Trump will kill cripples

Defend this ableists scum

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Its polish not jewish

>no explanation of why, just fear mongering

Fuck off

No difference nowadays

>we're gonna die guys
>never says why

Handicapped people are a hindrance to the advancement of humanity. Wasting finite resouces on these "people" is both shortsighted and counterproductive. Fuck retards. They should be exclusively the burden of the families they're born into.


Can someone tell me why retards talk like retards? Its like they have theirnown language
I remember in HS i knew two of them, and they communicated together in tard speak
What the fuck is this shit

Agree, and they should not be able to reproduce either.

>cripples will die under Trump

Literally how?

ThisThere was zero support in the article.

How exactly are the broke dick wheelchair people supposed die?



Can someone put an archive up of this article? I haven't found any reason on why Trump would kill cripples in the article.

>say disabled people will die
>but doesn't say why

nice fake news

You realize what Trump wants to do is basically fucking everyone with a chronic illness, right? I'd have to get benefits through the government if Trump gets the shit he wants. I'm honestly scared because I need my medication and I don't know how long it would take to get benefits through the government especially with how many others will be in the same position.

Luckily the chances of ACA getting repealed is basically zero, so ya know.

"Why is ableism relegated to the periphery of SJW?"

Because it's difficult to transform a vast array of disabilities into a uniform identity bloc, and use their usual cult tactics on them.

Disabled people often CAN'T out themselves, as disability discrimination is very real in the workplace, and in other forms of life, and very hard to combat. Double that when it comes to mental illness. It also limits your ability to participate in their rituals.

Being useless to them, social justice doesn't give a fuck about these people, except when they can be exploited for a manipulative narrative.

Death to lifelong purposeless leeches

>killing babies is fine
>killing disabled isn't
I really don't get liberals

Technically i am "disabled". And I voted for Trump.

Disabled people are such whiny beggars.

>b-b-b-but someone typed it on the internet and it says the same opinion as me so it must be true

Can someone translate this technobable

>"This is a chronically traumatized—and traumatizing—society, and the magnitude of its trauma is a relatively new development in history. We need narrative forms that can accommodate this reality. We need to represent the unrepresentable in a thorough and complicated manner that does as much justice to it as possible. Furthermore, we need styles of interpreting and reading that can accommodate this reality.

>implying pol isn't ok with killing cripples

can you contribute to society in any way that doesn't include whining?
if not, you deserve to get the fuck out of the genetic pool

>enable weakness
>strongest survive no longer applies to humans REEEEEEE

Swan dive off the nearest rooftop and into oncoming traffic faggot.

Neckbeards like us would be eugenized too

I tuned out after "intersectional feminist" I have no idea what it means, but I'm pretty sure it's stupid.


fuck people with downs.

Fuck you, I drive down there. Stop giving advice that will inconvenience me.

"Hold me, I'm scared."

>libbylardo is going to kill himself
More libshit fantasies

its polish jew.

Things have gotten worse even though they have gotten objectively better by any metric that matters to us, via the social and political programs we have fought for decades to implement. We need to keep telling everyone they inhabit a climate of misery, so they don't forget to be afraid. If our project has failed it's not the failure of our successful programs, but some external force of metaphysical darkness sweeping the land, and nothing to do with the psycho-dystopia we've recently started to implement. The solution is to keep ramping up the fear.

Oh, the edge. I forget I'm talking to teenagers that have no responsibilities in life.

>Spend money on things that avoid retarded citizens.
>let all retards die
>country is richer, smarter, and prettier.


>retards and leftists will die
my god, is there anything he CAN'T do?

no they wont, nothing but 'literally hitler' fantasy nonsense. Trump is a centrist and you're to retarded to see it blinded by your own propaganda.

He's a democrat running as a republican.

That fearmongering.

And leftists say only the Right Wing resort to fearmongering.

Well I mean, that doesn't really apply to me but nice try. You might want to understand what a chronic illness is before you say stupid things.

It hasn't applied for a few thousand years m8, in fact with humans the strongest usually die first and the smart live longer. Think of wars and manual labor versus being a lawyer or doctor.

"Oh no, cripples might have to live just like they did for the other 233 years the US existed. Such barbarism."

>Emergency plea
>We need immediate solidarity
I put a filter on my Facebook profile picture and contributed to a Twitter hashtag, what more could I possibly do?
Carolyn sounds like a stable sound and fair journalist to me that would never make up bullshit to push a SJW agenda

Leftists need a good Hitlering at this point. They've hallucinated themselves into the Third Reich, so it would be ableist and insufficiently relativist of us to not indulge them.

>I want to address radicals, anarchists

Hey Sup Forums
"whites" are labeled with ADHD and "recessive" genes

Stop advocating for the coloreds

I noticed many flags so I assume you don't understand that males are considered "defective females" in Obama's America


I'm dead serious though you fucking trash
if you're so useless you can't pay for your own health, then you deserve to die, nobody is entitled to shit

sounds like you're not much into responsibility either

All this hack is doing though is pandering to her base. Only the Lefties and SJWs give these shills any credibility or any attention.


Chronic illness = less productive = hindrance.

Intelligence is strength....the mentally retarded aren't solving any problems. They don't even know they're alive. People with chronic illnesses are the end result of poor breeding. Weak genetic stock. Nothing more.

this is the same as /fit/ is with fat people complaining
>so basically evolution?

"We need memes and we need them quickly!"

The joke here is that David Duke is one of the founding fathers of modern day disability inclusion in sports and in society in general.

These collosal faggots would rather throw themselves off of a building than admit that though.

