How can I stop videogames, Sup Forums ?

I don't want to be a manchild anymore.

Some of you anons did it I'm sure, help me

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You already know how. Your problem is inaction, not ignorance. If you don't fix the problem, if you don't want to carry out the prerequisite steps to fix the problem, then it won't get fixed.

watch porn instead

kys. only way.

You just stop? Focus on your job or get a new hobby. Go out for walks.

Play them until you realize they're all terrible, then wait for Star Citizen.

no thanks

Computer games are fucking boring I don't understand how this is even a problem

I miss vidya. It gave me time to relax and not think about the state of the world, my job, or my responsibilities.

I can't play real games anymore, only casual shit.

Enjoy your protracted youth, faggot.

I have to admit that even major releases are disappointing. It's all about the trailer and hype now

it was natural for me because it wasnt gratifying anymore. waste of fucking time

>I played video games
>then i browsing jailbait pics and saving them and fapping them replaced video games as my hobby
>I dont regret it as I prove myself I am not a homo fag.
>also solidified my preference on girls as I browsed though tens of thousands by now

make them

I just play rocket league and a card game. Is that still manchild level?


depends of how much time you spend on it

janny deletes threads

You're lucky they're still fun for you. I'd cherish that and keep playing because that'll end eventually.

Watch Annie may to make yourself more degenerated

As someone with little to no social interaction outside of my work, I rotate between vidya, tv and books to try to fill the gap. Each has its own merits and faults, but I seem to have reached a balancing point where I use one to the point of exhaustion and give the others chance to generate new content. Alternatively, after a given amount of time certain media can be reused.

Been meaning to get out more...tried bars, but volunteering or church are next. Spending so much money on entertainment seems so wasteful...yet it is fulfilling. You need to find other ways to feel part of something greater. Media is addicting in this way because it allows you to relate to others easily who are reacting to the same media stimuli. Be your own self and realize that you are narrowing your perception and potential experience by spending so much time in the online interface. I suggest learning a practical skill such as cooking or camping or whatever hobby you have. Master this skill and share it with others in a volunteer setting. This will gain you the respect and admiration of your peers and provide incentive to move away from media overconsumption.....

Good thing you can ruin all those relationships with booze...heh....vidya is always there......


I still play video games but when important things happen like my family or my job I focus on them also do like me and always go for a walk at least an hour

damm man that's rough

Play P.T.O. for SNES.
Video games will stop being fun

interesting, thanks

They're so crap these days it shouldn't be hard. I dont understand how adults still enjoy them, especially Skyrim, that was so boring. Witcher 3 and civ are basically he only mildly entertaining games

Find a purpose outside of gaming, you are putting your value into fake reality.

Build in the real world then your attraction to games will go from identity to relaxation.

delete/throw away

do somethign else

the fact that you're asking this question is not a great sign

when you start to realize you only lose when somone on your team fucks up

and then you start to feel your only winning beause someone on the other teqm fucked up / bulitin ai easy

see how pointless it feels

Just happens naturally, video games get really really boring and repetitive and you start wasting your life on social media instead and for some reason that's less childish.

Seriously, I remember being a kid, opening an N64, and playing Mario64 for the first time. It was fuckin amazeballs. But I've been playing 3d platformers for so long that I can just crush them and getting through the levels is more about spending time than overcoming challenges.

The first time I played WoW I was outstanded, I try playing any RPG and I'm literally stuck there clicking my mouse trying to entertain myself as I'm playing the game.

First time I played halo I thought it was the best game I had played in my entire life. I think about the 100,000th time I died, pressed W, shot somebody, died, pressed W again I got bored of it.

Video games really aren't that deep, and aren't that hard. Sure there are some super hard single player games, but these tend to be less deep, and more insanely punishing. Multiplayer games can be deeper, but you'll reach a point you literally can't get any better unless you put more time into the game, time that you can't afford to spend because you aren't a 17 year old chinese high school dropout living on daddys money. Your reflexes peak in your late teens, meaning as you become an adult the games you will excel at are typically slower paced.

