Yfw you realized god exists

>yfw you realized god exists





Jeremiah Johnson was a god tier movie



Help me get the feels OP

this was one of the first memes i learned on Sup Forums

>tfw called back to God after 8 years of living a completely wicked and sinful life
>tfw God's love and grace isn't conditioned on my own efforts
>tfw I can't screw up my own salvation as long as I trust in Christ, praise the Father, and ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen me





>yfw gods a proud woman of color


A good way to trigger newfags, redditors and shills
Good job OP.
Also, checked.

It was. He's a fucking one man Indian slayer in that movie

>Tfw you're pretty sure there used to be a ladder in your swimming pool
>arms are heavy



awe. a combination of fear and wonder. more fear but the regret kinda sets it up that way.

>believing in god

>Yfw you realize gods exist
