Banning free speech is OK because the liberals also want to do it

>banning free speech is OK because the liberals also want to do it
I swear the average IQ on this board has to be under 100

Other urls found in this thread:

>makes 5th thread of the same thing
>questions everyone else's IQ

It was hillary's idea you fucking wet mop.

It's okay to get rid of the people who want to subvert your freedom of speech yes. People who want to subvert your rights should not be given rights.

Trump is acting very american.

I agree it makes you as bad as a lefty twat

But what is even better is that he just shit posts and people continue to be baited by it. Why people continue with twitter I don't know

Muh free speech

I love this just for how buttblistered the libertarians on this board are right now. The deporting of mestizos that burn sacred symbols is only icing on the cake.

>follow me if you support Trump
those people should be shot

daily reminder that r/communism and leftypol are attempting to influence this board.
Some user screenshotted their little plan a few days ago.
Sage and hide always.

It'd be up to congress to enact an amendment that allows a law like this, Trump is just shitposting

"Free speech" is just a meaningless buzzword used by liberals to excuse their degeneracy and lack of virtue and patriotism.

People should be allowed to criticize their country OK but burning a flag is just pure meaningless provocation.

I agree with Trump.

(And I'm actually a leftist.)

Consider how the left treats people who point out racial differences and act accordingly.

The only argument the left ever makes is this: If it offends me it must be banned for the good of society. If it offends someone I don't like, it's protected speech.

Turn about is fair play. You don't beat tyrants by playing by the rules while they cheat.

Take the fight to the safe spaces of the left and watch them go crazy with rage.

Mines 138
Fuck off nigger
Controlling the narrative is working for the lefties, bout time we cracked down on them.

burning a flag isn't free speech, it's freedom of action

>Setting things on fire is speaking

>burning is now speech but the 2nd amendment is only for muskets
liberal logic

>burning nylon/polyester flag and releasing toxic fumes
>free speech
So much for environmentalism

Fuck off. The fact there is even American citizens burning the U.S.A flag shows how bad it is in your country.

Your population needs to be ruled with an iron fist

Ripe for tyranny

>liberal logic

No, logic decreed by many representatives on both sides, right and left, as well as officially decreed by the supreme court over many many years of debate.

>free speech
>burning things
My english maybe bad, but I'm sure this called "action" not "speech"

i have never seen the right burn the flag no matter how far-right they were. This only applies to fucking leftists so good they can get fucked

As a veteran, I find your perspective disgusting and unacceptable. Flag burning might offend my personal tastes, but Muh Feels is no reason to deny someone their 1st Amendment rights.

"Musket" is no where in the 2nd Amendment's definition.
"Militia," on the other mitten...

1st amendment either applies to all, or none, you bootlicking nigger

Can you god damn faggots at least pretend to search the catalog before making a thread? This is without any exaggeration the 20th god damn thread up on the board RIGHT NOW about the same fucking tweet. No other board is this bad. Fuck you.

>buring a flag
>free speech
Fuck off

Is anything I said contradictory toward your expectation? I completely agree, though I would physically beat the piss out of you for being a rude child.


Tweets aren't even policy, and people lose their shit. Trump isn't even in the WH, and people lose their shit. No legislation has been introduced (except from Clinton back in 05), and people lose their shit.

And here I sit, smoking pot and coding software, enjoying my life. I did something very right, your kind did something very wrong.

1st amendment protects my right to walk around naked, publicly masturbating and telling little kids to show me their genitals.

It is already regulated. Moron

Do you agree there are limitations to freedom of speech yes or no?


True Leftist groups (unlike sjw ones) like the ACLU have defended neo-nazis free speech rights

Let them burn the flag, it is their "right" hippies fought for 45+ years ago. Let them earn their way up the list of people to deport.

If they give power back to the states and local communities this won't be a problem for anywhere that's decent to live.

I don't like the fact they're doing it but they're putting a target on their backs when they do so fuck 'em.

It's not banning free speech to burning a flag to be made another way of renouncing your citizenship. Are you saying filing renunciation of citizenship forms is protected free speech and therefore cannot have the effect of removing someone's citizenship?

>True Leftist groups (unlike sjw ones) like the ACLU have defended neo-nazis free speech rights

Oh please.

The ACLU practically disappeared under Obama unless it was pushing something to subvert the American way. They tried to create as many shit storms as possible under Bush and now they will probably start up the bullshit again.