Don't worry about not being a manchild and rushing to give up video games. You give them up eventually, and maybe once in awhile you will have a good time firing up a multiplayer game with good friends or playing an unusually spectacular and novel game, but those moments will come further and further apart.

Video games fucking suck dick now though. I have a steam library full of games I'll never even want to play because they're all the same boring shit. It's kind of odd actually, I've spent most of my life playing vidya games and all of a sudden I'm starting to realize I hate them, but I've got nothing to replace them with and all that free time is driving me mad lately.

Get a real hobby that doesn't look like manchild shit. Carpentry, Cars, Musical Instrument etc..

I've noticed girls get a look of lust on their face when I tell them I build my own guitars. People admire people that actually make things, with video games you're just a user, not much different from a junkie.

dropped everything


I'm wary of self help books. Is this any good?

The problem is when you're in your late 20's and working a job, how do you even get started with something like that? I've always thought carpentry would be cool af to learn, but I've got no tools, no workshop, little free time, and no guidance. Much easier to sink down into what I already know even though I don't really want to.

Making guitars sounds cool as shit, I'd love to give it a try some day.

I just packed up my Xbox and put it in the cupboard , never looked back

I go to board game shops/comic book shops on occasion... if you're desperate for social interaction they pretty much welcome anybody. Of course that means the store is filled with turbo autist nerds.

I've noticed a lot of the people there are former gamers that aren't so much into it. I think ultimately video games become very unfulfilling after a point because they're all very repetitive and really aren't any deeper than board games yet have less genuine social interaction. At least with something like a board game shop you have real social interaction.

That's still definitely a manchild thing to do sure, but I think you'll find one way or another video games one day are just gonna stop being fun. If you want to continue the nerd trajectory, join us.

listen to the warroom podcast on trs
their aim is ot make chads out of you neets

become desperately depressed. all my past hobbies like video games literally do nothing for me.

Like there are video games where I've beaten them so hard, the rougelike FTL was one example, I had memorised how likely events were in each of the "sectors" in each game. I basically had broken the game down so far I know if there was gonna be 1 shop in a "Sector", 1-2, or 2.

Eventually though you realise, wow, guess what, you can break down a game, rape it, and beat it. Nobody is going to know what the hell that game even is in 10 years. You didn't make any friends out of it. You didn't really achieve anything. You just proved you could beat a game, one very similar to other games you had beaten in the past, very effectively.

It's very empty.

you probably didn't try paradox games

1) get drunk
2) install linux
3) go find a job

do drugs , workout and chase pussy duh

I quit playing competitive Smash Bros a few months back so I could focus on saving our people. We need your help man.

>dat binary get

Get into lifting. Does wonders for me, been like a month now where i can only get in like 30 mins to an hour of rocket league.

Even quit the new wow expansion.

Honestly, the gym is my high point. Fuck rest days.


so many hours......

>Multiplayer games can be deeper, but you'll reach a point you literally can't get any better unless you put more time into the game, time that you can't afford to spend because you aren't a 17 year old chinese high school dropout living on daddys money. Your reflexes peak in your late teens, meaning as you become an adult the games you will excel at are typically slower paced.

this exactly

Like... as sad as this is to say... even browsing Sup Forums is more fufilling than playing video games because people can say.

"Hey user, what do you think of current event."

And I can give a very educated and informed opinion. The constant debate really makes me think, it keeps my mind sharp. There is more novelty then there is in vidya.

It's still an utter waste of time, it's just amazing how pointless video games are. I blame the demise of local multiplayer for taking away so much of what made video games a genuinely rewarding experience. Now nobody makes new real friends with video games, just internet friends.


this tbqhwyf

haven't even read

all of brian tracy's books are very clear non-fluff self-help.

audiobooks and lectures on youtube. set playback at 1.25 to 1.5

Once you realize you've dug yourself into a huge pit of wasted time for the better part of your life how do you even go forward? How do you keep from killing yourself in despair thinking about all that wasted time? Hobby-wise, video games are just about all I've ever known, and as Tijuana Jackson put it so succinctly, all a nigga loves is all a nigga knows.

