Holy shit... Sup Forums literally just got BTFO

holy shit... Sup Forums literally just got BTFO...

thats a road not a grave site

I seriously don't get this meme

>you cant put the pipeline down we respect our dead
>but we didn't respect them enough to actually mark their graves

Muh indian burial grounds.

Maybe they should have marked where the fuck they buried people if they gave a shit about it.

This fail comparison.

Cemeterys are literally waste of space

Cremation is better

Graves are literally for the family have a place to go to "visit" their dead parent, symbolic.

CTR being lazy...

Sage goes in all options



have fun not being saved

>implying building pipelines isn't exactly what these soldiers died for

The fuck is this shitty comparison? There's no burial sites involved at all. The pipeline isn't even going through their land. That's the entire reason they're mad. They aren't mad because a pipeline is going through their land. They are mad because the government put the pipeline outside their borders. Why? Because the government tried to put it on their land, they complained, and now the government put it outside their land instead. So what do the natives do? Complain about that.

Natives are fucking drunk 24/7.


Well see, now I don't know what to believe.

Holy shit the establishes genius. All of the oil in it will become augmented by the hatred of the dead Indians and then they can start experimenting with the powers of the dead to see if it betters the amount of energy output. Fucking geniuses, we might even be able to make better air for our cars due to the energy flowing through it now.


Thats what I keep saying.

Unmarked, unused, unmaintained. They just show up and claim some land is an ancient burial ground. I think everyone is getting sick of their shit at this point.

Liberals have no morals unless it has to do with minorites.

At least they are getting snatched up now so we dont have to worrt about them bitching all the time and getting tax breaks for being a corn muncher

Actually they have no morals there either. They treat minorities like children, proving they think them selves to be better.

>pipeline in a empty field

im ok with this

desu I'd be okay with both

graves are degeneracy

One is definitely a cemetery, complete with proper markers.

The other is literally an open field that does not resemble a cemetery in any way. There has yet to be any real proof that it is in fact a cemetery.

Really makes you think...

Personally I don't mind either but I understand why people would have an issue the top picture over the bottom.

Anyone got the map of the pipeline showing its not even within the Indian Reservation?