Sure, if the expression of free speech violates the overriding tenets of the Preamble of the Constitution, of which all Amendments are meant to enforce (but are necessarily restricted to).
It would be difficult for one to posit that burning a flag - provided that the deed was executed safely and mindfully - is going to cause harm to an individual or a community, much less the national community.

Mods need to get on these dupe threads, they know the retarded redditors don't know how the catalog works


He controls the masses with humorous tweets

If a group of Islamists gather in Washtington DC before the White House and burn copies of the US constitution, would you protect that?

In that case my friend you're just a cuck liberal, veteran or not.

>burning a flag is "speech"
>smearing mestrual blood on a canvas is "art"

Great culture.

If they are not harming anyone or interfering with public services (i.e. blocking the street) then I have no issue with that. All it does is make them look bad.

Fpbp (checked)

The last thing I remember the ACLU doing is trying to get a teenage boy who considered himself a girl to becable to use the girl's restroom.

>banning free speech is OK because the liberals also want to do it
No one is saying that. They are pointing out that voting Hillary wouldn't have saved you from this shit either.
Hell Trump just talked some shit. Hillary actively tried to do this shit and recruited others to help her.
Once again Hillary proves she is worse.

Voted 3rd party. So not a Trump shill, just a loser looking for better options.

Y u mad tho?

You libertarians are no better than liberals.

Burning the constitution is, like burning the flag, an expression of hatred of the country and its principles, the very principles that allow freedom of speech in the first place.

I agree with President Trump. Take the citizenship away from such people, kick them out.


I don't think you understand how free speech works. Free speech does not mean only speech that you agree with.

according to this poll from 2006, a majority of u.s. citizens support a constitutional amendment to prohibit flag burning. it seems likely that trump was highlighting the flaws of true democracy by throwing this issue out there.
lots of people have been complaining about how trump didn't win the popular vote. if flag burning prohibition won the popular vote, these same people would be complaining.
donald trump truly is a genius.

Free speech exists for a reason. For instance, to protect journalists like Assange. But actually it doesn't, does it? Cause Hillary said "drone him" so that's how much your Gov't beleived in "freedom of speech".

But burning the flag is another thing. It's same as hate speech, it should not be allowed. It's OK for you to criticize your country. It's OK for you to express something I disagree with.

But in order for us to have dialogue, we need to agree upon some basic rules. One of the basic rule is that all agree on freedom of speech.

If you shill for Shariah Law for instance, then that should be illegal because you're pushing for something that DESTROYS freedom of speech in the first place.

In other words, freedom of speech should be allowed UNLESS someone is using it to UNDERMINE that freedom itself.

You know what I'm saying?

So supporting Sharia should be illegal, same with burning constitution or flag.

Yeah yours is under 100 tbqh fag

Your rights end where treason begins

>It's same as hate speech, it should not be allowed.

No, you don't. We're done here.

burning a flag causes harmful pollution. it contributes to climate change. it hurts the people around. who knows what materials these chinese-made flags contain?

flag burners are literally causing global warming, both with hot from fire and pollution.

You're a champion of Muh Feels for sure, but hating the country you live in is absolutely acceptable. Shit, look at Sup Forums after Romney lost.

Look at the South after the Confederacy lost.

I don't get why bitching and moaning about retarded shit is so often felt to be allowed when it's going in only one direction.

Protecting a person's, institution's, or idea's honor, reputation, or dignity can never be an excuse to limit free speech.

I triggered you?
you need your special freedom of speech safe-space ?

you libertarians just showed your true face!

President Trump agrees with me, not with you!

You're on the wrong side of history, you're supporting an loser ideology, Ron Paul didn't win, Trump did!

if you burn the flag you obviously dont want to be a citizen anymore, so whats wrong with losing citizenship?

>but hating the country you live in is absolutely acceptable
It's acceptable to hate your current government and its policies.
It's not acceptable to hate the very idea of America (burning flag).
It's terrorist activity.

You libertardians would even protect people's rights to defend Shariah Law

You disgust me!

Fortunately, Trump agrees with me, not you!

"Free speech" is just a meaningless buzzword used by conservatives to excuse their hate speech, racism, sexism, and xenophobia.

People should be allowed to criticize their country OK but hate speech is just pure meaningless provocation.

I agree with Hillary.

(And I'm actually a conservative.)

user that helps us politically because we can point to that as a reason to keep muslim immigration down.

>It was hillary's idea
Why does this matter?

