Racism is a problem in the USA. No one denies that

But what would the U.S. look like if the only minority were Asians? Specifically, non-Muslim Asians. Would racism still be problem? If not, then couldn't we say that racism in the US isn't a supremacist problem but the fact that Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims are the root cause?

Inb4 Muslims aren't a race. Ya, I know you fuck. Doesn't change my point.

What if we added Latinos in to the mix. Would racism be a problem? A little perhaps, but not so severe as right now.

Make you own conclusions on why racism exists in the US.

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There would be no issues as Asians:

-- Are in general highly intelligent.
-- Self Sufficient and not parasitic.
-- Mind their own business and not try to control anyone.
-- Net contributors and hence net assets as citizens..

racism is not a problem in the USA

Latino isn't a race either.

Latins of European origin, such as Cubans are also net contributors. It's the aztec looking ones that are genetically inferior.

Racism is a problem in USA but not white against black racism, more of the oposite and also loxism.

>Racism is a problem in the USA
then let the majority live alone like they wanted to from the beginning.

Humans are tribal by nature so as long as there are different races of people present, you will have racists. But you can be sure if Asians were the only minorities, we wouldn't have nearly the amount of racial tension and outspoken "oppressed" minorities because Asians actually stay busy and productive for the most part. Also, they have very low criminality which would strengthen their case to the racist whites.

if America was 100% Asian there will be civilization but no scientific breakthroughs

The problem is that Chinese in large numbers do not assimilate or speak English at all.

I just notice Chinese are resistant to assimilate.

Fuck off out of the USA then nigger


Asians are fine by most people, because the showed other races they are capable of being productive members of society. 2nd generation asian immigrants are perfectly integrated 99% of the time.

poverty doesn't exist in the third world

Chinese immigrants are nigger-tier if not worse. Absolutely refuse to assimilate, incredibly unhygienic (shit/piss/spit in public), loud, rude, shit drivers that will actually kill people due to their incompetence.

it's really disgusting how racist we are. the entire right wing revival is based on racism. it's fear of foreign cultures disguised with an isolationist mask. lax economic policy to exploit dark people, lax environmental policy to exploit dark people, etc.

That's not what I'm saying. I said "what if non-Muslim Asians were the only MINORITY in the U.S." I'm not saying anything remote to Asians taking over US.

>32 KB
>Racism is a problem in the USA. No one denies that.

I deny it. And I demand proof that it is a problem, a real problem. Racism will always be there so long as people have rights to associate with whomever. That's nothing that affects a society that already protects rights in the first place. Racism has no power to be a real problem. People will dislike each other but that's not a real problem.

So, I demand proof that racism is a real problem. Isolate it. Prove its intent. And show all the world just how much a "problem" racism is.

I'll be waiting.

feels fuckin' great man.

>implying that just because humans are naturally tribal and have had many wars deciding who would live where and then cultivating a culture and home might not be happy when you pick people up from one area to another culture and take jobs and money away from the immigrants new "home" and give foreigners with different values influence to change the rules in said new country.

lol are you stupid or something buddy? none of that happens haha, immigrants are just people like me an u rolfl

holy fuck that's decent b8.

4/10 almost hooked and triggered me.

I think some of you are misinterpreting my original post. My point is that everytime, racism is blamed on racists/supremacists. That they're evil, etc.

Hence my postulate. What if the only minorities in the US were Asians. If the original hypothesis, that supremacists are evil, then racism should be every bit as sever. On the other hand, if racism decreases, or virtually vanish, then blame CANNOT be solely placed on the supremacists. Because, if they were simply "evil" then racism would persist regardless of who the minority populations were. Am I making myself a little clearer?


>What if the only minorities in the US were Asians

I'm sure there would be gook gangs but the nips are the whites of asians and chinks don't commit crimes.

yellows also don't bitch about systemic racism but that might be because they haven't been the target of the Jews since before they were brought into the country.

I think it would be less violent but there would be more casual racists