Do these articles drive anyone else crazy?

Do these articles drive anyone else crazy?

>always written by a cuck
>painstaking descriptions of their "disease", panic attacks, awkward moments etc.
>breakdown is always caused by minor setback: bad test score, confusion at a restaurant, etc
>no suggestions for improvement, "I must live with this", beg for sympathy
>shared by overgrown children who don't want to be accountable for their emotional immaturity, get likes/support for being a huge pussy

It's so self's sickening.

Depression should be treated, you leaf. It's a genuine disease.

Agreed, but it seems most "depressed" people are just pathologising feelings of sadness.

I have both of those things, but I became a productive member of society after my father proscribed a heavy dose of Man The Fuck Up.

As it turns out, spending all day been anxious about how depressed I felt was the worst thing I could have been doing. Who'd have thought?


>"becky didnt comment on my new gucci handbag and chad only fucked me four times tonight"
>"i fuckin hate my lyf OMFG so depressed and anxious lately"
>"need some #metime"

Sad that telling someone to help themselves is seen as insensitive now.

>b-but he's sick user, let him fuck his body up with drugs


I used to have anxiety so bad that it was an ordeal just to drive less than a mile to the grocery store and shop for food. That was a couple of years ago. Now I can drive to a city 8 hours away in another state, by myself, no problem.

How'd I get over it? To be honest, I can't really think of any simpler way to put it, other than: I forced myself to. Slowly, gradually, over a period of maybe a year or so. It was hard, it sucked, but here I am.

inb4 """"ableist""""; there's no such thing as ableism.

But recurring feelings of sadness is the essential symptom of depression. But it seems as if the people you're describing are being overly hysterical about their condition, which means their symptoms might rather indicate a personality disorder of some sort. Histrionic, borderline, whatever.

Panic attacks are real as fuck, but these people do a good job at making it all seem trivial.

I get more triggered by the NEETs crying about how only they are allowed to feel sad desu.

>breakdown is always caused by minor setback: bad test score, confusion at a restaurant

>Ordered the chocolate soufflé and got cheese variety instead.

i can see that happen to those "people"

always thinking the world is against them, that they are the only ones experiencing setbacks, constant need for validation of their suffering

get the fuck over yourself
is a phrase they need to hear on a daily basis

we are

it's called regular depression.
anxiety is just lack of backbone.

i got prescribed xanax for anxiety and then got a dui for it when someone hit me and i had a panic attack. courts next month

i wasnt even on it at the time but cop asked me if i took any meds cus i was sperging out and then he arrested me

needless to say i dont treat it and deal with it like not a bitch now

No doubt their feelings are real, but as pointed out it usually points to lack of mental discipline/victim mentality rather than a real problem. I had a few panic attacks when I was younger and terrible anxiety, but working on my insecurities and building confidence helped me resolve ~95% of my problems within two years. Dumping drugs on faulty pathways is not the answer.

Fuck off with your ableist bullshit

Are you a woman?

>anxiety is just lack of backbone.
t. someone who's never experienced anxiety

if you had you would know it doesn't have anything to do with "backbone" and more to do with intrusive thoughts that you can't control


clinical depression, is described as a person who is so miserable that he'd sleep over 20 hours a day, not eating, bathing, and stuff like that just expecting to die
then there are millenials with """"""""""""""depression"""""""""""""" who go on facebook to post 1 selfie out of 40 they took with a tear on their eye trying to suck cock for attention

> omg ppl don't understand what it's like 2 have depression
> social anxiety? ew that guy is such a creep. why does he act so weird?

I had OCD (would wash my hands >50 times a day until they'd bleed) which then became general anxiety after I dealt with those symptoms. I've dealt with that well now after a few years.

It's all in your head. All the medication in the world isn't going to just do it for you yourself. You need to learn how to get over yourself.

The medication can help get you over the gap, sometimes. But you shouldn't be aiming to take it longer than a few months to a year.

As someone with both anxiety and manic bipolar and depression I can say it does happen.

