"History will absolve me"

Was he right?

Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.

>fellow communists will absolve me

The EthnoCommunists of the 23rd century will.

If eventually being forgotten is absolution, then yes.

The dude looks like Liam Neeson in that picture. There's no way he could be wrong.

Thanks for that Baghdad Bob

Well Cuba is one of the best countries in Latin America despite a 60 year embargo from the largest superpower ever.

Lol whenever I see Castro these days I instantly recognise it as "Trudeau dressed up"

I don't even believe the fucking cuckspiracy, but damn if the association hasn't been hammered into my head

Fidel Castro was a revolutionary politician who fought his whole life to reduce the effects of overpopulation on the Cuban environment. His efforts to bring clean, nuclear power to the small island, and curtailing of the tyranny of the unborn made him so popular he was elected to lead the Cuban democracy for 47 consecutive years.

The one who history will absolve, is this.


Fuck off Justin

No because he's not Hitler

>Killed a bunch of kids and was an open supporter for Israel

Yeah no if he wanted to actually change something he should have killed government officials instead.

why are you posting a shopped picture of justin trudeau with a beard

Stay mad forever, lards. Castro was white and based

>those trips


The fact is that people are being tortured every day on Cuban soil.

By Americans.

>My son will rule Canada!

What did Castro mean by this?

Teenagers arnt kids and they would have been partially responsible for turning Norway into a cess pit like Sweden


So whiteness isn't genetic?

Top kek the Cuban tobacco fields are going to be barren soon because the Cuban government can't in2 proper crop rotation

lol no there are celebrations all over cuba.

Miami isn't in Cuba.

History is written by the victors.
And the victors may very well be the tribe.

Every day he looks more and more like Trudeau.

>tfw Trudeau browses Sup Forums

In what fucking world is a Caribbean spic white?

I feel many people identify as communists purely because they like the aesthetic. Unkempt beards and olive fatigues do look /fa/ as fuck.

No, because Cuba is a shithole. He created a fucking dictatorship in place of another dictatorship.


Yeah, but he's talking about Cuba.

Thanks, Mr. Treadue

Yes, especially after Trump. he died at the right time to be remembered as a legend.


You just went full retard nigs

No because Cuba sucks. If it somehow became some communist utopia then yeahvhistory would firgivevthe killings and imprisonments.



Without Castro, communist in Cuba is over. He was dead in life for almost a decade and Raul was doing the actual ruling but Castro was a symbol respected by pro-communists and rebels, I guess the effect of teaching children the abecedary with F for Fidel. He was the only thing keeping the island together, that's why the CIA tried to kill him many times. I think after the initial impact of having internet and cable, many Cubans will look Fidel fondly because Cuba will be an unofficial American protectorate and being essentially non-citizens on their own country, basically like every banana republic. The abuses and lack of freedom can be easily forgiven or downright forgotten.