Hopefully the retards at Huff will be euthanized

>Luckily the chances of ACA getting repealed is basically zero,


Fake news.
You even know it's fake, that's why you didn't post links.

You're fucking retarded.


Sup Forums is just jealous of leftists because they actually live in the Hitler timeline they crave


What are you responsible for? Because it sure as shit isn't your fucking bloated medical bill. You're more than happy to put your hand in everyone's pocket for that...

oh no, watch me care

That image reads like a Sup Forums prank.

Also, reminder that the left were at the forefront of eugenics movement until Comintern and Hollywood gave them the new memo.

Are you too disabled to Google it yourself user?

Thank god. Can we kill demented old people and schizophrenics as well please

t. (((Anonymouski)))

>they are not able to defend themselves

You can't make this shit up. The level of retardation always makes me consider leftism is a serious mental disease

Pic related, replace "Clinton supporter" with "Abelist hypocrite"

>fat diabetic fuck detected

You did it to yourself so pay for your insulin yourself you fat faggot.

Or go die in a ditch for all I care.

>Not one person informs him of his lack of an argument
Not an argument.


I feel like people like you, with this kind of attitude, are the real detrimental factor in society though. Looking after the weakest members of a nation is a source of its legitimacy and bond for one another. Sociopaths are actual parasites, and need to be deleted if we're going to progress, and it's heritable at least through parenting.

People with severe disabilities tend to not reproduce. The left tries to engineer an underclass but they will be dealt with too. IQ has been steadily increasing for a century.

I think sociopaths,, narcissists and psychopaths, need to go in the ovens if we're going to get anywhere. People like you are the only reason every societal system fails, as you infest its echelons, then corrupt them.

Disabled people are harmless. Your kind need to be liquidated.

>onald Trump, in addition to being one of the most racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, classist, capitalist, all-around hateful and terrifying U.S. presidents in history, is also on track to be the most ableist president
This is credible journalism here

They don't even "get" themselves because they think like children think. How many times have you seen a piece saying "Check out this essay written by a child just X years old"? Does, whatever it is, sound good? Absolutely. Is it in anyway practical in the real world? Of course not otherwise it would already be implemented. Children haven't lived long enough to have any kind of real foresight, have no real experience of the real world and can't be left to their own devices for too long or they would die based on their complete lack of logic, just like liberals.
Liberals can get so many people on their side because they say what appeals to child like instincts. When people grow up, if you haven't been prepared for it, the world is a lot different to when you were a child and it comes as a shock. So they listen to the side with the people on it who paint a picture of a sunshine, rainbows, lollipops, puppies, kittens and candy. They're so fucking deluded that they think you can just wish away the harsh realities of the world, by picking and choosing what should go where, what should do what and who should be who. Then when it's applied to the real world you end up with retardation like gender not being a genetic, but your weight is.

They're hangovers from descendants who would have, and should have, died off long before they did.

Founders literally owned slaves.

>Disabled people are harmless.
Now just go and adopt a mentally ill homeless guy into your house and see what happens.

It's okay right? They're harmless right?

Depends on how they were disabled. Injured on the job? Car crash that wasn't your fault? Sure the government should help you.

Fat fuck who wouldn't stop eating mcdonalds every day? Smoker who wouldn't quit? Fuck off you're on your own. Same goes for single moms.

He's making the gene pool great again

It's amazing the level of child exploitation they constantly stoop to for cheap points. MAkes me fucking sick. I hope those kids realise what their parents did and go full nazi when they hit adolescence and realise what they did.

Nice, Aussie how are your Aborigines doing and hows that glass house? Keep the Roos out?

No, the state and NGO's should take care of them. Are you that fucking stupid? What percentage of disabled people do you think are homeless and mentally ill?

What percentage of those small number are COMBAT VETERANS?

Aboriginal people are doing terribly. What makes you think I'm saying Americans are bad? I shitposted for Trump for a year.


Ok My mistake, Sarcasm doesn't always translate well under text

There is no justification for wasting the productive output of others on whose who cannot support their own existence. Stephen Hawking is able to do so. If you are not, that's on you.

In what universe do you live in that you think ACA won't be repealed? We have both chambers of Congress and a president-elect who are hostile to Obamacare. It's fucking gone.

>In A Dream, I Dance By Myself, and Collapse

There is more to the art of dance than shaking, Carolyn.

There needs to be a balance between personal responsibility sure. Smokers should go last on lung transplants. However. Have some compassion for pic related, perhaps?

Their muscular tissue slowly turns into bone, a slow and agonizing death.

Why contain it? The weak should fear the strong.

fuck off Lügenpresse

Just die already or move to Canada.

Put them out of their misery, then, if it cannot be cured or treated. It's a waste of others production keeping them lingering. If it can be cured or treated, they should be productive enough to cover it.

It's not a waste to have a compassionate society as a basis for your nation. It's really not a giant drain on resources at all, within reason.

I am of the view the far greater threat are those like yourself with a cold and brutal mind, who cannot fathom the idea that you don't just earn money in a vacuum, but you are supported by an entire society.

Sociopaths need to genetically screened and aborted.

Some of the means of supporting existence is inflated because the government will pay for it. Some medications have increased a thousand fold in price despite the cost of producing them going down, nobody complains about it because nobody sees it as insurance or the government pays for it all. Allowing this sort of system to develop and then blaming people who cant afford thousands a month just to live when in the 90s it would have cost $50 is basically murdering them yourself.

>(((Zaikowski))) (?)
The desperation that even enlisting cripples to (((their))) cause is now on the table...

VERY desperate.