Trump runs as anti-establishment candidate

>Trump runs as anti-establishment candidate
>Appoints establishment Republicans and Wall Street executives to cabinet

You Trumpfags got trolled hard. "Drain the swamp" is going to mean about as much as BHO's "hope and change."

Other urls found in this thread:

Hillary won't be president and that's all I really care about.

>Trump sold out

shocking. it's like he was a liberal before this or something


>appointment some dude who has close ties to goerge soros

theres a few other things but that was the last straw for most people

Oh look. More liberal bullshit.

Trump's drain the swamp pledge is a set of specific policies that he plans to pursue. Period. The end. It has nothing whatsoever to do with cabinet appointments.

Here is the pledge with the specific policies:

He hasn't yet backed away from even a single one of these policies. Nice try though, nigger lover.

As long as he builds the wall and kicks SOME of the spics out then it's a win in my book.

>if you fill your cabinet with your enemies, you win



He promised these policies. He did not promise to not appoint certain types of people to his cabinet. Prove me wrong. Show me a video or a quote of his that suggests otherwise.

I'll wait, snow nigger.

Thanks for Correcting the Record, friend!

>You Trumpfags got trolled hard.
No shit. Anyone who actually thought Trump would """"""""""drain the swamp"""""""""" is a retard and got played. Hillary was still a worse candidate though.

Still better than Clinton.

Anti-LOBBYIST you fucking tard

You should have voted for Gary Johnson.

>countless examples of Trump calling Hillary corrupt for being funded by Soros
>appoints a chief underling of Soros to the treasury

>ameridiots will defend this rather than come to grips with being played by a conman

If you think his picks are establishment, you've just been reading the headlines. Look up the views of his treasury pick as just one example.

Was still worth it because all the other candidates would have done the same shit anyhow, and we created epic butthurt and memes this way. I regret nothing. In fact you starting this butthurt thread just reinforces why Trump was worth it.

>Ever trusting what a jew claims


us libertarians win once again haha

Give America to the rich again

Why not? Obviously retarded poor people don't know what to do with it.

And that's how we got president Trump. Good talk, user