Is the United States of America proof that multiculturalism is doomed to fail?

Is the United States of America proof that multiculturalism is doomed to fail?



Rotherham is.

No, america is the example of it working. The problem is, true multiculturalism requires a fair deal of assimilation. The cultures have to grow together into one. Problem is, islam prevents this and destroys any chance at peace.

It is indeed.

>multiculturalism and diversity is about the celebration and preservation of our differences

>all races and cultures need to mix into one

what do you people even want

but the left always use it as a shining example of perfect multiculti heaven

>multiculturalism is working
Um I think reality speaks otherwise.

No, the EU is proof that multiculturalism doesnt work.

Don'f fucking remind me...

You know what the worst part is? Half the country doesn't know, the other half doesn't even care.

it's not multicultural if they have to assimilate

having some chinks in your town who have a chinese restaurant is not 'multi cultural'

Most people growing up in America were born here.

It's when Muzzie and Spic immigrants come over and refuse to assimilate when problems arise.

Being "American" is basically a culture in and of itself. Hence why pretty much everyone who lives here celebrates Thanksgiving and 4th of July.

It really depends on where you look in the US.
People/groups that do assimilate to American culture tend to do quite well (ie indians/asians) but it also shows you what happens to the cunts who refuse to adapt to American culture (ie spics and niggers)

real talk who painted this, its god dam beautiful.



literally every case of multiculturalism is proof that multiculturalism is doomed to fail

> Big sheep is Mary
> Little sheep is Jesus
> Crows are Jews and Romans

Am I the only one who thought this?

A lot of our problems seem to parallel that of the ancient Roman civilization.

I'm sure you know what happened to them.

More or less in that the more minorities that exist within a society the more racialised politics becomes (black lives matter niggers etc) which is retarded and does nothing. Only the US is different because it's not inherently a white nation, I mean it IS but normies would get mad if you said it. The US only somewhat works because everyone comes together in pursuit of le american dream. It's much worse here because everything is so compact and our nations do belong to white people as much as liberals and kikes would love to deny it.

no but you are describing the exact narrative being push HARD by jewish owned media

the question is why

>Is the United States of America proof that multiculturalism is doomed to fail?
No, because crime and racial tension is down, it's just more extreme because the edges are pushed away from the center, and more noticeable because of constant surveillance.

>america is the example of it working.
That's why you have BLM niggers killing cops in ambushes every two weeks or so?

A melting pot is preferable to a stew.

Multiculturalism is an attempt to destroy Americanism.

Americanism means we can all get along as long as our core values are the same, thus the melting pot.

Multiculturalism is about everybody embracing their own values and somehow this works out because of reasons; it's a stew.

Yes, so are France, UK and Germany.

Ready your ropes and train your knotting gentlemen.