Sup Forums BTFO, can you ever recover from this blow?

Sup Forums BTFO, can you ever recover from this blow?

Asian pride is a thing despite Mongolia/Japan/Korea/China/Vietnam\Burma etc. all being as distinct from each over as Western European countries are (even if they arr rook the same) and all the Asians knowing where their ancestors came from.

Therefore asian pride is probably also evil according to liberals, but not wrong enough to cause an outrage. Bringing light to this issue would also raise a question as to why Asians are the only minority which is doing really well in America, while blacks, hispanics and others, fail.

So blacks being too lazy to even learn their own family origin is now added to the list of whitey's fault.


>asian pride is a thing
No it isn't.

So they have pride in being the most oppressed race in history? How does that "actually make sense"?

"White pride makes you you asshole." Believe it not, read the post again and you'll see he gave no evidence for this position whatsoever.

Also, plenty of these black pride faggots do derive pride from their African heritage, so thus, are they assholes? I can't say this would logically follow from his logic as to what makes a white person have white pride because he didn't say what it was.

Now watch them call you a Nazi if you track your ancestors to Sweden and then you start following a Norse paganism and campaigning for Nordic rights and culture to be respected.

>there is no overarching pan-european set of values

poland pls

Blacks and Mexicans can't say Black power or Brown pride then right?


the irish in colonial america were pretty much nigger slaves m8

unexpected hearty kek over here

you have to go back

What's wrong with being proud of your skin color, exactly? White skin is very aesthetically pleasing.

He makes a good point, I honestly dont give two shits about non anglos

A kraut is still just as foreign as a chink even if theyre not black eyed yellow skinned eyesores

Wherefore white guilt?
Or white privilege?

>"Go find a black person and ask if their ancestors were slaves."
yeah nice try i dont wanna get stabbed today

>evil according to liberals
Nope. Despite the fact that Asians as an ethnic groups do considerably better than every other group, including whites, they are non-whites, so they must be allies. It doesn't matter if the vast, vast majority of Asian-Americans would have nothing but contempt for their identity politics.

>Blacks in the U.S. don't know what country they came from

Well, I was born in the U.S., I admire western civilization, science, culture and behavior. I take pride in being a tax-paying American that works a full-time job.

>Why don't blacks born in the U.S. just have American pride because they're Americans?

Because that would completely destroy the Democratic Party Platform based on blacks being poor victims.

Thanks Reddit! Try again!

t. Black Republican.

>and NO ONE gives them shit for it
Absolute bullshit. Every time there is a national celebration leftists complain about colonialism and patriotism and whatnot every single fucking time, and want to replace those festivities with multicultural ones.

What this guy ironically misses is that yes, it makes sense to have "white pride" because right now whites are being treated as a monolith that needs to go extinct (while the other races can have their countries just fine).

Also he is missing the fact that there are leftist groups for asians, latinos and newly arrived blacks who can trace their ancestors just fine, but I guess they are not assholes for that redditor (just the white ones).

> west africans had record keeping systems, in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Go to any african today in africa and ask them to trace their ancestry. nah bro.

>There is no white culture

it's called civilisation you fucking nigger

>i am american
>i have irish culture

top fucking kek

>Go to any african today in africa and ask them to trace their ancestry. nah bro.

They probably could because clans and tribe are literally life and death in most places. Kenya and Ethiopia have internal tribal warfare pretty much constantly over grazing land. They elect people based on their tribal affiliation and chimp out if the wrong one gets in because they will fuck over rival tribes.

If (((they))) were somehow able to kill of all white people, asians would be the next public enemy. For the time being, they are treated as an inconveniance for the liberal narrative.

I'm adopted. They can stop bitching.

There is in fact a pan-European culture or at least semi-pan European culture. Individualism, the concept of a strong sovereign law and christian religious values are something western Europeans and their descendants share. There are many others as well.

This is just a ridiculous after-the-fact rationalization for why their anti-white narratives are "justified". Does he expect us to think that liberals have really thought this through to any level of depth?

You could just as convincingly argue that the extent of non-white on white crime, and the total media blackout on this issue, is indicative of a culture and media that is inherently anti-white and thus means that white people need representation and similar cultural pride movements.

Consider, the media, academia, and reddit pseudo-intellectuals like this clown are quick to promote any man-bites-dog example of white on black hate crime such as Dylan Roof as if it is a societal norm, while at the same time maintaining a complete blanket silence on the 25000+ white women raped every year by blacks, those who are murdered in hate crimes or gang initiations, or the many thousands more who are robbed, assaulted, or just generally have their lives made worse by black criminals. This is what the crime statistics demonstrate, a society in which whites are brutally attacked and assaulted on a scale SO MUCH MORE than the inverse. I would say that in such a climate of toxic anti-white violence, pro-white movements are a necessity.

But no, we can't have that. We'll bring up slavery, gas-light white victims of non-white crime a bit more, and tell them that they have no right to pride or racial solidarity because they're a "social construct" that doesn't really exist. Oh, and here's an example of a white cop shooting a black thug who was attacking him, now please atone for this and tell us how sorry you are, but no, you can't talk about the rate of black on white rape, racist white boy.

People like this exist only to gas-light and abuse whites, while professing a veneer of intellectualism, no doubt with a clipboard full of Salon and HuffPo articles ready to deploy at any second if anyone suggests that race is real or that whites have group interests.

>White pride is about bringing diverse cultures together

honestly they can't stop bitching about things that other people decide to do

Liberals have no clue in history or that there is a whole world outside the US

Also this thing is a gigantic strawman, which is ofc the only way libs can actually argue

I agree with this

Also, as a euromutt I don't particularly have a great idea of where my ancestors come from. I know some of my ancestors come from England, Sweden, Germany and Ireland. It's not really possible to trace my ancestry back to one country and then have pride in that. Me celebrating my Irish or Swedish ancestry would feel ridiculous.

There isn't an 'african histroy month' it's black. A skin color.