The DSM V's definition of depression is far different from the quirky millennial blogger's definition. According to the former, it's essentially the complete loss of vitality and willpower for extended periods of time. It's when nothing's enjoyable anymore and you hardly want to get out of bed. According to the latter it's something to make you look brooding or more intelligent when you're about as empty as a plastic bag in a Walmart parking lot.

>giving muslim, feminist, liberal arts stereotypes attention

I don't regret posting this.

i wouldnt have gotten arrested if i was a woman and cried

>no suggestions for improvement, "I must live with this", beg for sympathy

This is what liberals do.
Instead of encouraging people to get better and make them not lose hope, they tell you it's a life long condition that can't be cured and only pills might help.

Fucking idiots.

Somehow this "depression" has become a legitimate form of faggotry. Even right wingers seem to legitimize it.

Men: Shut up and start lifting.

Women: Get yourself a man who lifts.

Natural order restored. Problem solved.

>drive less than a mile
>less than a mile

>waitress and retail worker with anxiety

probably not, if she can talk to strangers all day

Agree with OP. This shit is becoming a new "identity" like LGBTQWTFBBQ did. The weakest people I know go on about their "disease" and constantly post shit trying to make other people change because of "muh feelings" . Its just another excuse for failure that is being normalized and accepted. Like the LGBTwhatevers before them people adopt this shit as a lifestyle or for sympathy/recognition. The only good thing is they are all separating themselves and voluntarily removing their own rights like gun ownership etc.

Sounds like r9k

I'm just glad someone out there feels the same way I do, OP.


so if someone loses her whole family in an accident or they get major league cucked emotionally and financially they should just start lifting

simply epic

you faggots are reading too much tumblr posts of people making shit up to justify stupidity

Women should exercise and lift too, not just men.

Just go fuck yourself,
are you a moron like scientology and does deny psychology as a whole?
I would never wish that to one.
but if you are one day laying in bed, dont want to get out,0 motivation and everything which makes you usual smile just dont. - think what empty, emathyless BS you have written, depression is real.
Just Fuck You

>walking or biking a mile except for exercise
are you gainfully employed?

>then there are millenials with """"""""""""""depression""""""""""""""
this, I hate depression, mine always kicks in when I have RA relapse but I don't talk about it anywhere because
>sleep over 20 hours a day, not eating, BATHING, and stuff like that just expecting to die
except I sleep like only 15-16 hours a day

It's the same person.

Digits confirm the irrevocable truth of this statement.

Or at least they should do some sports, if they don't lift

mental illnesses are the perfect guise for those with victimhood complex, since they do not require physical proof.

I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety due to a variety of childhood traumas most of my life, and I find the attention-whoring and hijacking of these very real issues to be sickening.

So yes, mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are real and no you can't just "shake" them off by being a manly man, but like so many other things in modern times, they are being hijacked by this cult of professional victims, leaving those of us with actual clinical diagnoses looking like complete jackasses.

They've hijacked the definition of "depression" and "anxiety" to mean upset or moody, and in those cases a swift kick in their own ass IS probably the best medication.

Depression and anxiety is a meme

Break yourself from this social conditioning

same. you just HAVE to make yourself do it and it conditions your. rain over time

Although it sounds funny it makes sense if you live here.

I lived in Dresden for two months and just went to the store often on my way walking home, throwing it in my backpack or tote.

Here, I shop once a week at a grocery about 2 miles away, but I'm not risking dying by biking with our shit laws or walking with 8-9 bags.

are you thin?

this desu senpai

>donate to my patreon!

Women only have one thing to worry about in life and they are guaranteed a free ride, don't get too fat. Men are the ones that have to stay fit, have a good paying job, drive a car, pay for everything. MGTOW

My entire family has panic attacks and mental disorders. IDK what purpose it serves to make fun of us, we can't control what we are born with and it severely limits our achievement levels. How am I supposed to be 24/7 happy, to make sales for my job, when I feel like I have to act like a soldier to keep from having panic attacks?

