Nah, she will be in jail.

The Democrats will never let her run again after this mess.
The only reason she was even able to run a second time is because Obama kept her relevant.

>Implying she'll still be breathing in 2020.

Holy shit!

Maybe this message of Kek was meant for the election in 2020?

but she'll be in hell desu

It's just rhetoric to cover her ass so that my trump will look corrupt by jailing her.

>predicting things four year from now
Keep me posted.

That... is not a bad hypothesis senpai.

that's honestly the best thing amerifats can hope for

if she failed this miserably this year, then Trump will win 2020

surely the DNC can't be that fucking retarded?

Oh boy

You think Hillary will live that long?

All those 6's

It was a rare message from evil kek. Evil kek targets individual people, so yes, it is true.

By the time Trump finishes his first term, no one will ever want a Democrat again.

Either that or Pizzagate will expose them before that.

all that perfect vision and she still failed


He might. Not to (or on) her.

6 is the number of moloch, not surprised at all

Her Jew handlers didn't do their job properly.

>By the time Trump finishes his first term, no one will ever want a Democrat again

If he i as successful as I hope he is, this will be pretty true. If he fucks it up somehow, then no.

In either case, "never" is a long time. The Republican Party after Watergate wpuld never rise again. After Reagan pushed their shit in, the Democrat Party was dead and the only question was what might rise to replace it. And of course Obama's first win, and "Demographics is Destimy," meant that the GOP would never win again.

>Difficult to predict, always in motion the future is.

4 more years of CTR.

did you mean ∞ years?



there's no such thing as party domination

even after that "demographic shift" everyone's talking about, the less popular party will simply adjust their platform to get more voters

there's two effective parties, they'll always find ways to rebound

Hillary 2020

Dead Voters Matter

This aging ghoul will not run in 2020.
Why?...Because if she wants the money to keep pouring into The Clinton Foundation, she has to create the illusion of another POTUS candidacy.

Like a true nigger, she will either be dead or in jail by 2020.

who the fuck want her? Wtf is wrong with America.

>immediately after the 2016 election yanks already start speculating on a 2020 election
Holy shit lads give it a rest

What is it with yanks and their obsession with election coverage?

>yfw she gets stomped again in 2020

That is really a horrible photo of her, she looks like a fat special needs 10 year old boy.


Looks like she hasn't had her dose of baby blood.


this scares me. Trump won only because of all the scandals surrounding Hillary

>anthony "PEDO" weiner

>screencapping your own post

embarrassing desu

Maybe, we'll deal with that when the time comes.

In the mean time, you need to practice saying "PRESIDENT TRUMP"

How so?