>Install templeos*

Fixed that for you.

Installing Linux is probably your best bet senpai. It's basically its own video game, fucking around in the command line and wasting hours making a shitty interface.

When I was poorer and had no job it was my only source of entertainment on my old ass PC that couldn't even play runescape.

Those were the days.

read Mein Kampf and other books that make you understand your pityfull situation.
I have2,5k hours in dota 3k in TF2 and more then 3k in CS so ye, I stoped, no problem.

These feels...

your problem is that you need to take vidya to the next level and start learning to program and draw artwork for the vidya , not drop them . it is like growing to maturity and expand your knowledge in something you already know about

1.) "How do I get started in 3D?"

There are many ways to get started, the quickest way is to actually start
with a 3D program. There are many to choose from, such as:

-3DS Max
-Cinema 4D,
-Softimage XSI
-Blender 3D (Free!)

I don't know. Humans are creature of habits and don't tend to do 180s in their life.

I ended up going from giving free tech support on Sup Forums to trying to make a career of it. I tried going to places where other geeks congregrated and got actualy social interaction. I started working out more frequently having been quite into long distance in the past. I continued wasting a fuckton of time on social media.

I got progressively to be a better person, and if you're under 25, your willpower probably hasn't even peaked yet. But it's not like you wake up one day and go "I'm gonna stop being a piece of shit" and it just happens. You just get really fucking tired of yourself and you change because you can't stand not to.

>it is not us who consumes the media
>it's the media that consumes us

>You just get really fucking tired of yourself and you change because you can't stand not to.

Well that's good, I feel like I'm getting to that point at least.

>Saving jailbait pics
Enjoy jail sicko

Not enough. Every party you learn something new.. I think Victora 2 is the best game of all paradox autism computer programmes.

Take free (or used to be) courses -,

>been lifting for a month
>fuck restdays

Beginners spike - you'll burn out fast. That's when the test begins and most fail.

We need to get rid of games once and for all.
There was a reason why the right tried to get rid of them in the 90ies. It is a cesspit of socialist agenda.

And while we are at it, we also should get rid of GamerGate.
Now that Trump is president, we no longer need these cucks.
We gave them a chance to integrate within our movement, but they willingly choose to remain "neutral".

It's weird, it will just happen and you'll not be sure what changed. You'll randomly find yourself looking up the information at some college or something and being like "What the hell I never do this". Like you'll unconciously tryhard.

If you're asking Sup Forums about this, you're still not quite at the point you're going to change, you just want to vent your fustrations. Eventually you will get sick of venting your fustrations on Sup Forums and will get sick of doing every other alternative to actually getting your shit together. You will find motivation you never knew you had to escape the nightmare that is your existence.

What's difference between someone playing video games online with friends or watching Netflix every day for 1-2 hours?

strange to see that there are many answers seeking to help me

If I did this thread at night (it's 9:30 am here amerifriends) I would get shitted on

are SJW asleep

It's 12:30am in Cali

Also, do you have a job by the way? Not sure if you answered this already.

realize that they're boring, stop jerking off multiple times a day, and do muay thai

Either that or you'll commit suicide, all depends how you're inclined.

You're clearly suffering depression anyways along with several people in this thread, and I'm more the type to NOT commit suicide and instead rebound after hitting the bottom. Basically if you're a type like me, to deal with depression, you will use addict like tactics of desperately going for short term relief, but you do eventually get tired of literally EVERYTHING that makes you feel better. Then, if you're not the type to off yourself, you start getting desperate enough to make it stop, you start actually going through with long term planning for your future.

That's basically how I work when I hit a depressive spiral. There is an actual bottom you rebound off... either that or a bottom where you an hero.


I heard Germany has tabletop gaming bars that serve alcohol. Why cant we have that stuff over here?

Also, people that think "Oh seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist means I'm getting help"

No, that means you're getting jew wisdom on how to get your shit together. Ultimately, if you still don't get your shit together, it won't feel satisfying to have a jew tell you that it's not your fault. Like at some point the way to climb out of the depressive spiral is always ultimately getting your shit together.

