Croats: Serbs are lying, manipulative and genocidal

>Croats: Serbs are lying, manipulative and genocidal

>Serbs: Croats are lying, manipulative and genocidal

Why are our people so stupid, serbros ?
Why do we have to kill each other when guys like Milošević and Tuđman drink coffee together and share profits ?

I've met many Serbs and you guys are literally one of the coolest nations I've encountered.

We could have been kangz.

Other urls found in this thread:

Now you are a bunch of irrelevant shitholes that have no standing on the international stage

Catholic scum

Its all your fault

>it's all your fault
>i t s a l l y o u r f a u l t
>i t s a l l y o u r f a u l t

you need to tractor back

>share profits ?
never do this. share profits? get real, you can have mutual agreements, but no sharing

>We could have been kangz
Well you never wanted us in the first place ever since 1918. Now you replaced Pope fanaticism with nationalism.

On the other hand we were idiots when Sloba said "Serbs cannot be Catholics"

>We could have been kangz.
>implying you aren't already the niggers of Europe

Actually those are French.

>actually those are the French

topkek, I hate the French as much as any good anglo but no. Sorry, Serbia. Where's your world-spanning empire that still exists in part today?


you get paid to kill each other. while clinton may have lied about her trip when her husband was president the media at the time lied about the conditions in the region. the peace agreement wasnt signed until 1995

a investigation into the shit that was happening showed america was paying the serbs to fight. the only thing missing was the exact time and room that the money changed hands between the warlord and the cia agent

this was the first glimpse of reality for some world leaders and the UN. the permanent seats can do what ever they want. there is no justice. they can kill your investigators and nothing will happen if they so chose

>the Croat screams as he stabs you in the back

No genocide has ever been committed against Croats.

Way to ruin the front page.

Only good serb is a dead one.

Sure, Nebojša. Those civilians in Vukovar and Škabrnja raped and beheaded themselves.

Says a subhuman potato nigger


After 2 generations it will change.

>Why do we have to kill each other when guys like Milošević and Tuđman drink coffee together and share profits ?

News flash, the war ended 20 years ago, Serbs and Croats killing one another hasn't been a problem since.

What the fuck Italy ?

>implying it's not toniblerim

nice try, Ivan Pernar

>Serbs: Croats are lying, manipulative and genocidal

But we're actually right.

What's the deal with Pernar anyway? I've seen a few videos of him and his autism levels are off the fucking charts.

The dude is a fucking legend

When will Serbs apologise for bombing of Dubrovnik?

Serious Sam is a shit game
I said it

Montenegrins did that.

It's pretty much the only non-shit thing that ever came out of Croatia, tbf.


It really is.



becoz we are niggers of europe cutiepie

most of the people around me dont give a fuck anymore, we are so much caught up in our own problems that we dont have time or the will for hate

how is anyone of us responsible for what he said? especially >us (the generations born in 1984~ and above), we dont have anything to do with Sloba, Tudjman, Izetbegovic or the war in general

You were one nation at that time.

No excuses.

i wish he could be more articulate and make less grammatic errors


Don't hate Serbs in general but when I see most Serbian ideologists can't help to think that by removing kebab, they should start with themselves.


can someone tl;dr this for me in English?

ne seri majmune

nisam igrao ove nove, ali stari Serious Sam je do jaja

Be cuz croats were true kangz

he's calling out free masons


We were two nations inside a union.

They had as much say as we did

And more to the point only Monteniggers troops where involved in Dubrovnik

Which to be honest explains a lot.

the main thing is

>Speaking to the croatian parliament
>Your problem isn't mister Ivan Pernar (him)
>Our problem is mister Hanzenkovic, mason of the 33rd degree, who sold his soul to the devil


Mda brate, igra kida.

