University of Central Florida:Campus activists part 2

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White America is under attack. Through subversion, the forces of Marxism have brought our nation to its knees by rotting it from within. The traditional values that have kept Western civilization alive for millennia are being torn down, leaving a generation of American youth without direction or purpose. While millions of our countrymen languish in poverty and our infrastructure crumbles, our jobs are shipped overseas and billions sent to Israel. The greatest threat to our country did not fall in 1945, nor in 1991. The true enemy is within our walls, destroying our nation and opening our gates to the millions of outsiders who want to take all that our forefathers have created.

Because of this treachery, the White race will be a minority in the United States by 2044. It has been hammered into our heads that wholesale ethnic replacement is not only natural and good, but it is unstoppable. As we apply to colleges and enter the workforce, we see the corrupt System that has been forced on us, one that blatantly works against White Americans, the very race that built this country in the first place.


Faced with this grave situation, we have come to the realization that our struggle against the System can be nothing less than total. We fight for a White America, but this can never happen unless we win the hearts and minds of our fellow White youth. We want to be at the forefront of the reawakening of White racial consciousness. In order to do this, we must be willing to fight. Our enemies are many, and persecution is certain, but we welcome this, because when times are tough, the weak fall away, and the true revolutionaries will remain. We are faced with a great task, and only the finest patriots will be able to win this war.

Hail Victory!




Man I'd fight to the last breath of weed with these lads


Coming to shill this thread as well?


They got a nice flag design. With the eagle and fasces.

I would prefer a red one but black and white is good too.


You could make one if you want. Sounds pretty cool.

this is so gay

What do you mean dude I just got this off of your twitter. Why do you guys try to he so pc? Nothibg you say is really newsworthy. I mean sure a few people get triggered but at the same time you guys end up looking like milo and all of them, moderate.

Is this a kino poster?

Every man in times prior would dress like that at the beach.

Nah. I don't mean with their flag. I just prefer red in general as it's the strongest color for a flag.

Black and white is good anyway.

Your bait is terrible

literally a cucked AW poster

Breddy good bait. Checked some of their other posters yesterday and those definitely go way more into the direction the lefties are complaining about.

Yet they put up two rather harmless ones because they knew some Marxist cunt would flip her shit over it and give them free exposure while making herself look like an idiot.

Emma Goldstein

Look at all of their posters, all of them are harmless. They are a harmless movement. The

>calling themselves Nazis
>uses the swastika


The swastika is an automatic turnoff for normies, use a brand that isn't tainted.

Yeah wouldn't want to look to offensive now would we?

So fucking gay.


All this does is give the mainstream more ammunition against anyone with right wing ideologies. Its not even being done in a way that is constructive. It's just the White BLM.

These are from OSU

please read this
it's a good article about this subject.

>not getting immediately ignored and further giving ammo to the oppo

Good job. Dumb cunt.

Oh so it's Iron March shilling these threads.

Hillary (and radical leftists) were right: keep a public and a private face. See: the NPI disaster.

> Americans using swastikas
fucking retarded. The eagle is fine and way more American.


If your purpose is to prove a point then why do you care if it's American or not? I'm not even just talking about your logo but your symbol overall


This, don't fucking use the German symbol. This is why I can't respect any of the Neo-Nazis despite agreeing with them. They are all just a bunch of copycats.
Make your own symbol.

>Make your own symbol

Its about nationalism, about American nationalism. Not German nationalism. The only white nation that should be using the swastika as a national symbol is Germany.

The eagle with the fasces is a great symbol

Why do fascist signs always look so fucking sinister. Shit, use some bright colours and hashtags

This. Hakenkreuz in its NSDAP form belongs to the Germans.

Like what?

This is a nigger tier strategy.

Someone who has spent their life getting indoctrinated seeing a poorly taped up photocopy with a humorless message that sounds reminiscent of 70 year old propaganda.

Just what in the fuck? They might as well hire a fucking spic with down syndrome to organize getting their message out.


>American nationalism
Nigger what the fuck are yo talking about

America is nothing but a mongrel, non nation and its responsible for nearly all modern problems which plague the world and you want to promote that? For what purpose.


They're learning to conceal their true message in their propaganda. An interesting development.

Look and learn, THIS IS SUBVERSION.

I mean, if you're gonna go all out like them, why not just use a universal White symbol? Why use the swastika?

Learn yourself some history son. EVERY whiteman has carried this sign since the beginning! This rune is older than recorded history.