I do this daily, and yes. Fuck off lardass. Go take the car to go to a gym to sit on a bike to feebly pedal after you've stuffed your mouth with triple cheese cream bacon lard burgers while sitting on your gigantic ass all day while Hans and myself walk and bike everywhere and stay naturally slim.

yeah, our burbs arent meant for a nice walk. Crosswalks take forever and cars dont even remember to look for you

your entire bloodline should be castrated. i am serious. we could rid ourselves of genetic ailments within a generation.

>medication can help get you over the gap
This is what people don't understand.

Real solution: Self improvement possibly aided by medication.

Current state of affairs: Reliance on prescription drugs, often leading to extreme side-effects, physical dependence, and no alleviation of original symptoms.

I blame the "special snowflake" upbringing. These fucking weak parents are to blame. It's always something else's fault, the world and make-believe diseases are at fault, not you just needing to grow the fuck up.

>loses whole family
>financial disaster
Those are crises. Depression is a normal result of a personal crisis of that magnitude, and in most cases it's temporary. That's very different from the people who have a morbid fascination with their "feelings" and just perpetuate their own "sickness".

>ride the bike to faggotville, over half a mile away
>meet some cuck there by chance, but now you can ride off with them and hang cause you gotta collect your car on-bike like a faggot in the opposite direction

I'm in better shape than you Europoors lol
I bet you flabby losers don't even have visible abs
>snaggly teeth all over the place
>that Belgian accent

Try walking and biking around an American suberb or city that's not NY or SanF, unlike your eloquently described non country, it's retarded.

You're better off cutting your long ass commute down and making your grocery trip short, then going to a park.

>tfw no longer depressed since I stopped being a liberal

Stop breeding immediately.

fatass detected.

i ride my bike 12 miles round trip to school every day and the impatient retards that almost hit me every day are always fat. always.

i started carrying a rock in my left hand and when retards cut me off i chuck it at their car. eat shit, fattie.

>Self improvement possibly aided by medication.

This. Medication is supposed to give you enough energy and start improving yourself and taking therapy.

Do US doctors really prescribe psychiatric meds like candy? Here they get mostly prescribed by specialists, with them telling you that they should be taken alongside therapy.

aka people who vent on tumblr about stupid shit

Yeah especially considering how I used to be exactly like this in high school until I just manned the fuck up and stopped romanticizing being weak

Why do you fucks need grocery stores so much?
>he doesn't grow his own vegetables
>he doesn't have chickens
>he needs to get a lot of stuff from the grocery store

Bet you don't even make your own bread.

Enjoy dying of famine when your country eventually collapses. Meanwhile just stating naturally active because there is the need for shit to do around the house is ten times better than artificial sporting.

These people would kill themselves if they actually dealt with major depression.

Its like the "take it to the vet" /an/ banner.
If you have anxiety and depression go see a psych. Don't write some dumb clickbait article about it.

Your replying to a consumer slave.

Had/have both, it's called manning the fuck up. Do something with your life, start working out, change your diet and eat healthier.

I like the banter m8

I sadly have to give you right here too

europeans are always when it comes to sport more focused on running around (football)
while americans always like to get everything involved (american football, with tackling etc)

In my experience no, I went through a battery of tests and consultations before getting anything.

They also advocate therapy in addition to medication, but sometimes doctors do hand shit out.

I havent been on MSM nor read any of their articles in over 5 fucking years. But you guys are still so tied to all of that garbage. When will you fucking learn not to see leftists as humans anymore. They are just insects and insect screams. Stop paying them attention.

This. It might be a coincidence but while recovering something that energized me early on was figuring this shit out.

American society is based completely on emotional appeals and marketing. Companies have medicalized and pathologized normal parts of life, like kids being slightly hyperactive or women having cramps before their periods, so they invent terms like ADHD and PMDD, which, while they may legitimately apply in .01% of cases, are simply not relevant to the overwhelming majority of people. In my experience, doctors here only ever prescribe medication as a solution in and of itself.
>Oh, you're overeating and overweight? Let's just put you on a statin for the rest of your life.
It's too politically incorrect to tell someone that they're fat by choice and that they're literally going to die 30 years early because they're FUCKING FAT BY CHOICE

I don't play any sports but I do exercise 3x weekly on average at the gym, was never very interested in them as a child and as an adult the only people I see playing sports or interested in sports are either nigs or Joe Sixpack types

>half a mile is a long distance
>it's only 805 meters

Not enslaved to the carb jew, but says a lot about you choconigger.

