Mass triggering on UCF campus: White people don't have a right to exist

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Oy vey goyim. Being white and proud is literally like the holocaust.


>that professor is a woman

Kek, bump.


>while we respect everyone's right to free speech



haha deleted all your posts on im? WEW

>Slap innocuous posters around campus
>Literally just saying white people have a right to exist


>These guys are literally (insert buzzwords).

Every. Single. Time.

I'm only surprised he didn't mention the current year, or open up a gofundme and link it.

You know... that's not half bad. We may have to steal that.


Why do they freak out over such mild rhetoric?

"Good Night White Pride" instantly redpilled and radicalized me.

How can someone say something so evil ?

>professor is a blatant dyke

>literally cannot say "we have a right to exist"

the fire rises

>Refers to themselves as "Fashys"
>It's actually you calling them that but try to put that on them, too

Really shakes the noggin, relatives.

Yeah, remember that any time you hear someone use those terms about white people. They are literally meaningless.

>we respect your right to free speech but fuck off from our campuses if you don't want us to perpetually harass you for your beliefs, you evil disgusting fascist scum

>to weigh in on whether or not this is Nazi propaganda, here's some bitchy jew.

BAHAHAHAHAHHA these god forsaken jews.

This is what tuition to UCF buys your child.

this needs to happen more. the redpilling and triggering must continue

I wonder what would happen if you put this next to those posters..

What's wrong with Aryans in Germany excluding others? Literally every other race does that in their own country.

Oy vey goy!

Top kek the jewess looks like egg head

Yeah, that's pretty much intentional. The overblown response from multikulti is probably better PR than the posters themselves.

Saying "you are under attack!" just comes across as paranoid. Why not just say "you should exist" and have the lefties ACTUALLY attack you for it?

Specially Jews. Jews exclude others from Israel more so than others.
In fact, instead of focusing on what we can't change, Whites killing the Native Americans in the PAST, we should focus on what we can change, Jews killing the Native Palestinians in the PRESENT.

I'm extremely happy whites are beginning the rise up once again.

Please goy you know us jews are always the victim.

This is the first action I've seen that isn't fucking retarded.

Doing God's work, American Vanguard.

You can only deamonize people for so long before they react

stop associating yourselves with those retarded fucking National Socialists.

Their posters are really good.



Welcome to the right stuff. Biz
TRS will welcome you with open arms

>aka make whiny passive aggressive posts on goybook

using "white man" denotes your racist origins.

It will not be popular as long as you do not separate yourself from those retarded autists calling themselves National Socialists, and the KKK.

You are destined to fail, and when you do, remember what I said.

And while you're at it, do what businesses do when they acquire a bad reputation--rebrand it and swap out the public figures.

That's one benefit of the me me me generation. A lot of the young whites are pissed they're being attacked for being white, then told they're the racist.

Nah, it's worse to be against Christian Whites because we built the West, far worse than being Anti-Semitic.
If they want to shout anti-semitism let's just look into the facts and point out what's going on. If they say it's the Holy Land and that they're "God's Chosen Peopleā„¢" then we'll just use it as an example of Jewish supremacy(Zionism)

That's some Grade A trolling. Keep it up, lads.

Yeah its not fascist symbols haven't been apart of American history right...

The whiney left literally has no idea how to respond to any kind of strength being shown by white people. They get triggered and cry on social media.....and nothing else.

>Using white man is racist
Yeah god forbid whites stand up for themselves.

>losing your shit over a little bit of fash
It never gets old.

Reminder the fasces are every.

Nice try schlomo.


They are destined to succeed or for civilization to fall with them.

Really makes you think

Proud it happened here in Florida ..the Florida man is riding up..

I am a white nationalist, I do not need to separate myself from failed leftist groups of the past, I need to remove the people comparing me to said groups.


>oy vey goy!
>surely these NaZi branded organizations will succeed! Just remember to add the arm-bands and salute to all your "giant rallies" !


That's funny, and here I thought you wanted to succeed?