Based Germanbro gets it.
Finally a good post in this libertardian-infested thread!

that's not true, they may just want the leadership to change or do something differently

>"Guys we should let people promote Shariah Law, it helps us strategically I swear!"
Cuckhold logic!

it was illegal for most of American History you dope.

read a book. Nobody cares about your ignorant stance on Free Speech you welfare queen.

>pure meaningless provocation
So you're down for banning speech based on your interpretation of the meaning of that speech.

>(And I'm actually a leftist.)
"Leftist" is just a meaningless buzzword

>So you're down for banning speech based on your interpretation of the meaning of that speech.
Come on, it's not a matter of interpretation.

>"Leftist" is just a meaningless buzzword
I'm a socialist.

>It's not acceptable to hate the very idea of America

Gosh, I wish your demo had held that opinion back in 1860. Or, really, at any time after a Progressive takes the White House.

I think it falls under freedom of expression which I think is also in the 1st. Could be wrong though and too lazy to fact check.

Anybody that burns the flag of the country they're in should be immediately stripped of citizenship and deported somewhere, never to be allowed back. How fucking dare you? It's one thing if you were born there and have ancestry going back generations (and are of the majority), but I don't doubt there are plenty of (il)legal shitskins running around burning flags and that should be punishable by death, ungrateful fucking subhumans.

It is interpretation. If I insult you I could be simply expressing my opinion but you might interpret as a deliberate provocation to violence. Speech only has as much power as you let it have and you seem to let it have an incredible amount of power over you.

For the last time ,



>Is a welfare queen
>Calls me one
Shitheel, being paid by the Kremlin still makes your dumbass a drain on their State.

>nationalism and libertarianism are mutually exclusive
>tips trilby

if you want the attention of your leaders, shouldnt you parade the flag and remind everyone for what it stands? What exactly does burning the flag signal to your leaders and everyone else who actually likes the country? Id say it signals you either hate this country or youre retarded and use some backwards logic to justify burning things.

I agree that it signals all of those things and that the people are stupid for doing it. But I still believe they should be allowed to be that stupid.

>He thinks freedom of speech is more important than the nation


>burning your country's flag in """"protests"""" funded by George Soros is free speech and not treason
Your IQ must be under 50.

>setting things on fire in the street is ok
>setting things on fire is free speech
OP must be a nigger, can only express himself through violence and destruction

>Back in the day people would get seriously beat up AND thrown in prison
>Now let's just let any scrawny faggot do what he wants it's 2016 goyim

You are rebbit incarnate, go back, we hate you.

think for yourself idiot because i think for myself.

i'm gifted in intelligence and everyone has told me how smart i am. i've built my own bit torrent client, many robots, i'm a self taugh software engineer that's about to be mkaing upwards of 80k a year.

so like i said you dumbass speak for yourself and not aboutothers.

Because nothing says America like locking up people who don't agree with you politically.

burning a flag is considered free speech?

Burning the flag is the ultimate expression of freedom of speech. I see no problems with it.
This. Many veterans know that they fought for your right to burn the American flag. You can disagree with what they're doing but you must understand that it's an ultimate form of freedom of expression.

I think we should execute people who burn flags.

>thinking anyone will believe you're a programmer when you can't even type or communicate coherently

Enjoy your 80k user :P


Yes. That's is literally what America was pre 1960's. America was still about the nation and not about some contrived social more which purposefully allows for the destruction of the citizenry's pride. Gas yourself newfag. If you don't like it then secede.

I'm for putting the idea out there, only to then corner liberals on the idea of everything being hate speech. Once they soften up on that then we let it simply go away.


what a turbo goy

You were right to drop it there. Dumb Eastern Euro just can't into free speech

Nigger, he can say what ever the fuck he wants. A president can't do shit except drive social influences.


Nationalism without being able to use rationality would devolve very quickly


>burning something is now free speech

Really made me think.

Damaging someone else's property is a crime. If it causes injury or death that's another crime tacked on. There's no inherent crime committed by damaging your *own* property as long as you do it safely and without any injuries.

Unfortunately with the way Obama has expanded the authority of an executive order, and the Supreme Court will be Republican leaning, he might be able to.

speak for yourself idiot.

you don't even know how bit torrent works but i'll give you a hint when you get a magnet link there's multiple parts of htat link. one part is a files hash that points to a tracker of that said hash, that then gives the addresses of the swarm to begin downloading bits.

consequentialism is for the left

youre a leftist

fiat justitia ruat caelum