Red pill me

red pill me

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It's out there.

red pill yourself you fucking leaf

Where? it's hard to sift through all the bs

fuck off space niggers we're full

you can crash on the moon, if you want

They raped Carter.

They have been monitoring us since before we became anatomically modern 200,000 years ago.

We may or may not have had a massive tech advancement in the last 5 decades due to tech obtained from their or their crashed ships.

They almost certainly have FTL or something equivalent like warp which means they can find whatever resources they need anywhere, we as an intelligent species are more worthwhile and interesting to them than minerals etc. Their main goal right now probably is preventing us from blowing up the planet with nukes.

Sounds more like something out of a Gene Roddenberry book.

>red pill me

Jews want to trick goyim into conquering the universe FOR (((them))) (much as jews trick goyim into conquering other nations FOR (((them))), and thus are using hollywood to make you fear and hate "Aliums"


They look like faggots but probably wouldn't be able to give good BJs with mouths that small.

look into exopolitics
Also look at high ranking accounts, like that cia i think? guy who was on his deathbed that gave the interview.

I say they exist, not entirely sure if they are Aliens per say, or inter-demensional, perhaps they are biological androids, basically skin cells that grow over a computer chip, hence why they possess no gender.

Perhaps they are sentients that over time have evovled, perhaps they are mostly artificial, or are created?

Id say they do have contact with some shady ass governments or shadow governments around the world. Id say earth is a backwater outpost for them, they rarely visit, id say they do use some of us for dna.

They may very well be biblical in some way, fallen angels, annunaki, who knows.

(((Their))) plan was to use a global mind control grid to mind control Ayys, steal their tech right out of their head, and mind control humanity into conquering the universe for the profit of Rothschild.

Nigger angel lol


>Nigger angel lol

They just used supermodels as stand ins, it was a part of a psyop.

Whats there to red pill?

If another civilization have technology to travel from some point in universe to Earth they wouldn't be 'hidden by teh evil goverment'.

They would either make themselves known to everyone or wouldn't be seen at all.

Crash landing would be priority to recover to prevent other species from obtaining technology.

aayyyy lmao

>They may very well be biblical in some way, fallen angels, annunaki, who knows.

here you go senpai

get woke boys

Yes, and why would they prevent it? Maybe they have personalities there are worst then ours. Maybe they simple dont give a shit about us.
But i'm a positive person, i agree with you

>They would either make themselves known to everyone or wouldn't be seen at all.

And how would they make themselves known to the world?

Flying over cities?

Leaving marks on the ground?

Do you think the mainstream media would announce their presence?

ET was a fagget

Aliens do not exist.
All evidence of their existence has been manufactured by our government in order to cover up clandestine operations within US soil, advanced technology being kept from the public, and to rig a fake enemy to act as a red-herring against any public who would become too paranoid and suspicious.

These people run their entire operations off of public confusion, it is in their best interest to confuse the public as much as possible.

It is possible there is other life out there, it is nowhere near us and never will be.

Anyone else have an abduction dream with shadow figures where you are both lucid and experiencing sleep paralysis? He he.

What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.

that's no dream mate


ayy lmao


Why do greys have no dicks?

All this bs about "oh wouldnt they have made themselves known" bullshit is made clear when you face the brutal likelyhood that there are several different factions each with motive to keep this kind of interference to a minimum to avoid escalation.

We are probably visited by criminals, tourists and law emforcement/diplomatic corps from several diferent civilizations.

See the interview the former canadian defense minister gave. Also medvedevs interview about the man in black.

Its not a rabbit hole, its a black hole.

yes. They were in my room though, no abduction so to speak