Why are the Japanese so _____ (i forgot the word i was going to put here on my way home...

Why are the Japanese so _____ (i forgot the word i was going to put here on my way home. It was something like "passive" or "considerate" but I don't remember)


Their culture is very focused on order, tradition, and hierarchy.



they hate freedom

It's because they aren't fucking savages, the amount of times I have seen some fucking foreigner trying to jump a que angers me.

What a shitty queue

2 nukes can do that I guess


why did they build a culture like that?

The word you're looking for is "autistic". Who knows? Humans operate on autism, it's just more pronounced in some people and evidently some cultures. Natural selection.

Like pottery m8


they're an honorable people

Why did they make the line so irregular? I hope whoever drew that omitted sudoku afterwards.

I was stationed there and from what I can tell they are "reserved" in that they don't really express much emotion and those that do are looked down upon.

Two Atom Bombs and anime

Fuckin' pussies

Because it works up until people stop fucking and having children.

>when killing 7 times more civilians than soldiers is considered an american victory

Why did you build a culture where black people can breed white women and get away with it.

Geography drives destiny, in my opinion. Japan has very few natural resources and they must make the best of what they have so their culture developed extremely efficiently. That and the higher average IQ of Asians make them anti-niggers.

Japan was a nation of combatants. They were training the children to charge at soldiers with bamboo spears, in between forcing the children to make strategic balloon bombs.

conscientious ?

Even other European countries don't understand the concept of 'the peron who got there before you did, gets to use the thing before you do'

You wanted them to invade a suicidal Japan?

That bomb pretty much saved millions of Japanese lives since their rulers wouldn't budge when the US told them to stand down and accept defeat.

The japs original plan was to go all out when USA invaded them but the bombs pretty much led to no boots on the ground.

There were more bombs lined up waiting for them. Japan finally conceded.

> We nuked Japan because they were breeding terrorists!
Wow. Those really were the days, huh? What happened?

cultural marxism or something

I'm pretty sure those were the only two bombs at the time.

I believe the word you're looking for is "orderly"

is japan the last free country that hasn't been blacked?

There were only two bombs at the time, but at the scale of production, there were 10 or so bombs to be made and used during the ground invasion of Japan from 1946-1947.


Their entire society is structured around being polite, courteous and reserved. It makes them seem orderly and run like a well-oiled machine, but it's essentially a safety net. Going "outside of the lines" would be committing a social faux-pas, and the last thing a Jap wants to have is a poor reputation - just like any of us.

I've got a friend who works at a language school, and she says Japanese culture is so tiring sometimes since you need to police yourself so heavily. Everything from facial expression, to choosing the right words, making sure you following the proper sub-routines for social interaction so you don't fuck up and look dumb. It's even worse at your place of business, because one of many things could make you or your company look bad.

I remember a while ago she told me how her manager complimented her on her great sitting posture (since she runs the front desk, and interacts with alot of the students and family), despite it making her sore for a while.

cucked by politeness


Is that pic upside down or right side up?

>the japs original plan was to go all out when USA invaded them
That would have been crazy. Why haven't their been any fictional stories on that? Or maybe I just haven't looked.


