Why the fuck has the west allowed the middle east to have the tallest building in the world?

Why the fuck has the west allowed the middle east to have the tallest building in the world?

Worst yet there's an even taller one under construction right now in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

They're making us look pathetic. It has been 18 years since the west had the tallest building.

9/11 worked. You're all scared shitless.

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Arabs must be compensating for something

Oh, we'll have the tallest structure in the world soon.

who cares.
look at Europe. has none of that and is refined and truly beautiful.
tall buildings are only to make up for the lack of culture and art.

>Western architecture
>Indian workers

I don't mind since mudshits have absolutely zero merit.

But yeah, I would rather have the tallest building in the US or Europe

>implying tall buildings are necessary or useful
cost goes up exponentially with the number of floors
because western nations are built on actually useful dirt why build up when you can build out?

We're waiting to get two high scores of our own.

Nobody respects sand niggers.


little known fact: the burj khalifa is modeled after the shape of sandnigger dicks

seriously tho, cant wait till that shit collapses

Whatever. Overall, the infrastructure of the west greatly surpasses that of the middle east.

>look at Europe

A failing union currently under a Muslim invasion that is being welcomed with open arms?

Yes, I agree. Look at Europe, and take note of what's happening.

> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.

> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.

Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

Not giving a fuck is better than trying to beat them and then failing, which is what will happen because the crazy fuckers are obsessed with constantly wasting money on taller ones it seems.

One building towering over hell on earth.

Priorities. Why are mudslimes building these while their society is better suited for a trash heap than earth

We're too busy investing in alternative energy resources so that we can send SA back to the stone age.

Arabs are the only ones that still build epic monuments

They'll be really impressive ghost towns one day

look at that image, it's like something out of anime of what future cities look like.



Not on board with the jew thing but true desu

Saudi Arabia produces nothing but oil (77% of exports).
They would be a barren desert if their oil dried up, because their low IQ human capital is absolutely worthless.

They don't build anything themselves. They just hire European architects and Chinese laborers to do erect their buildings.

>use endless oil money
>force people to work for basically nothing
>take little to no safety regs into consideration
>able to build a bunch of shit

Yeah, when you basically use slave labor that is near free and tell the gubment to look the other way you generally can do stuff like that

You know what they say about tall skyscrapers.

That's nigger architecture: a pointless display of wealth.

All designed by American architects, hilarious honestly.

That said, most people could not give a single fuck about having a dick measuring contest over who has the tallest bullshit building, we achieved that ages ago and have moved on. Let the arabs have their fun for now, until their oil runs out and their economies haven't diversified at whatsoever.

We've been to the moon and mars so it makes the "world's" tallest structure moot.

Plus the middle east doesn't have to worry about earthquakes, hurricanes, rains, or snow while engineering these buildings.

only a subhuman sandnigger would pin his cultural self worth on the height of the buildings in his country.

They waste their money building ridiculous, inefficient structures in a pathetic display of decadence.

This is just an expensive way of overcompensating for tiny dicks and overall inadequacy.

You know that thing still has yet to rent out 40-50% of its office space?

Cooling the bitch also costs a fuck ton. The energy required to pump that much water up and down is insane. It's a blessing that the West hasn't built ANYTHING this costly and useless in quite a while. It's literally a "lol we have more oil money than u" as their economy continues to shrink in anything but petrochemicals, and their governments slowly become more and more unstable.

You should be thankful to live in a time where the middle east builds such stupid shit as this. It means you'll live to see it annihilated in huge Middle Eastern wars.

>all these excuses.

Back in the day, when another civilisation bested the west like when russia put the first man in space. They wouldn't whinr and make excuses - THEY WOULD ONE UP THEM.

Right now, the west seems like it's best day are behind it.

>putting tall buildings in the middle east
You might as well strip yourself naked and paint a target around your bumhole whilst wearing a sign that says "still not asking for it."

>blow up our tallest buildings and then let them build the world's biggest
Cucked again, the west had been dead for a long time

The point is why the fuck should we? We actually have a lot more higher priority things to be doing with our money than seeing who can build the tallest Glass Dildo.

All designed by American architects, hilarious honestly.

That said, most people could not give a single fuck about having a dick measuring contest over who has the tallest bullshit building, we achieved that ages ago and have moved on. Let the arabs have their fun for now, until their oil runs out and their economies haven't diversified at whatsoever.

I think it's a good sign other nations are finally getting out of their dirt huts and becoming civilized. Fills me with hope that perhaps Europeans, Asians, and Americans aren't the only competent peoples on the planet.

In fact I believe Dubai shows the true potential of the middle east if they would get over their destructive, barbaric, religion.

Besides we don't need the tallest building in the world. I'd rather we spend the money on putting a man on Mars. The tallest building in the world can change in decades, but to be the nation that ventures to another frontier in the grand quest of conquering the stars - that's eternal.

why go the the fucking moon?

have you whining cucks already forgotten JFK?

