Welcome to /wtg/ - World Tree General: Political Discussion

Welcome to /wtg/ - World Tree General: Political Discussion

Today's topic: Why did the Jews take all of our World Trees? Did they contain aryan magic? Was the Great Flood caused by their roots releasing all the water they were holding after being cut down?

Igneousfags stay away

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Fucking finally, a good thread. Can anyone redpill me on world trees?

please post tree info, those pics are cool

did (((they))) do this too?

nothing would suprise me anymore, one time i found a tiny jew in my flour jar

The Autuana Tepuy in Venezuela is known by the local native tribes as either "Tree of Life" or "House of the Gods."

>These mesas have hexagonal columns like a tree's cells would
>Modern cave systems could be the result of the tree's roots receding once it had died
>The world was once far more biologically dense and diverse by a humongous factor
>Modern trees are but saplings of the original World Trees
>The modern planet is essentially a desert wasteland in comparison to the biological super network that was the ancient World Trees


>The Devil's Tower is known by the local Kiowa tribe as "Tree Rock"

It's hard to say why the trees fell. Maybe aliens wanted them for their planet because they had already cut down all of their trees. Maybe the trees had special powers that ancient humans decided must be destroyed. Maybe a meteor hit the earth and the resulting wildfire encased the globe (since the network of trees covered the entire globe) and burned everything to a stump, leaving the flat mesas we have today.

Become treepilled.

How would they cut such big trees?

Ancient technology that was long since destroyed in the great cataclysm. Or hidden under Antarctica.

Is there anything about this stuff? Interested in reading and never really heard about it



is the first documentary I have found on it. The polish guy who made it comes to Sup Forums often to talk about it and is pretty knowledgeable on the subject.

MorrĂ£o - Chapada Diamantina
How the fuck a montain grow like that in the middle of fucking nowhere?

> (((they)))
nice try shlomo, but i know your country's secret




they're big trees


>thinking mesas are world trees

Stop pretending to be retarded Sup Forums because idiots out there will take this shit seriously!

prehistoric, fossilized super large tree stumps from an ancient super large tree species. scientifically possible. These tree's are long extinct.

The stories and information posted here(this thread and similars, like flatearth, atlatis and shiets, rest of Sup Forums is 100% serious) are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I love the idea of it. It's a great story with really nice, compelling visuals.

>scientifically possible
Is it really? Source?
It would be interesting to see if a petrified giant tree could produce the same results as magma.

Kek, we were Zendikar all along. Are pyramids just the top half of hedrons?

I watched the video and it convinced me


Magma doesn't cool in perfect hexagons

This is the dumbest thread even worse than the flat earth threads.

Goto the mesas collect a sample, its rock.
These threads are a direct cause of you not going the fuck outside.


Can u point to a single fucking volcano that produced the same result?
No because (((science))) was infiltrated. They stole our history and covered it up. Mother fuckers.
There's a reason why so many people loved Avatar (the movie). It wasn't mans future it was our past

this doesn't even deserve to be called out to /x/

This needs to go to Sup Forums

I hate that piece of shit movie they should have just nuked it from orbit.


nor does cherry picking make for the base of an arguement.

>retard logic
Go back to sucking Jew dick for shekels

if modern trees are giant tree saplings does that mean if given enough time, a normal tree would become a giant tree?

Holy shit, are mesas actually fossilized world trees?

I went to Arizona once and there was a bunch of those fuckin things. We went to one and I remarked on how similar the rock looked to fossilized trees I had seen at this park one time and the tour guide quickly shut me up. It makes so much sense now.

But in that case how did the World Trees grow in Arizona and why were there so many of them there? I thought there was only one World Tree?

Forgot pic
>retard logic


Devils tower is rock dewd. Do you live in Wyoming? Have you ever been there ?

Quartz is a mineral you fucking idiot.

When Trees die they decompose

Who knows? We can't stop cutting trees down long enough to let them get that big again. Every tree on earth is extremely young and need an immense amount of time to get that large.

The entire planet used to be far, far more dense with life. World Trees covered the entire planet in a huge biological super network. Modern Arizona is dry enough that it's easy to see the skeletons of what once were mountain-sized trees teeming with life and activity.

I doubt he has ever left his mom's womb.

Have you never seen fossilized trees before? It's incredibly common when trees are destroyed in fire. And if you think about it, that's the only way the trees could possibly by felled. Combinations of explosives and controlled burns.

Obviously these threads are being started to discredit Sup Forums. I imagine soon you'll see articles crop up in tabloidal online journals such as Vice decrying the alt-right nazis as being crazier than flat-earthers.

of course it rock
that's not what people here seem to be arguing tho

they're claiming those rocks are long pentrified trees

let me guess next its about yakhub and xenu having a nuclear war right and making the whites?

Those are plants you moron. Don't listen to the jew media.

I voted Trump and am not a shill. I just find this clearly strange global phenomena incredibly intriguing and want to discuss it.



if you say so dude
but i believe you would be better off just reading some geology journals than getting your information from uncle Sup Forums

Yeah I get that but what these people are trying to argue is out of ignorance they have never even seen petrified wood yet state minerals are wood?? what the fuck.
If you guys really want to find fucked up shit about trees why don't you discuss the crystal forest?

(((Geology))) is pure speculation. No one on the planet has ever lived long enough to witness the (((rock cycle))) occur. There is no way to prove that we understand the nature of rocks and how some things petrify over time.

Way to move the goalposts, faggot. Trees fossilize all the time, this is a well documented fact. You're open to debate about the World Trees but it's possible. CO2 levels used to be very high millions of years ago. They could have grown that big

Crack open a book on geology or botany. Both are fascinating subjects. Why is it we need to constantly fill the world with these fictions when it's already such a fascinating place?

fucking rivers don't split.

