2332-54, the sorting code assigned to your hand. The clone was grown in a Spaarti cloning cylinder over the period of less than a month. When he was ready, the clone was given Jedi training by C'baoth and over time became Luuke Skywalker.

Also Luke, did I ever tell you about your other clone, Luuuke Skywalker? He was a clone of you created by Grand Admiral Thrawn to serve as his agent in the galactic community, which the Admiral controlled secretly using a legion of clones to replace prominent people. After warding off the Lost Tribe of Sith, Luuke Skywalker, retired after serving Thrawn. Luuke was replaced summarily with Luuuke, who inherited duties as the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order and a significant political persona. Luuuke would go on to assemble a Clone Army comprised of the copies whom Thrawn had made over the decades. Working with another clone, Streeen, Luuuke devised a time machine that he used to attack the galaxy during the Clone Wars.

They were both good friends.

not an argument

as far as i can tell he did NOTHING WRONG. AT ALL

>voted into power over decades
>gets a mandate to dissolve the senate and begin an empire... BY THE SENATE

The rebels were the ones against democracy.

So yes id follow/vote for him

The empire was pretty much the only organization that efficiently kept the peace in the galaxy. The republic in both Canon and Legends is shit


What about Jango Fett and Breasts, Ben?

Luke, did I ever tell you about breasts? Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species. Males did have breasts, but they were far less developed than their female counterparts due to the sexual dimorphism.

In some cultures, sentient females nursed their own young. This was true of both primitive planetary societies like Dathomir, where the warrior-women of the Singing Mountain Clan would feed their children even during solemn councils of war,[1] and high-tech interstellar civilization: Leia Organa Solo nursed her twins for some time[2] and Mara Jade Skywalker nursed her son Ben until he was a few months old.[3] Even Tenel Ka Djo, Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium, nursed her daughter Allana herself.[4]

Alternative techniques of feeding infants did exist, as the TDL nanny droid could store up to two liters of milk internally.[5] Other sentient species retained strong breastfeeding traditions as well: female Wookiees had six breasts, which they used to nurse their litters of cubs.[6] Askajian females also had six breasts,[7] while Gran females had three.[8]

They were good friends.

Hows it feel to have wasted your life on noncanon fiction that's on the same literary level as the magic treehouse and the boxcar kids?

We both know I'm right. You can stop now.

I'd kill mace windu for him

Oh I see, so you're still in denial? That ruff, eh?

My nigga mayne

What's there to be in denial about.

>George Lucas owed Lucasfilms
>Lucasfilms owed Star Wars
>Lucasfilms said the EU was canon.

These are both facts we agree on. I really don't see what you getting at.

Just because you work for Lucasfilm doesn't mean you own Star Wars. It's like saying if you work at Tesla you are now an equal shareholder with Elon Musk.


>inter-galactic fascism

Never stop dreaming


>not loyal to our boy revan

not an argument

Fuck yeah, Dark Side rules
Fuck the rebelcucks


So what made you decide to waste your life on fanfiction?


not an argument


That seems reasonable

not an argument

> VotinFalse Emperor


> Destroyed the influence of the stagnant magocracy known as the Jedi Order
> The empire was divided by culturo-historical affiliations and not into artificial multiculti melting pot zones
> Reformed the galaxy into somewhat working zones
> Had overwhelming popular support, like wtf the rebel alliance has like 30 ships in the whole galaxy
> Ironically was MORE representative than the republic since the pseudofeudal system allowed systems larger control over their own affairs
> Managed to finally achieve and secure internal peace, only to be peskied by the terroristic (((Rebel Alliance)))
> Unified and optimized the means of production allong the galaxy, allowing him to practically do as he pleased, that said he always worked into what he thought was the benefit for the galaxy
> Wasnt PC
> Gave employment to quadrillions
> Created a massive fleet of destroyers and planet-cracking death-stars in preparation for the invasion of the Yuuzhan-Vong; the death stars would serve for destroying the infected worlds

Man i would fucking DIE for Palpatine


I'd vote twice if I could

The only God Emperor I'd vote for is Donald J. Trump.

Clinton is closer to vader being a robot. Soros is her master

This. Plus he even let a blue coon captain his space boats due to merit instead of affirmative action

>Unironically shilling for a failed multi-cultist whose presence in the immaterium brought the ruinous powers into mankind on the first place

Boi he fuckin THICC af

Why would I need to vote for him when he is the senate?

nah this is THICC

also czech em

Post more thicc

this is now a
