Could we bring back deuling?

I think the fact that words often have no consequences has made our words worth less. If we brought back deuling, it would certainly make it harder to be offended all the time and call people racists for no reason. What do you think Sup Forums?

it was always illegal but you can still demand a duel anyway

Is there any way to bring it back into fashion?

Will Trump make grammar great again?


I don't think the executive branch has anything to do with grammar. Which part is grammatically incorrect?

I am ok with dueling if its with swords. No killing. First person to get a good stab wins.

Do you even google?

It was legal in some places, until pussies made it illegal.

>No killing
>good stab

How morbidly obese are you?

>take away the threat of death
Doesn't that defy the point? Also, that makes it all about skill with a sword, not about willingness to defend your word with your life.

stare at someone until they fucking draw and you can shoot them dead.

Be like ZimZam except don't wait until the nigger beats you up.


I guess i just don't like the idea that any aggressive dumb ass could call you out to a duel and you could possibly die for a stupid argument if they were to bring it back there would have to be a no kill rule.

Dueling was a thing only for a noblemen.

You don't have to accept. If the argument is dumb, you could choose not to give the other party the satisfaction.

I'd rather it be mutual, and pre arranged.

Yes but it shouldn't be fatal and guns shouldn't be used. Beer duel is a way to settle a dispute without force.

Its the American way. Fuck yea bring it back

bring back dueling but only with katanas

That wouldn't prove anything. The point of a duel is to prove you are willing to put your life on the line for honor. A beer duel just proves you may be an alcoholic.

>implying you can't die from alcohol poisoning

Nah, we don't even have nobility and our senators dueled each other from time to time.

Allende dueled senator Raul Rettig back in 52' when they were both senators, they were both such shitty shooters that nobody died.

It should be a republican law, or at least an exception.

Not with one beer. Besides, alcohol tolerance wins every time.

A beer duel isn't just one beer. It's competitive drinking. The person who dies or vomits first is the defeated looser. Not a very hard to understand concept.

It may have been that neither party wanted to kill one another. Just wanted to prove they were willing to die / get killed. That's why you use shitty single shot pistols.

Again, proves nothing other than alcohol tolerance wins.

>hurr durr the trained in weapoery marksman always wins

Jokes on you. You may have got him but he won.

Dueling occurs in an honor society. That's why we still have fights when somebody calls you a faggot, you feel like you need to defend your honor by beating the other person up. We've been transforming into a society that goes to the government when their are disputes, and instead of people trading blows, they sue each other.

Not really. You use shitty pistols that are easy to miss with. It's likely nobody hits anything. There's no reloading. Just pointing and shooting. You are implying that the ability to point at one another is a mysterious skill.

Not at twenty steps they don't.

Just turn and shoot fast, it's all mind games then.


>someone disrespects you
>immediate thought is to shoot him
Okay nigger.

This ^. I think we are selling our honor to the state.

Blacks been doin that shit for a hot minute now

If the court says sodomy is a right then under what logic is duelling still illegal?

Shame that it was legal in France and many politicians practiced it under the third republic

you were never expected to duel people beneath you

Expecting other people to start shooting each other again is a little extreme, but fighting somebody for insulting you is a good way to get back into that spirit, just have to watch out you don't get sued.

As an adult I've never had to fight anybody yet, everybody's pretty polite to be quite honest.

but that's racist user, you'll give neo Nazis an excuse to gun down innocent black children and Jews

as a Jewish American, I don't want to get shoah'd

You mean spelling.


Washington state still has a mutual combat law. You can't kill each other but so long as both parties are ok with the fight and have witnesses no charges can be filed.

Duels were for gentlemen, not nobility. It was meant to protect and defend one's honor, not title.

Yes, so the US can celebrate its rich samurai heritage. Durr.

Justin Castro is the apotheosis of Canadian insipid self-righteousness.

Gentlemen my ass. It was almost always two drunk rednecks who managed to both die when all was said and done.

Read a book and quit making us burgers out to be honorobur samurai

Just do it with BB guns.
