Drumpfkins, how does it feel knowing you voted for a shameless LIAR?

Drumpfkins, how does it feel knowing you voted for a shameless LIAR?

>zero evidence

Like I'm pants on head on fire

How does the truth-o-meter work?
Because a lack of evidence doesn't make something "pants on fire false"

What makes politifact so omnipotent that they are the final say in truth?

>Zero complaints
>Basing validity of a claim on complaints or lack thereof.

How's this website still in operation?

Because they don't like Donald Trump anything that he says that they disagree with is pants on fire false

anything Obama or Clinton says is mostly true or half true. Fuck Politifact

I don't get how they would debunk Trump's claim, they can't prove it false.

It does when the person saying it is "literally hitler"

wow now that politikike has weighed in it really made me think

You get a polysci intern and then tell them anything conservatives say is a lie and anything l overall say is half true. Until the liberals say something mean about Islam or black people, then everything they say is mostly false.

It feels fucking great. He's not in office yet, but we start every day with libtard tears already.

>tfw Hillary gets "educated guessing" on shit, that would get Trump "pants on fire"

>implying the system isn't rigged


Some libtard on my facebook posted how politifact says my answer was wrong so I posted the pic showing how politifact lies and he goes "just because they're wrong on a few things doesn't mean they're wrong on them all"
I blocked him at that point, nigga there was like 40 things on there proving the bias of them.

There really is no reasoning with the lefties.

lmao, muh burden of proof

>"extra-terrestrial life exists"

>they just (((know))) there was no fraud at all

>We've been bussing people in to deal with you assholes for years

>Pants on fire

Should have voted for Shilldawg. What have I done?!?


>establishment fact checking websites
If I make a fact checking website that says your a fag does that mean you'll start sucking golf balls through garden hoses?

>Using Politifact
>Be taken seriously

Pick one and only one.

It's funny how people will trust a source even though they know everything that source covers that's in their field of expertise is wrong.

I don't think you need a website for that. OP is a faggot by default.

nothing to see here, goy

Checking self-referential quads.

>illegals voted in this election
> Russians hacked paper ballots even though there is no evidence

>zero complaints
how could there be no complaints? Seems like there should at least be one crazy person who filed a complaint.

Doesn't Trump's tweet count as an unofficial complaint?


True, but the burden of proof is on Trump, if I may play doubles advocate here.

You sound just like Drumpf. You're both liars.


Making a claim without evidence causes the claim to be able to be dismissed out of hand.

Nothing about that phrase suggests fraud or illegality to me; rather, it seems more like people without reliable transportation were being sent to the polls by interested political groups.