If your country's Constitution or laws protect the right to burn the flag your nation is a cuck

If your country's Constitution or laws protect the right to burn the flag your nation is a cuck.

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lol americans cucked the fuck out

I'll actually type that if you went to jail for burning a flag that's so fucking stupid and this tweet if it's not edited is fucking disgusting.

I can see community service.

to be a cuck is to have a certain activity withheld from you and to defend that happening, so you're literally a cuck for saying it should be illegal for someone to burn their own property because it offends you

Can we fucking stop posting this fags? This is ALL that's been posted today.

Look who wanted to ban it first?


This is posted for all our Swedish friends.

Don't really care about flag burning. Although if someone wants to shoot people who do it that would be fine.

Ours does trump is literally shitposting

Woah wtf im not voting for hillary anymore

To be a cuck is to remain passive watching your nation get screwed.
Flag-burning is a sensitive symbol of that. Pic related.

It's illegal to burn or destroy our national flag here.

Eating the bull's sperm isn't withheld though. There's a direct correlation between supporting flag burning and eating another man's load off your wife's snatch.

oyy veyy

I bet if OP said something racist he would be arrested.

>me gusta

>homeland of Simo, the greatest commie killer of all time
>flag burning is illegal
Heard it here first, flag burning is for commies.

Feels good:
Blasphemy of National Symbol
Section 269/A.
Any person who - before great publicity - uses an expression to dishonor or degrade the national anthem, the flag
or the coat of arms of Hungary, or commits any other similar act, if such act does not result in a criminal act of
greater gravity, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to one year.

australians should be proud of your next president

clarification: if your country allows flag burning as free speech but YOU don't stop the flag burner personally, YOU are a cuck. Case in point, look up Ben Hass's attempted flag burning at LSU and see what happened.

Yeah, we're so cucked we can stand outside a mosque with an AR-15 and nobody says shit.

Why did Netherlands steal our flag?:

what the hell has free speech to do with burning flags? that shit should be illegal

and if Trump made a tweet about how burning flags is a person's own goddamn decision over their own property you'd all parrot that too.

Spineless faggots.

This. Community service is perfect in fact the prison system needs to change itself so certain crimes do get more community service, helping the poor, helping those in need instead of so many sitting in cells and contributing NOTHING to society.

I seriously do not understand how the prison system works and why no one is doing anything to change it.

>outlaw flag burning
>commies get deported

>allow flag burning
>commies keep doing it, support escalates from MSM and minorities
>Cali secedes, followed by Washington, then New England states
>second civil war
>coup d'etat, new government is yet another totalitarian commie shitshow
>at least we defended their right to free speech

commies dont burn flags tho, they love their flag too much

At least we get to fly our flag outside of divegrass without repercussion.

Nice commie logic you cocklicking aspie


Because above all, this board is dedicated to triggering butt hurt commie faggots like you.


Either way you're not welcome spic

>your nation is a cuck
I don't think you really understand the meaning of that term.

>go to reddit donald
>look at thread on flag burning
>bunch of trump supporters saying they don't agree with what he said
>yeah we should have the right to burn the flag
fuck you niggers, fuck you in your stupid asses. if you burn the flag, you should burn with it, you psuedo right wing cuccboi pieces of shit.


>supporting flag burning is Reddit tier
Sounds about right.

commies hates faggots more than you american capitalists

>if you're patriotic about your own country then you're a cuck

>tfw getting called a commie by a mercantilism supporter


> be american
> not any more
> deported to botswana
> more mexicans are allowed in to build the wall

I'm on the fence about this. On one hand fuck those faggots that burn their own nations flag! On the other hand people should be able to do what the fuck they want with their own property and maybe this impacts Free Speech but I'm not sure if flag burning is covered by the Constitution.

this has nothing to do with free speech, it is on a whole other level

Nope :) unless you target someone specifically idk
Based Finald, never defraud me
Good Huns
Your sense of freedom and territoriality is pretty good but so much "freedom" is sickening and degenerate.
I personally wouldn't
Except I do

88D chess

The government should mind it's own fucking business. Burger constitution is very clear about a person's rights. Americans ought to be the biggest on property rights.

Woah wtf, hillary lost my vote now!!!!

Fucking dumbass kike

Anyone that's pro-flag burning is sucking the jew cock. It's what they want. Destroy national pride, and then destroy borders.

>passively watching your country get fucked
this all the way. that's what the cuck insult means politically.

If you burn the American flag I guarantee you're a worthless parasite who's a net drag on your family and the economy.
Think realistically about people who are working and trying to get a job and make some money.

1st amendment never was to allow people to burn the flag, it was something that only anti american leftist judges allowed later in the 1900s

You're the one sucking cock if you cant handle people doing what they want with their own property, gtfo


It's not the act of burning the flag is the problem. It's the ideology of wanting to burn the flag that only has negative effect on everyone.
Analogy - If a man goes to a forest and cut's a tree. the forest is still there alive and well. If the man goes everyday for the rest of his life to cut one tree a day he will slowly but surely cut down the forest.





Murribros know what I'm talking about.

Fuck tratiors and flag burners. State and the flag are way above the elected individuals.

if this then trump would be a cuck to not try and get legislation passed to ban flag burning.

Kike detected


I think a lot of people agree with this, even strongly-pro Trump posters like me. This is the first tweet of his that I think is a genuine mistake - or I did until I saw that Hillary wanted this back in 2005, so he's probably playing 4D chess again.

