Can we agree on Germany being the new laughing stock of Sup Forums?

Can we agree on Germany being the new laughing stock of Sup Forums?

Sweden had a good run but I feel like Germany really encapsulates everything a western country could do wrong, also the most cucked western nation


nope, sorry m8 you will always be the worst

Same goes for my country. Actually it's worse here. 50%+ of children under 3 are Mexican or South American. White people don't want kids anymore because kids cost a lot, and that iPhone7 isn't going to pay for itself.

they're such an embarrassment. they're swallow american cum while taking arab dick in the ass.

we will build a great wall around germany, wait 50 years (to make the white germans suffer) and once they are all brown we can starve all of em.

Don't disrespect our grestest ally.

This, basically.

Selfish whites ruined their own lives, we have no one else to blame.

has germany closed their borders yet?

we have

And the worst part is:

>Merkel is running for a third term
>she wants to expand the espionage net of Germany to crack down on it's own people
>leftists wants to make more difficult for germans to get guns because "white people are racists becouse they use guns to commit suicide while blacks use them to shoot one another"

Most of them are slavs and other white people.

keep telling yourself that ahmed.

Whilst the rest of the world is slowly uncucking themselves you are getting worse, your bloodline will be gone and infested with muslims in the next decade.

How does it feel that Sweden can laugh at your shitty government.

masha Allah bothers. Germanistan is truly fucked.

wedont need to close our borders, we need to close our welfare system for 'recent arrivals'

you guys too.
there are way too many migrated into it in the last 30 years

Press F to pay respects.

>we dont need to close our borders

Based Germany coming in with the truth bombs.

Thats right hans, your home is everyones home

>m-muh bloodline
That's what people care about who have nothing else in their lifes.

What do you have in your life?


Right now? two (you)s.

>who cares about my blood line
we dont need to close our boarders

Man, you cucks love to prove me right. Utterly laughable

reading comprehension = 0%

how many do you think will disappear when they are no longer getting payed to stay here?

How many will come there when you literally stop them from coming in?

does not matter
there are too many here already

Not cherishing the gift thousands and thousands of years old as the most valuable thing you can physically posses.

When you will turn older you may understand.

how about this, stopping anymore from coming in and kicking the rest out.

Ganz bestimmt, Väterchen.

this guy might be the biggest fucking cuck, he doesn't care if his country turns 100% brown.

i would be satisfied with throwing the leeches, the thugs and those who think they are better then germans out, and preventing more of those from coming in.

then you are brainwashed by your government, the average muslim believes all sorts of degenerate things.

Send the goat fuckers home and make hans great again

>100% brown
Of course i care. We must prevent those right-wing populists at all costs.

your reading comprehension is lacking again.

>those who think they are better then germans
who do you think this refers to?

We might need to glass Germanistan at some point in the near future.