I personally do not believe that mountains, or any other large rock formations are petrified trees/ plants, but knowing how our atmosphere contained more oxygen back then, isn't there the possibility that trees used to be way taller than they are currently? Just analyzing fossilized insects demonstrates how large these insects used to be, and compare them to their current state.

humans were actually night elves once.

Is this an elaborate troll or do you people really not understand how these structures are formed?

No they couldn't have. Gravity in large part determines the maximum size of life on earth. The redwood is approximately the tallest plant life you'll ever see on earth's surface.

spent some time at the petrified forest. swiped some bits of petrified "trees"

we all noticed how strange it was the logs were all broken evenly and straight in semi equal sections. pic related

Your an idiot why the fuck to the flat tops not curve when viewed at a distance? Because the earth is flat you fool

I think someone was taking the piss and a bunch of people on this board are plain susceptible to conspiracy type thinking. It's actually giving me a headache. Nobody could sincerely believe this horseshit.

Gravy also determines the maximum size of mountains, and yet Everest is several miles tall.

Wood, especially hardwood (World Trees are oaks), is incredibly structural. Redwoods grow to enormous sizes by our standards but at the end of the day, they are a softwood tree. A World Tree, which again would be some species of highly rot resistant oak, would probably be capable of growing to a size at least a kilometer to several kilometers tall.

What a joke. Gravity isn't even real, it's a lie

its not Sup Forums related go to /x/


exactly and we already know some of the processes about tree fossilization such as was stated by him about using fire to change the properties..

So why should we have a carbon tax ???
>breathing is bad goys

Im not moving any goal posts , the Tree of Life is a symbolic thing not a literal " THERE WHERE MASSIVE TREES THAT WENT INTO ORBIT AND WHERE SO LARGE AND PLENTIFUL THERE WASN'T ROOM TO MOVE.

starting a thread with a video showing a picture of a forest and saying "there are no forests" is pretty dumb, especially when there are a great deal of horticulturalists.

Look at this idiot. Headaches coming from all that fluoride you're drinking

get a water proof torch go into a pool and shine it, it bends in less a metre.

>if you don't have a pool the same effect can be seen in a sink.

This thread is off topic. Go back to /x/ with your /x/-tier conspiracies.

This is not 'politically incorrect'.

Stop fucking with me. It isn't funny.

Columnar Basalt literally does form hexagonal structures when it cools

Theres nothing paranormal about this it will get shouted out of /x/ and be told to goto Sup Forums

Kek will provide us with answers here though

Not politics.

>if you don't have a pool, you failed at life and can cease playing at any time


/x/ mods delete treepill threads

>tfw never realized these were all once world trees
I've been green pilled

If a tree this big fell, wouldn't it have caused an immense cataclysm?

The end of the world, given there were several

Thats a tree on the left?

Check em, Kek proves World Trees were real and he wants up to replant them. Next trips will reveal where the secret seed vault is


The trees probably burned down. Their deaths would have caused their roots to release all the water they were holding simultaneously, causing the Great Flood.

Praise Kek, get us our magic trees back from the jews

>There's nothing paranormal about this
>I mean, sure, it's completely beyond the scope of scientific understanding, which is the literal definition of "paranormal".
>But does that REALLY make it paranormal?
Even /x/ and Sup Forums realize how fucking bad this bait is.

>Who knows? We can't stop cutting trees down long enough to let them get that big again.

It is a pretty interesting thing, are there even ANY that are older than a few thousand years anymore?

>The trees probably burned down. Their deaths would have caused their roots to release all the water they were holding simultaneously, causing the Great Flood.

that... that actually makes sense
another conspiracy to add to the pile

But if the bottoms of the tree slowly petrify and roots keep moving up, the process could occur indefinitely and expand outwards.

>simultanious global burning of world trees.

>only one group has been that international.

thats one anti-semitic post fampai.

Maybe the scope of your species understand human.

Tree roots release water when they die?

nope thats not how plants use water.

It's here, my friend.


Giant's Causeway, Ireland:

(((Volcanic remnant))) or the grinded down stump of yet another World Tree?

So there like dark souls trees. If the "rocks" are really the top of the trees then does this validate the hollow earth. Is that the hollow earth the bottom of the earth? Where's anor londo?

before anyone says I made a typo on understanding I did not write understanding, dumbass.

It's got to be like the flat earth shilling, to discredit Sup Forums

I think you are right.

The rocks are the stump... we are at the very bottom of what once was a massively vertical environment

Its more plausible to be a remnant of the plasma discharge between Earth and some other celestial body.

Holy fuck this is one of the most obvious slide threads I've ever seen.

Its actually more likely the story is true and it was made by people that stood 13 feet tall because he have confirmed gigantism.

Does the geologist know how they formed and why?
Not a single fucking volcano produces the same thing

Like (((palaeontologists))) who are indoctrinated to form made up dinosaurs from random bones found.
50 of the 80 original dinosaurs were outright frauds admitted even by the people perpetuating the bullshit
>btw they are chickens now

Still no explanation on Brontosauraus being completely fake
>be a good goyim and ignore that dragons are represented in every culture independently around the world
Hey is that live tissue found in a """"dinosaur"""" sample
>pull down the paper and block the abstract from public view

Okay. Nothing wrong here at all....

>"hurr stupid retards, clearly these giant rock formations resembling massive petrified trees are just rocks, nothing else, stupid whackjobs"
>"but these rock formations are clearly the result of plasma discharge from when the Enterprise crashed into the Earth at warp speed"

Shoo shoo, kike shill. We know what you did to our Trees