>haha dumb Americans why don't you just lay down and die. They never had a national identity or anything like that haha ")
Fuck off Shlomo.

>Norse-Gaelic and Northern Russian symbol

It is a universal symbol that has been used by most cultures on earth. Not just germany.

Hi /leftypol/

>I meant Emma Goldman

>the celt swastika

>>Norse-Gaelic and Northern Russian symbol

Are they not white? You're talking about origin and not modern (widespread) use.

Dyke and kike triggered by a poster saying

"We have a right to exist"


did you get the hindu and jewish ones mixed up?

also, wtf celts?

Using it as a symbol for their fascist movement was a German idea, not the symbol itself. So choose a different symbol for your fascist movement.

Because guess who invented sailing, the wheel, and everything useful.

Regardless, national socialism is a meme and a dead end for America. No normal white person is going to find that appealing, especially if they have ancestors who've fought in the war.

Fuck off you defeatist faggot, move to Germany if you want to larp about you're garbage movement. The problem with white nationalism is that it fails to address any major issue beyond the NIGGARS and the BROWNS. As if getting a Whitetopia will just solve all of our problems.

The funny thing is the policies I would implement would be the same policies a white nationalist movement would implement. But I would never want to be associated with a neo nazi shit-tier NSA honeypot, because these fags hardly have any realist agenda beyond "GET RID OF THE NIGGERS and JEWS"

why does the swastika scare you?


We never did though. From almost the start we were diverse, with Germans, Irish, anglos, Scott's, etc. The broad term white is relatively recent as we had identities of sub cultures which have now been destroyed by the American system of degrading sub culture in favor of a globalist one.

>lefty pol
>literally calling then out on being too moderate
OK kid

You stick out like a sore thumb.

>No normal white person is going to find that appealing
have you asked them ALL?

once you get past the idea that the holohoax was a lie, and the Germans were in the right, the swastika seems a lot better

Because it's un-American, an oxymoron for an american first movement.

>America is nothing but a mongrel, non nation and its responsible for nearly all modern problems which plague the world and you want to promote that? For what purpose.
U wot m8

It worked before. The country was 90% white 50 years ago, and we had none of these societal problems then.

What are american values though? football, beer, and decadence ?

What are you from then? Iron March?


it's European, like all the anglo colonies

>football, beer, and decadence ?
Are you on a proxy or are you unaware of American history.

Maybe you'll stop appropriating our ethnic culture to make it racial?


Fuck off sjwhore, the swastica is older than your culture. Russians didn't exist til a thousand years ago.

>American White Nats steal Russian and Norse-Gaelic symbols

What's your alternative to national socialism then? Some democracy that's going to get us in the same place we started?

So you're saying you are white nationalist but just don't want it be scary and follow contemporary memes and jargon. I can respect that but you're doing it in the wrong way.

>I'm the jew
>you're advocating for the nation which boxes and ships degeneracy as its main export and has eliminated all subcultures in favor of its own Jewish promoted one.

The broad term white people is an invention of the Jews

Oh do you prefer the freedom to be a fucking degenerate which has existed since the beginning of this nation? You're a cuck my friend.

America didn't exist 300 years ago

>stop using a white cross to represent white unity

Mkay. Besides I didn't come up with it.

That same symbol has been used throughout the world regardless. Greece, Italy, Sweden, America, etc.

Pic related. Italy.

>Russians own crosses


He poses a valid question, and its a rhetorical one.
The phrase "American values" is an empty one. It used to mean protecting the nuclear family, but people let that erode for decades. It used to mean appreciating and wanting to preserve liberty, but an objective view of our history shows that this is fantasy. The history of our government and even the people themselves is one where these groups continuously try to erode individual liberties in favor of gaining control and expanding the role government.

We cannot sit here and say that we need to preserve the American way of life because it is a fairy tale. Its something we're told when we're young and impressionable. It doesn't exist. What we have is an abomination and its intentionally working against the ethnic majority of the nation.

>Germans were in the right

But they weren't, WWII resulted in more European deaths than any nigger wars combined. Hitler was a faggot and ruined nationalism for generations to come, thank God it was able to make a comeback, despite Nazi larpers doing everything in their power to keep the fever dream of a methamphetamine addicted manlet alive.

Yeah, but it was white men who voted to pass the immigration act of 1965, it was white men who established the fed, it was white men who elected FDR 4 times. Of course Whitetopia is preferable to the current state of things, where any Somali nigger who makes it to America can become a citizen, but there are larger problems that need to be addressed, and better approaches than neo nazism.