Hanzenkovic is a fucking skype caricature from Der Sturmer

i personally don't have croats as some of my friends are them, they seem like okay people. but i do hate kebabs, ustase, and our nationalists.

i always keep wondering why we don't unite again, and exterminate all bad people from our countries. that would solve all problems and we'll be in peace for once

*personally don't hate

Aren't you guys basically the same people minus the religious differences?

yeah we are, more or less

Well some Croats and Serbs think that, they are most socialist or communist.
most Croats are aware of Serbian identity, but Serbian ideology claims that all Balkan people if not all Europe is of Serbian origin, God is Serb, Vatican is controlling puppet state Croatia, Croats stole Serbian culture and language....bla bla bla
so you have a pool of pretty shitty stuff from both Croatians and Serbs.

I najbolje za kraj: srpski """""turizam""""":

we aren't your bros.we can perhaps remove some kebab together in bosnia but every time we tried to be your friends we lost a chunk of our territory to your gay little fascist state.fuck off



>not even mentioning jasenovac


and this

>We could have been kangz.

But u keep shootin' ։'(

we didn't lost any land from them afaik, but if you mean on NDH it was a nazi puppet state which wouldn't ever exist without hitler

Jao bre, koje lepo društvance bre!


Jeste bre. Čamuge i ćosavi pasojedi. Mnogo lepo bre.

this fucking picture.




actually the XD pistols are breddy gud

jewsenovac is our pride and džoj.

I like you too fellow ex-yugoslav

You can't call any war crime genocide. It's like sjw's calling everything rape

So called "Genocide" was mutual but again, in every war you have civil victims, speaking of so, you can call NATO intervention in Yugoslavia genocide since they killed over 5k civilians.But yeah, there was no need for war

so you says serbs are genocidal, mmkay

>the serbs are just croats that didn't accept catholicism
>the croats are just serbs who converted to orthodox christianity

shit taste


Destroyed chetniks?

nastavak će imati pijane bradate spodobe koji stavljaju balvane na ceste.

yes we are slavs with the same origin, you can't deny that

>the serbs are just croats that didn't accept catholicism
Never met a Croat with that claim. Source?

Quebecuck, silence.

Oh look, an another backstabbing bulgarian cunt.

Bijeljina was the best anime

fucking retarded bosniaks got BTFO

this whole region is massively bluepilled shithole. Croats and Serbs should all unite in one nation and go on with their own politics without licking any of other asses from other politics they are licking right now.

Cuo sam da su to dobri pistolji od jednog poznanika.

>All true Americans act that way

what's wrong with backstabbing serbs tho?
We dindu nuffin.

Što bi srbi učinili kad bi hrvati u Vojvodini počeli bacati balvane po cestama, paliti srpska sela, ubijati civile i proglasiti nezavisnu vojvodinu?

Pobij separatističku stoku i pošalji ih u Hrvatsku pa neka tamo bacaju balvane.

Isto je učinjeno u Oluji. Stoka je deportirana.

this, but it seems like we are too retarded to come to that realization, especially our corrupted nationalist politicians

Why is the russian flag upside down?

Ma retard. Nikad sa njima ne treba se mjesati. Ne zato sto su svi Hrvati krvoloci i manijaci, vec zato sto ce uvjek biti ovakvih polumozgasa da potpale vatru.

cuz it serbian burgerbro

jbga mora da je dete nekog ustase, vidi se da je indoktrinarno deriste

Pa gledaj siru sliku. Hrvati su bili separatisti na nivou Jugoslavije. A samo prije 50 godina su poklali toliko Srba da nije bilo drugog scenarija nego da izbije rat. Nazalost. I ja bih volio da smo razisli sa malo manje zapaljenih kuca i poklanih ljudi ali sta ces.

hrvati u vojvodini koliko ja znam su manje od 1% a srbi u krajini su od 60% do 90%(zavisno od toga koju teritoriju tacno smatras krajinom)

>Why do we have to kill each other when guys like Milošević and Tuđman drink coffee together and share profits ?

yugo trash spotted..jebem li ti majku ljevičarsku

based ustashe diaspora

Well we are both South Slavs, that is mix of Slavs and people that lived in our parts before, but during history we had different cultural influences.

Although we became more alike as time passed (since we got together in state) I would like it if me remained separate friendly nations rather than americanize our cultures and spawn communist abomination.

call himself latin, follows an eastern church