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"

American exceptionalism my ass.

you're getting upstaged by a bunch of inferior sandniggers while sitting around saying "this is ok"

Literally this.

The West is so strapped for cash anymore (mo money fo dem programs whitey) that it would be completely retarded to spend billions on redundant office space (as if major Western cities don't have enough already).

Saudi Israel connection, reptilians. Go to America and knock down the twin towers then build the talest building in the world.

It's well known they want to turn Dubai into the world's biggest financial capital this was definitely something symbolic as well as other things.

We should fly a plane into it

>adopting western architecture
>built by westerners

they're cucked. Building all that in the middle of fucking nowhere doesn't help either. Will be nuked in the future anyways.

>conquering the stars

For someone who has such a high opinion of their species you sure don't think much about how best to use the *finite* time and resources we have to donate to pointless spacefaring adventures.

The Muslims didn't do this for a joke, the Burj is a giant middle finger to the west.

"This is our century" is their cry.

and right now with the cuckening of the west from within, they seem like they may be right.

It also has no useful economic purpose (mostly empty) and still has to have it's waste water trucked out as the city never built a sewer system.

It is just a vanity project. The real might comes from a civilization's need to build that high due to its superior economy.

I volunteer you as tribute
an hero to be a hero
do it for the vine

>why go the the fucking moon?
Excuse to dump billions into R&D, and it worked. More technology has been developed from the space race than your small mind could ever comprehend. Building a giant glass penis measuring device doesn't develop anything unless it is sufficiently tall or has an actual purpose other than "floor space for companies".

You mean John "Audit the Fed" Fitzgerald "Get shot in the head" Kennedy

Yeah he was cool.

>American exceptionalism my ass.
Implying any non American or non European product can even compete, get out.

>you're getting upstaged by a bunch of inferior sandniggers while sitting around saying "this is ok"
Actually that one might not be that bad as long as you filled it with (((people))).

You're a moron. Let me know when the Middle East has actually developed anything of use, and then let me know when it develops thousands of technologies of use and then we might consider talking about the fact that the Middle East has built anything of relevance in the last 1'000 years.

Everything you said was indeed good.

But try as you might, you will never revive Christianity.

Go to a church, any church, and experience the turbo-cuckery of the priests/pastors for yourself.

>do it for the vine

spot the nigger

I'm an atheist and I'd rather live in a Christian world

how about instead of wasting time and fucking around you build something that could actually be useful, like a space elevator.

All you cucks drone on about this being a collosal waste of money.

You want to talk about wastes of money, how about the Iraq war?

Billions wasted, and for what? how about "the war on drugs".

You might as well and try to declare war on the fucking sun.

>blowing up sandniggers is a waste of money
its the single thing im glad to pay taxes for

>pointless spacefaring adventures
Your ancestor was probably the guy that thought the first explorers to the Americas were fools and that the Monarchs shouldnt be wasting money.
When my decedents literally alter the environment of whole planets and create actual new species Ill laugh at you in whatever second life youre in.
Space is the white mans last chance you mud hut nigger.

We could have demolished the record with the new One WTC if we wanted to, but we went with a symbolic number.

>space elevator
it is when your country is in debt to the tune of TWENTY TRILLION.


Agreed. This liberal pope is absolutely pathetic...
But I believe that the West will triumph again only when it is proud of its Christian roots.

>how about instead of wasting time and fucking around you build something that could actually be useful, like a space elevator.
Actual Aerospace Engi here. Not gonna happen for decades. We have no material currently strong enough. Even if you were able to shill out for hundreds of billions of dollars worth of high grade carbon nanotubes it would still only be a quarter as tall as it needs to be (iirc the lab test numbers gave something like a self sustainable support under its own weight of 12km).

>All you cucks drone on about this being a collosal waste of money.
It is. It has literally been a huge waste of money.

>You want to talk about wastes of money, how about the Iraq war?
I wonder (((who))) got the U.S involved in that.

>Billions wasted, and for what? how about "the war on drugs".
"wasted". It reduced the influx of drugs into the states and crippled cartels influence in South America significantly.

>You might as well and try to declare war on the fucking sun.
Nice Strawman, you nigger.

We don't need to build a taller sky penis because the towel heads have a taller one. That's literally towel head tunnel vision logic.

One WTC is actually smaller than the originals.

It's pathetic.

>9/11 happens
>West allows the Middle East to build mega structures
>Trump is president

Let's wait and see what happens.

>Actual Aerospace Engi here.


What a well thought out argument.

Get BTFO, Abdul. Your inferiority complex is showing.

dude you're the one pretending to be a fucking Aerospace Engineer on an anonymous imageboard KEK.

