So on 4th of December there are elections in Austria

So on 4th of December there are elections in Austria.
An old fag, Alexander Van der Bellen (green party)
and a fag from the far right (Norbert Hofer) are to be elected.
Whome does KEK prefer?

Other urls found in this thread:


the guy in the nazi party

let's build up some meme magick
because this globalist is advertising with the feelings of nationalism. and i think this is wrong.


Praise Kek


Hofer wants to work with V4.
Me think he okay.


so what are the latest polls like? who is predicted to win?

lets mememagic hofer to president

Hofer easily, anti migrant and shits on Merkel. Bellen sucks EU cock.

Hofer is a scion of kek

Van der wau wau will win desu

Gallup-Umfrage: Hofer führt mit 52% gegenüber Van der Bellen mit 48%.
(800 Befragte, telefonisch und online vom 15. bis 16. 11.2016, max. Schwankungsbreite 4%)
Unique-Research Umfrage: Van der Bellen führt mit 51% gegenüber Hofer mit 49%.
(957 Befragte, telefonisch und online vom 07.11.-16.11.2016, max. Schwankungsbreite 3,1%)

The one poll says Hofer wins; the other that Van der Bellen wins.

I am a medium and can tell you that the thing that can be called god told me that Hofer is about to win. But anything is possible; and actually I want to make sure this globalist asshole gets his lesson for using a nationalist jingle for his campain. As if the cattle would not think for themselfes.

>I am a medium

Blessing this thread with some new found Kek approved material...

Spoiler Alert on the T-Shirt of the one student...

To charge the intend.

the intend is to make Van Der Bellen suffer from some heart attack or sth like this rendering him mentally impaired. So he is not being replaced but neither can he be voted and taken for full anymore.

forgot pic

combine it with this

hoping for Hofer