Holy shit news from Brazil... again

Holy shit news from Brazil... again.
Here's your host, OP.

On today's news, the congress just took the "ten acts against corruption", flipped it around and made it the "ten acts for corruption, fuck you edition".
Major uproar is brewing and you can expect some major news as soon as sunday. Big scary manifests booked all around the country already and people are fucking pissed.

the reality is that you are more focused on the plane crash

It's getting to a point that it may surpass our last manifest for the duck overlord.

Thing is, they took advantage of the incident with the football team and made that freaking abomination real late at night. Like between 1 and 4 AM. And they made all the possibel for it to go under the blankets while people got emotional over the crash.

BR is the plane and it'll crash with no survivors.

brrrrrr brrrrr brrrrrrrrrrr hue brr hue brrrrrrrrr that's the sound of a failing engine.

Just so the gringofags can have an Idea, this made Jean Willys and Bolsonaro that are major rivals (Jean spat on Bolsonaro, for example) unite. against it

Din't know about that. That just shows how fucking retarded this whole thing is.

that is some classical south american media for you

>something important is happening ! could change the face of the nation
>next day some tv star dies or a plane full of irrelevant people crashes

>meedia focuses 100% on the irrelevant stuff
>important stuff dissapears from public interest and dies

They did cover it, tho they made waaaaaay less of a national affront than it actually is.

You stupid cunts, why the hell you decided to make us your scapegoat? it's been two whole days full of this inane shit.

>Trusting corrupt politicians to crack down on corruption

Pretty interesting timing, that plane crash. Very convenient to have such an effective distraction when this bill is gutted. Very convenient.

Nice piloting btw.
"Should I stop by and refuel? Nah, should be enough, gotta save some muns."

Corruption here is made by professionals.
Stay tuned for the show we are making about it inspired by the post from the guys by "house of cards".

>caring about brazilian politics

Brazil is a fuckin nightmare.
I hate llive here.

>Not caring about politics
>Of the country you live in

So, there's this guy that's been buttfucking me, but who cares? Gotta look smart over freaking Sup Forums.

So, anyone going to do something
I'm not really looking forward to going out and having to be among subhuman leftoids
But then again, if we don't go they'll capitalize on it entirelt for themselves

The frog god is named kek.

And what is the duck god's name?


I always forget that South America exists. We literally never hear anything out of you guys.

Can two of your countries go to war or something?


But all the leftist parties voted toscrap the 10 measures.

dammit man that guy was a fucking retard, word on our media says that he requested permission to land but could not get it so he decided to fucking circle around the airport instead of landing anyway.

Who reigns Brazil btw ?
Is there a secret elite government as well or is it just the lawless shit hole everyone expect it to be ?


We need parlamentary monarchy ASAP.

Michel Temer. Not perfect, but the best we can have by now.

And yes, there is a pretty crooked political/corporate establishment over here.

"There's a very thin line between bravery and stupidity". After a certain point, you have to accept defeat and move on. And if you think Bolsonaro is any different, well...

Brazil can't be saved. It's just a fact. I'm leaving this place next year, that's probably why I don't really care about anything that goes on here, and I advise you to do the same.

>falando em inglês, como se alguém se importasse com esse buraco de merda

A emenda que permite a responsabilização de magistrados e promotores é razoabilíssima. Quase todas as hipóteses já estão previstas nas leis orgânicas da Magistratura Nacional e do Ministério Público. A única que não está é "motivação político-partidária", da qual é impossível comprovar o dolo.

None of you idiots seem to understand that no leash will be put on politicians until people start to die over social unrest.

>Quase todas as hipóteses já estão previstas nas leis orgânicas da Magistratura Nacional e do Ministério Público

Essa emenda é puro casuísmo para intimidar os juízes e o MP. Como você mesmo disse já há instâncias suficientes de responsabilização de juíes e procuradores,

And you think that a couple of nobodies dying will? Why, because the politicians will "feel bad" and reform the government?

Who cares? #Bolsonaro2018

People simply do not care, they are OK with the fact that they just live so the criminal can rob them, even if hundreds die the most people do is just post some gay shit on facebook and then continue with the day.

The point.
You missed it.

They will care if it reaches the point of threatening their lives and homes.

yeah I specially like the bit where congressmen can criminally charge prosecutors for prosecuting congressmen and also the other bit where citizens are now at fault for selling their vote instead of the politicians

Why does this pic make me want to cry?

That picture proves nothing and besides even Trump is being nice to Israel right now, Netanyahu said that "Trump is a great frined to Israel".
Current president is Michel Temer. He's a freemason but there's no "secret governement".
The "hidden agenda" is basically just keeping very high taz rates and steal most of it.
George Soros is paying some anti-Temer protesters so politcs is getting complicated.
We need Zé Carioca from Donald Duck or capybaras as our memes.

i want to believe that too.
because it's not real.

>even Trump
Trump is a notorious kike lover, ignoring everything else. Jews aren't relevant to Bolsonaro, besides counter signalling leftists opposed to Israel.

He really has no reason to support Israel at all, Israel has never been a friend of Brazil. Or even attempted to be. No nationalist can ever suck up to Israel within reason.

Liking Israel or not is the least of our problems, bro.

Also, memes aside, not all jews think as one.

this tbqh desu

LMAO. Yeah Brazil is this shithole it is after 14 years of PT because Bolsonaro MIGHT think well of Israel

Oh god, we're not USA bra, at least 30 years of progress until this is our main problem

Jews are a powerful and influential group in Brazil, even only counting "Brazilian Jews". And their influence might keep growing, as evangelicals solidify as a voting block.

Jews might not think as one, but they do when it matters, putting their own people ahead of non-Jews.