You're absolutely right. Fuck I'm a Heathen, and I yearn for Chistanity to step up, and face the treat that is Islam. Heathenry isn't big enough, but Chistanity is the only large enough western faith that can stand against Islam. Please Christians, let us put our differences aside, and face the real enemy. We can go back to bickering, and hating each other later.

Arabs have nothing but oil money. They even admit they don't create anything.

So they hire the best European architects to build massive structures that wow the world but they didn't produce shit.

Its all an illusion like their satanic religion.

Cant wait till these fuckers are conquered and America takes all the oil. It will be the end of the Arab menace once and for all.


>xd no one except for highschool neets goes on le 4chayn
Nice inferiority complex.
Have you ever frequented /sci/? Maybe that might clear up the fact that not every board is literally frequented by Sup Forums-tier people.

In the mean time,

ikr and the second "freedom tower" going up is pretty gay

You're literally attempting an appeal to authority fallacy by pretending to speak from a position of power.

But hey, you can easily make me look like a fucking idiot, just post some proof :^)

>you won't because you're a pathetic liar haha

lol, like a bunch of poorly stacked boxes at a UPS depot.

>You're literally attempting an appeal to authority fallacy by pretending to speak from a position of power.
I am speaking from a position of power. I actually know my shit you fucking mongoloid. In terms of this thread I am the authority on aerospace related concepts.

> just post some proof :^)

Get the fuck off this board you fucking retard.

a random pdf found on the first page of a google search is not proof user.

Let's seem some id.

You're not a fucking Aerospace Engineer lol.


>a random pdf found on the first page of a google search is not proof user.

I dare you to find this pdf on Google by Googling anything related to Carbon nano tubes or Space elevators.

>Let's seem some id.

What good would that do you?

>You're not a fucking Aerospace Engineer lol.

Le xd infallible argument of counter claiming and assuming claim to be false

Nice Fallacy fallacy.

I'd be happy to answer aerospace related questions even though
but I'm not giving you my University I.D card nor am I giving you my lab access card censored or not.

When are you two gonna drop trousers and fuck already? holy shit


Right after the thread 404's desu

so you can't prove it then?

As I said, pathetic.

9/11 worked because the feds cut the steel beams and planted thermite all along the structure.

can't get that kinda access to the dubai bulidings, and they wont fall down with a plane hit.

Hi feds kys

A debt we never have to pay back as long as we're on top :^)

Bet you're typing away with your fat stubby fingers with another formulaic >green text
sentence for sentence response right now kek

>cant wait till that shit collapses

it was designed and construction managed by a European engineering consortium

White people buildings don't tend to fall over or fail randomly (*slavs excluded)

It's all fun and games untill someone fly's a plane into it

Whoopdie fuckin' do, some Mudniggers are trying their own Tower of Babylon.

It's going to be a right shame when it goes the way of South Africa and they end up paying hand-over-fist for a building that isn't even used for anything important without forcing the issue.

That said, Time for 11/9?

can't won't

Regardless, what my profession is or not still doesn't change the fact that you're wrong on every point you've brought up and threads like this actually belong on

Bet you're typing what you think is a whitty flase flag response right now

you got called out on an obvious fucking lie bro, and can't back it up. just admit it and we can move on.

>obvious fucking lie
Yes, haha very blatantly obvious. That's why I know nothing at all and I'm actually the one that's wrong.

> can't back it up
You seem to be using this word incorrectly

>>can't won't
For clarification

I'm sorry I triggered a nerve by calling you a fucking moron repeatedly, but just accepting that you're opinions are nothing more than garbage and actually putting in the time to learn about the subjects you so desperately want to talk about is the first step to knowing more than fuck all.

Go to bed Donald Cunt

Still not showed me a shred of proof lad.
also lol again with the same fucking line by line greentext responses, you're adorable.

Posting anything related to personal information on Sup Forums is a terrible idea. I'm not sure if you know that or not or have done it or not but I implore you to not do it. While Sup Forums's cooled off quite a bit since le old fag era there are now many (((others))) that DO actually look at these threads.

Identifying yourself on hotspot websites is a terrible idea. It's not to to spite you it's to keep me as anonymous as possible, mongo.

Wasting any more time with you is trivial and left as an exercise for the reader.

Thread will hopefully die soon, and you can go back to shitposting without any knowledge of the subjects you think your opinion is worthwhile on.

Read any of my former posts and revel in the knowledge that you will probably never understand the actual concepts behind them.


here's a tip for the next time chap, don't make your ego so blatant, you're asking to be messed with. You obviously have a high opinion of yourself but the "i'm an aero enginne" bit was a huge fucking give away.

And now it's polluted with smelly migrants. Feels bad man.

because ww3 soon; it's all about to be demolished anyway


Trump was to build the biggest building in the world in the city known for its mega skyscrapers, Chicago.

He pussied out after 9/11 and drastically cut its size.