You can pause Netflix and get up and take care of your adult responsibilities. Even better, you can actually cook/clean/lift while watching Netflix.

Do you have any goals you want to accomplish? I feel like based on the countries we're in we don't have to worry as much. It's kind of nice to to be worrying whether we play too much video games.

>And while we are at it, we also should get rid of GamerGate.
They already got rid of themselves. All they've done since 2015 is congregate on their subreddit or tweet ineffectively about whatever scandal has happened within their vidya ghetto that week.

Once their 2nd board on Freddit crashed and burned there was no coming back. It's replacement, /gamergatehq/, was run by a pozzed avatarposting degenerate and the Sup Forums-minded anons who split off and created another board, /ggrevolt/ were too few and too extreme in their autism to attract much of the former userbase.

Now both boards are pretty much dead and the gg stuff on Freddit is confined to their pathetic Sup Forums general. Sad!

I can't believe gamersgate turned into a fucking movement. Who cares?

A lot of it was libcucks swallowing their 1st redpill. All the shitty websites and journalists they listened to and all the celebs and entertainers they looked up to, shat on them and accused them of being monsters for stuff they hadn't done.

Now, some looked past the situation and realised that this sort of thing is endemic and that there were, are and will be much more important battlegrounds than fucking vidya, but most gamergaters were content with staying in their little hugbox, railing against Gawker rather than moving on to bigger fish. They didn't even bother to go after Vox. Ezra Klein and people like him were the real problem, Hulk Hogan had Gawker covered.

Shit most of them still describe themselves as left leaning, for gods sake.

TBQH, the writing was on the wall as soon as the reddit admins put a stop to their email campaigns against the advertisers of their enemies. Rather than telling them to go fuck themselves, they rolled over and capitulated.


Just keep playing and enjoy yourself while you still can. The time will come when you will be too old and too grumpy for it and videogames will not be fun anymore. You will hate every new title that comes out and it wont be able to fill the gap anymore. So play videogames man, have fun, dont restrict yourself out of enjoyment if you still have it.

Play fallout 4 on survival mode. You'll throw your console through your TV in a fit of rage and need something else to do.

Frenchbro, play something with me. You use PC, right? I have a spare copy of Zombie Army 3 if you want it, or we could play RO:O and remove Bolshevik shits.

I have both games.

What's your Steam? Let's go Wehrmacht and kill some commie fucks

I read ArmA 3 sorry.

I have Red Orchestra though

Lift, bro.

You can't just -not- do something. Fill up your time with something else. Also, I had to get rid of my computer.

get a new hobby

Can i have it pls

Stop watching porn***

All new Games are shit anyways.
Howver Counter-Strike source still has me going strong since almost six years now

Exactly, RO:O, kill some Ivans.
Give Steam

you first


I haven't touch a game in month, despite buying some during the sales. In fact, I haven't touch either the ones I bought last year.

Add the vaginal jew and you're done.

You just stop.

Go outside and pretend you're a pagan warrior of the North.

Honestly gibberish ID and my Username has like millions of results
Just post yours nobody else cares.

but I am a practicing Roman Catholic

mine has also a million results.

You're being awful shy, Piere, and it's getting suspicious
Link your profile then

I don't understand what the problem is here, exactly? You're falling for a retarded Sup Forums meme that's constantly shitposted as much as "HOW CAN WHITE MEN EVEN COMPETE XD" was back in the day. Why are you taking shitposters seriously?

Video games aren't a problem if you don't play them 20 hours a day. Every guy I know plays video games. My fucking manager came up to me the other day and talked about video games. I had a conversation with a 40 year old about Pokémon Go (he uses his kids as an excuse for HIM to play it lol). I know cute girls who play Gears of War.

It's the same fucking thing as anime. Jesus. If your life isn't consumed by it and you're walking around wearing a fedora and a Naruto shirt I don't see the problem.


I still enjoy FIFA desu