I wish you could feel like i feel u lil shit. Ive been living with it 8 years now and im still baffled how people "overcome" it.
>its just in your head
>take the bull by the horns
>man up
Yeah no shit, ive been doing in for a long time and it helps a little bit, but you cant be set free of it. Always coming to the same point - why even bother if after this long period of time youre back to square one.

Fuck you, burger

>living a lifestyle that makes walking a mile an exercise


>society expands by finally figuring out how to grow crops
>kinda successful for a couple of millennias and actually manage to end up in space rather than hunting mammoths
>lol no it's the Jews let's go back to hunting with a spear carbs are bad

I "suffered" from panic/anxiety attacks for 2 years, it was health related not social anxiety autism. I didn't feel the need to cry about it or have someone hold my hand, even though sometimes it felt like I was dying. I sorted my own shit out without medication or self help bullshit, just good ol' will power and perseverance.

This seems like the emo kids who were "depressed" and cut themselves in high school for attention. Now they have grown up and realised their life has amounted to nothing. Notice how it's mostly middle class educated liberals, as always.

Don't get me wrong depression and anxiety sucks, but only the weak minded can't overcome it. Suppressing your problems with drugs is the most retarded thing anyone can do.


Better than nothing, though. Even that little exercise can keep people from being exceptionally unhealthy. There are people out there who refuse to do even that.

How in the flying fuck are depression and anxiety contradictory? They go hand in hand.

The retardation of the title is infuriating.

Some people never get off the ride. Ive just started to realize that after 9 years of this shit. You need to forget the fairy tale ending where youre "free" and focus on making a habits and a routine strong enough that it doesnt matter how you feel. You will continue to hit lows, but focus on not letting the lows impact your life and you may not get "really" low

>Brussels sprouts
>Belgian waffles

You guys are just food memes, so your opinion doesn't really matter anyway.

We're only interested in expert opinions now. Which is why we whine on the internet about our problems, of course.

>people who refuse to do even that
Something tells me they then join fat acceptance feminism groups and explore their true sexuality by slapping their meat flaps rhythmically to the sound of Beyonce

I have a strange form of OCD, which was diagnosed, not just a self-label. I count everything in groups of three, including steps, bites of food, etc. It was very difficult as a young boy because I'd get very beyond frustrated if I was thrown off my count or anything. Of course it was never severe or anything, it's a pretty mild case relative to the cases of others. But I've dealt with it, I've accepted it as a part of who I am, and I've learned how to let go on occasion if I don't finish a burger in 9 bites, or if I lose count of my steps, etc. It doesn't bother me much anymore, and I've accepted it as a part of who I am.

You totally deserve a double mountain dew extra syrup, Hugo. Gotta treat yourself ;^)

>insults a Belgian
>posts a pic of Dutch children
Your entire education is a meme

Actually, we're only interested in expert opinions that validate our own opinion.

Experts that don't are immediately discarded as quacks or deniers.

>implying depression has a similar severity for everyone

Agreed, depression mocks anxiety and anxiety mocks depression and often they appear together.

>mfw i used to do this with fours

No wonder i became a musician.

Can you also get me an organic skinny non-fat soy-milk-foam decaf latté frappachinitito with one push of low-cal cane-sugar fairytrade caramel syrup?

Teehee I can't believe those retarded Europeans drink simple coffee! What do they know about wholesome food, do they, Hans?

>shared by overgrown children who don't want to be accountable for their emotional immaturity, get likes/support for being a huge pussy

Sweet Jesus, I hate that.

As I said earlier sometimes the drugs can help people get across the gap. They're not meant to 'suppress' depression/anxiety indefinitely. This is what the people complaining in the blogs don't understand.


It's strange. I saw somebody else who did it with threes on here months ago. I tried to reply, but the thread 404'd. I think it contributed to my gravitation towards swimming back in high school, due to breathing after every third stroke.

Rolt nog wat in de bittere hoerenplooien van uw moeder.