I have a hunch, if these were BLM posters, even with a much more radical message, the same bulldyke professor would try to justify them, talking about systemic racism and social struggle. It really boils down to ideology, libtards simply believe that racial consciousness and pride is dangerous for white people, they think it inevitably leads to genocide.


I will succeed when you and every non white on my planets soil has been eradicated.

Are you that new or are you a jew? Anything pro-white has been labeled nazi. Who cares what the left thinks or the jew media.

Wow. As a person that had grandparents that were in gassed in dead camps, and inherited their PTSD, I'm literally shaking.

Stay strong white men

>surely this century will be the one where kike plans don't backfire.

Alright Sup Forums. 4 options where to transfer to.
University of West Virginia
Texas A&M
University of Oklahoma
Colorado School of Mines
Which school is the least cucked?

I like this bluepill signal. How long until they're pushing potery/human marriage equality?



Those posters are fucking beautiful. I'm glad our side has good taste in art.

Yeah they actually are. I wonder who made them, they almost put official propaganda to shame.

Got any more?


fuck, they're on to us!

How come these haircuts are popular today?

Funny isn't it?

Reference to Moonman?


whateva mothafucka

It's extremely poor taste, it's egotistic. Using a thinner random white guy would make actually agreeing with the poster perceived to be less of a gluttonous action.

Remember, you're trying to appeal to the "white guilt" faction, don't have over-flattered depictions of the white male or it's ego-stroking and the white guilt sets in.

Start with something more innocuous.

That woman on the poster behind her was a Jew that got Sweden Cucked and Engineered the migrants coming into sweden

Jesus Christ these are the most cucked posters I've seen.

These are posters

Either hipsters are being ironic, or they're ignorant about the subject.
Or maybe they are secretly redpilled, I don't know. All I know is that minorities are acting pretty smug like they are better than us for entering our countries and trying to take over.

I always thought Goodnight White pride was funny because to someone not with the cool hip antifascists it just looks like your promoting white pride. You have to be told it's antiwhite pride.

It's kinda like those SHARP faggots that have to go around and be like "nono you see - yes I'm a skinhead- but it's skinheads AGAINST racial prejudice!!"
It's totally fucking stupid

>Remember, you're trying to appeal to the "white guilt" faction

White guilters are beyond repair, these posters are attempting to keep people form falling into the same belief system, not drag marxists into the light.

lol, UCF almost got blown up by a sand nigger a few years ago. Too bad he failed.

>was disheartened to see that white people want to survive

It legit started on Sup Forums.
/fa/ popularized them, and everyone was making fun of them for their ''faggy haircuts'', then it caught on and everyone has them.

everyone born 1990 and later has the institutional brainwashing drilled into them, your cause will be lost if you don't convert them.

>oy vey, those racist hate speech posters triggered my jimmies six million times
pic related = pol was right again

where can i get these?

I resisted the brainwashing and was redpilled before even coming here.


>Literally Jewish Chad at the bottom
Wtf man reeeeeer

Literally the point of the posters.

Anyone who is vaguely supportive of white pride should not counter-signal past white nationalist movements.

Forget the image.

There's that ego again.

>i'm special goyim! trust me!
>yeah we're like totally not nazis either, we just like their brand, and some of their ideas too.

Why doesn't he have a dick?

I wouldn't mind signing up
but I feel that information can be used against me that way or another.

Just like in Sweden.

Jimmie spent $5K on pretty bland ads in one subway station.

Leftards chimp out and the ad becomes the talk of everyone.

Advertising experts concluded that the media exposure ended up worth $6M.

Jimmie also got a refund.

>Anyone who is vaguely supportive of white pride should not counter-signal past white nationalist movements.

You mean the ineffective and pathetic organizations and attempts made by them in the past? Why would anyone in their right mind want to associate with that kind of history of failure within the United States?

Retarded fucking goyim I swear.


Last one

UCF student here. Central Florida is full of sjws so it's no surprise any tiny little right wing thing would cause people to freak out