Here's a thought: Stop watching them

Here's a thought: Stop watching them.

Did the controlled opposition take all the good fonts too?

PJW looks like the kind of fag that would be into asian women.

>hehe I almost had to confront your agument, but then I saw your font there. Tough love buddy

Two anglos and two Jews. Where are all the Aryans?

OK stormfags. Hope this post doesn't get you arrested.

are they all really married to non whites?

Paul is gay

They actually have valid points. This is a tactic to divide and allow stagnation for all political ideals that contradict the regressive left

If you want your argument to be taken seriously, try not to format it like you're a 12 year old playing around on MS Paint.

>damn jews are stealing my money but these people don't believe in a jewish conspiracy so they must work for them!

And you couldn't even beat ricefarmers. What's worse, mister 54% white?

I'm not a racist though. I don't care if what they are attracted to. They speak truth either way.

You couldn't even beat people who couldn't beat ricefarmers. And you're paid to pretend to be your paymasters' opposition while denouncing their actual opposition. And you probably don't have the intelligence to grasp how that's Alinskyesque.

I'd honestly rather be brown than be European.

Yes, goyim! Let's appoint jews as our leaders, that's the right way.

>he fell for the jewish conspiracy
>not knowing the actual menace are english farmers
ooh arr

>jews and anglos
every fucking time bros EVERY FUCKING TIME

Why does Cernovich look so fucking weird.

>when you can't beat goat fuckers but give shit to people who couldn't beat commies at their own game of slaughtering entire villages to bow to power

Nice arguments there Hans, my guess it was you who made a shit thread like this yesterday, and watched you fall flat on your face as well

His tiny eyes are too close to each other

EVERY single one of the have done more for conservitave values than ANY of you. so sick of Sup Forums and their purity tests

The only podcasts I like listening to is ((shapiro)) and crowder.

These four alone have done more to preserve the historic white western nations then every stormfag on the planet. I don't think you white people are in a position to complain.

It was russians who trained them. Of course you had no chance.

>echo chambered

If you want your movement to be taken seriously, don't throw up Nazi salutes like a LARPing faggot

Eat shit I'll do what I want

Wait, Milo is REALLY a jew-fag?
I thought it was satire...

No argument was made in the first place you faggot

Wasn't that you guys? No actual alt-right person would attend an alt-right conference let alone give a racist photo-op for the fucking Atlantic.

I don't, but nice try with that strawman.


Not my fault you're illiterate.