Watson and Crick the fathers(patriarchy) of DNA and genetics...

Watson and Crick the fathers(patriarchy) of DNA and genetics. These fucking white straight males are the reason why baby's get miss gendered by doctors fuck these guys and fuck there "science".

How does one get "misgendered"?

I had boy parts, so I'm a boy.

Gender is a social construct you fucking ignorant fuck.


Because trans binary people exist, duh we are either given cars are dolls when we are younger depending on if we have a dick or not. It's cisism and it's ignorant you know how many trans people kill themselves a year?

What is "trans binary"? A hermaphrodite? What is "cisism" its coming up as a spelling error on my computer? Are you making words up?

It's not my job to educate such ignorant people as yourself

Then so are faggots like you.
You ignorant fuck.

You do see how it's possible that you are really rude right?

>it's a Leaf posts obvious bait thread

Actually it was a woman's work that they took credit for

How many trans people kill themselves?
Obviously not enough.

Looks like someone hasent been taught right, let me guess your white and male? Who hurt you, honey?

Yeah, actually, it is. That's the job of anyone who makes something up; also define it.

Says the transphobe you probably support trump right?

Use google, there are some really helpful posts on tumblr that can help you :)

One of these days sick fucks like you will be shoved back in the closet where you belong lol
Keep flapping your cocksucker, it will only make that day come sooner.

This. I understand "cisism" is your new form of "racism", I get it, but what the heck is "trans binary"? Don't you think its gone little far when you need a new vocabulary or dictionary? Why can't you just live your life? Why should I care? Go do your thing, you live in Canada, its a fairly free society from what I know.

> there

I support Trump but I'm not phobic of you. I don't see how that will effect a Canadian or any trans-Americans(?). Do I have to say Trans-American now? I know what a pre or post op is. I don't have an issue with it. Why add so many other terms?

I don't even know if people are joking anymore. I think there's a name for it, something law or something like that

Leaf. Bait. Yawn.

>how many trans people kill themselves?
40% and that number is consistent whether they get a sex change or not. Can you tell me the only other time in history that suicide rates among a group of people were that high? Jews in nazi Germany. Are trans people being treated as bad as Jews in nazi Germany? Obviously not, so the trans suicide must be linked to their untreated psychosis.

Watson is also racist as fuck and thinks the reason Africa is undeveloped not because of colonialism but because they're inherently retarded. This is highly problematic.

>inb4 facts are racist

Watson thinks niggers are dumb

Crick (RIP) was a heavy user of LSD and figured out the double helix while tripping

Most based scientists


Soon brother...soon