>symbol being used in recent movements us the same as being used for thousands of years of culture
>America can't understand other cultures are the source of things we use today


>pic related Italy
Yeah, shitskins stole our symbol. Your point? It has Norse-Gaelic and Russian origin. Not yours symbol
>Russians own crosses
Ethnic Russians, Irish, Scots and Swedes own that particular one, yes. For Italian shitskin or American euromutt to use it is a cuckstamp.

Disgusting roleplayers ITT go back.

>But they weren't, WWII resulted in more European deaths than any nigger wars combined.
the germans were fighting the jews, the jews controlled england. the jews tried a communist revolution in germany prior to ww2.

the amount of deaths is not germany's fault, it's the jews

>fever dream
are you for real? you sound like SUCH a fucking faggot

WTF I love The American Vanguard now!

>Hitler was a faggot
I don't have a condescending reaction image good enough for this entire statement. The lad got cucked on by the international globalist community and like so many other leaders (see Iraq, Libya) largely pushed by America.

>white men caused problem because if freedom to vote
>let's bring an oligarchial libertarian system which has proven to be prone to degeneracy back

that jewish organisation lel

These people are idiots, or Controlled Opposition. Their propaganda scares people, and their idiot-tier wording makes them look like racists. They will win little support from doing this.

>>symbol being used in recent movements
>us the same as being used for thousands of years of culture
It's a preservation and celebration of that culture. What are you even talking about?

>our symbol

It's a cross. Which is used worldwide.

Your gripe is that a symbol of white culture is being used to represent whites?

>It has Norse-Gaelic and Russian origin.


>What's your alternative to national socialism then? Some democracy that's going to get us in the same place we started?

No, Donald Trump's nationalism is the most pragmatic approach, and his election has proven this. I don't consider myself a white nationalist, just an American nationalist.

I suggest you lurk at mpc for a while. Some posters over there can articulate a broad range of opinions much better than I can. They have a much better vision for the future of America than neo nazis.

You're right. They should shut up and let Jamal rape his gf.

The most telling thing to me is none of these posters have anything to do with hatred.
I don't know anything about the organization, but the posters don't seem hateful to me.

>The phrase "American values" is an empty one.
> It used to mean protecting the nuclear family
Doesn't sound so empty to me why contradict yourself like that.

>Jewish promoted one.
There is your answer you fucking shill. Jews are behind the degeneracy don't act like America has always been some cesspit of Jewish filth.

You Iron Marchers have this delusion that you are supposed to be the head of everything that moves on the right and if it isn't your brand you attack it like jews would.

Trump system still isn't going to solve core problem you yourself mentioned. He is addressing some problems but even with a slightly more radical version it's still going to be just as prone to jewry

Lad you just used that picture as an argument for why it wasn't a Russian symbol "lole look Italians use it", now it's preservation of culture?

She didn't face any charges?? She didn't lose her job?

>Lad you just used that picture as an argument for why it wasn't a Russian symbol

No I didn't. I said it's being used worldwide as a symbol of white unity. I never said the symbol's origin wasn't Nordic or Russian.

>the germans were fighting the jews, the jews controlled england. the jews tried a communist revolution in germany prior to ww2.

yes, surely Anne Frank was a lvl 33 POZ Wizard that needed to be taken out.

The kikes pulled some shenanigans in Germany with the Weimar Republic, but Hitlers overzealous reaction destroyed Europe and in the end his actions led to the Commies taking over the eastern half completely. That YOU a BRIT would defend Hitler is BEYOND KEKED.

He got cucked because he talked shit and got hit, if he didn't want to get his shit pushed in he shouldn't have invaded Poland (inb4 muh Poland massacre bullshit) Expecting every country to just appease his bull shit, and blaming the kikes cause they didn't accept him invading other EUROPEAN countries is retarded. Yes the kikes had their involvement, but Hitler did good enough on his own.

If you read the next two posts after "nuclear family" maybe you'd have comprehended the point of his post. American values has no real definition, it's a meme forced on us, ab empty word

America has always been prone to degeneracy, it's a capitalist system with no hierarchy overall outside that of the community. It'd a catch 22 because that community erodes over time no matter what in a system like this.

You said the swastika is bad because it was used by nazis and only appeals to Germanics, yet when someone points out the white power cross is from Celtics and Russian origin you change the goal post

>International system forces a man that wanted self determination to go to war with entire world by coercing other nations to be aggressive towards Hitler years before the war
>lol Hitler was a dumbo maybe he should think twice about kill 6 gorillan America fuck Yeah