Yes goyim take away the freedoms, we know whats best!!!

Kill yourself


Try burning a flag and I'll kill you, kike.

If you burn your nation's' flag, you should lose your citizenship. Period.

Fuck you, filthy traitor nigger.

this better be a troll or autist (or both)

fuck you turkshitroach, if there is anything i hate more than flag burners it's roaches

Even this little kid knows he's in a world full of shit being surrounded by niggers like that

You can't even lift your fat fucking ass from your mothers basement

>if you think differently than me you should be persectued

Kill yourself ;)


right wingers are such faggots

Trump sees flag burning
>literally shaking

The American flag is meaningless

If burning it triggers you, you are an indoctrinated fool

>burns flags in her anonymoose mask
>fat basement dweller meme
Pot, meet kettle.

We have free speech, not because free speech is good, but because the temptation to ban what we don't like is too great. Whether or not you're allowed to burn the flag comes down to this: should you be allowed to hate your country? I think the answer is yes, because the government shouldn't have any control or say-so over my own emotions and thoughts. If you say that burning the flag should be banned because it's a symbol of something more, you are actively stifling free speech and, more importantly, free thought.

Dawww look at the little kike puppet drumpfnigger getting triggered over a flag. We should leave his safe space

>no you!!!!

What a fucking tumblrina loser you are.

If you need laws to stop your countrymen from burning your flag then your nation is cucked beyond redemption.

This is what I mean.


good goy

But if i buy the flag its mine to burn

It's the jews that are crying the loudest, you fucking retard

You can burn, step and destroy the most important symbol of you country and be completely fine. Pathetic, USA is a fucking shithole, worst than Sweden

Look at these subversive kikes. Libertarianism is as Jewish as Marxism and you retards gobble it up like it's black dick.

Not according to fedorable "MUH ARMY" faggots that spent 5 years jerking off the drill sergeant in the reserves

What about burning bacon in front of a Mosque?

Hate speech?
Crime against bacon?

>no you're the jew!!! Big goy knows whats best, no opposing thought!!!!

Nice one you fucking aspie. How does it feel not only bending over to their will but also blindly supporting the most kike friendly president in the past quarter century?

>5-5-5-5d chess!!!!

Kill yourself

>go to America
>it is now literally my right as a human being to go into a classroom of young students, walk to the flag hagging up on the wall of the classroom, take it off the wall, wrap it around a group of 4-5 year old students and set it on fire


Christianity is also as Jewish as Marxism

But retarded proud MURICANS like you can't comprehend that

America stands for NOTHING.

It is a multi ethnic, multi cultural republic that worships wealth. No wonder Jews do so well here.

Freedom of speech > Your feelings

Go to sleep Francisco.

>literally based on the idea that we shouldn't be subjugated to anyone, that we should all have our own freedoms and rights
>this is somehow Jewish

Libertarianism now is a joke, but that doesn't mean that the underlying principle is wrong.

The Jew seeks to subjugate you. He schemes to remove your freedoms. When we pursue liberty, we are going against the will of the jews. If it so happens that we end up bending to their will anyways, at least we can say that we did it because we wanted to, not because they forced us to.

Burning the flag should be a crime.

Every citizen is required to enlist in the U.S army or be in the reserve in order to obtain benefits from the government.

This means that if this country ever goes to war, the government can count on you to defend the land that has given you so much

And while it's OK to use free speech to criticize what you don't like about the country, burning the flag is a crime against the land that has given you everything you have

When you burn it, your action shows that you would not give your life for this country, that you would break the pledge of loyalty if the enemy strikes, and as such you do not deserve the benefits the land gives you.

I agree with Trump 100%. Burning the flag should have a punishment equal to not enlisting to the U.S army when you're 18 in the least.

España>tu puta madre

No you moron, you still have to respect property rights, trespassing ordinances and fire safety.

if someone cant enjoy and take pride in their native country, its just a sign of some lowtier wageslave, niggerchild or liberal drone.

scum hates the floor of whatever society theyre in

Waste of bacon. Line them up against a wall.


Ay, fachita, cuéntaselo a los papis que te mantienen cuando se queden sin pensión el año que viene.

Indeed. Like communism libertarianism is founded on an ivorytowerist utopian idea. We are dependant beings. Being divided makes us weak and easy to control. In a libertarian we would be manipulated by the wealthy. It is not only the state and religion the ones with interests to opress you.

Lol u people are fucking idiots

What has the USA given me and why should i care about it??

This isnt a glorious ethnostate, this is a land of retarded uncultured shitskins that spread marxism.

If you fight for America you fight for a 50% shitskin country that destroys everything beautiful and noble in the world.

Fuck current year USA, give me USA circa 1900

Kek, the fact that you've from Rand Paul to Stormfront in a matter of minutes should be a red flag for everyone. Fuck off, kike shill.

I'm an atheist, what does muh Jesus have to do with anything? America didn't stand for nothing until sexual, social, and cultural libertarians and Marxists made it that way.

>not exactly what the Jews want

I'm a National Socialist, and I'm 100% against Trumps proposal.

That would somehow be Spain's fault, of course.
Perhaps we would be a great nation if people cared more about it.

You can't even keep up with your own arguments, you're just a rambling autist who's triggered over a flag

>im not the kike, you are!!! Just hand over your freedoms!!!


America USE to stand for decent things

It DOESNT anymore

That is the point. Having pride in current America is degenerate.

The 50 star USA flag should be burned, the older ones (from before the USA got Jewed) shouldn't.