Rip reddit

Rip reddit

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inb4 they flock here

Way too late for that inb4

They're already here, who do you think has been posting
>race doesn't matter we are all Americans
>Democrats are the real racists
>Jews are a victim of Muslim terrorism too

"changing" the algorithm wasn't enough to kill our subreddit so now they are trying to sandbox it with a separate set of rules.

Can we fucking end these cucks now?

Get the fuck off our site and our board you fucking retards

If you actually fucking believe any of that you're even more autistic than them


Fucking idiot we are your front office, we work together to make your ideas more palatable for consumption.

You needed us.

Now, neither if us need reddit.

Let's kill it.

For those who hate plebbit, feel free to ignore this post. For those who are interested:

They already crippled that sub's ability for "organic" posts to get to all by changing the algorithm to specifically target The_Donald's votes. The only way they got post to the front of /r/all was by using stickies after that.

This change will prevent them from ever reaching the front of /r/all again. In short this will effectively hide the sub's content from the rest of plebbit.

>the best way to try and deal wth dissenting opinions is to try and censor them! Surely that won't galvanize them and send potential neutral parties over to their side!

Why haven't they learned anything from this election cycle?


lmao we already won

You guys should probably email the FCC or the FTC over the admin stealth editing comments.

This could possibly revoke Reddit's safe harbor status.

Whoa now, Hiroshimuru is going to ban you if you start talking like that. We don't want any raids happening (*wink* *wink*).

>Sup Forums needed reddit
Top fucking kek the delusion is palpable

Fuck a raid, I want them nuked

>this is what /r/the_donald unironically thinks of itself
fuck off you larping faggot

>you didn't win nothin, goyim.

>turkroach LARPing as a human
>talking shit


>Donald Trump wins the Presidency of the United States
>We'll take away their stickies! That'll show them.

reddit is kinda pathetic.

major league cuck out


Reddit has cancerous moderators and cancerous administrators. Lefties are weak.

I'm still waiting for them to ban the_donald. It will happen.

What is r/all/ and why does it matter if Redditors from Sup Forums can't post there?

made my first reddit account lads

already done sadly, that's why there's been growing number of pic related showing up in the past months.

when the doomsday clock hits midnight and nukes are dropping and WW3 is happening and shit hits the fan, redditfags will be the first to be purged

With this step, Reddit has officially cast in their lot with the left wing of the internet. They're no longer unofficially a site of left wingers, they're now officially a site of left wingers endorsed by the administration. They're now in the same league as Huffington Post or Gawker.

They've gotten rid of the illusion of neutrality, and are now even more of a joke than they began as. The admins have failed to live up to a standard of professionalism, and now their site is going to suffer the fate of Digg.

I can't fucking imagine being so fucking childish that you're going to target a single community because a few were mean to you, while ignoring all of the same shit from the vast majority of other communities, then pretend it's not because of politics.

This fucking manbaby is paid six figures a year, and he can't administrate professionally. What a fucking failure of an adult, and a failure of a human being. What a perfect example of liberalism in action.

>Current Alexa rank of is 29. Between 10/30/2016 and 11/29/2016, its highest rank is 24 in 11/1/2016, its lowest rank is 31 in 11/29/2016.

One of the most viewed websites in the US. It's a way to spread our message, albeit a sanitized version. At best T_D is Civic Nationalism, but it's at least a way to pull people to the right instead of letting it be a lefty echo chamber.

They were also the faggots posting "No one heard of Richard Spencer until last week"

>people allowed to post their opinions without being silenced
>mods change the rules to prevent others from seeing their opinions
>F-fake news! I-t's fake news!!
Keep giving me that drama.

Kek what a faggot. We never needed you. Go hang yourself you fucking filthy kike.

>nobody cares
>R: 22 / I: 3
Either you're fucking retarded, or from reddeit, and want to fit in, but reddeit has been one of the worst things to ever butt heads with /pol. Instead of just just trying to shitpost on a site filled with other shit posters, they think we're a joke, and want to desperately try and fit in so they can be one of us, and then they screen cap our shit and retreat back to reddeit to tell everyone how involved they are over here, resulting in our memes being stolen, more rreddit shit coming back over here, and more correcting of the record in our case, whether or not they are payed for it. Its pathetic, if you were to take a vocal liberal and put them in a crowd of republicans you better believe they're going to have something to say, and in this case its rreddit coming over here to joke around or try and fit in and then getting triggered, and feeling the need to mass reply with liberal bullshit. FUCK REDDeIT AND FUCK YOU

reddit got Trump elected

NOW they try to stop this?

go away, leafshit

He has a point, redpilling is a process. Tip of the spear and all that

Reddit has been slowly going downhill for the past 4 years. I used to frequent it when it was just harmless, wholesome, and simple memes. Just a funny place with really obscure and interesting subreddits. You could have an entire sub dedicated to like dead bodies - not that that was my thing. It was just nice that people were able to have whatever they wanted.

Now its a socialist, college liberal circlejerk just one step above places like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It appeals to the most basic of emotions and attention mongering

Reddit's admins have two choices: embrace "toxic" culture or rip apart their site for mainstream advertisers. They'll do the latter.

No, Sup Forums overall has a bad image due to gayymer-gate. Most will go to Voat or 8gag.