Is MGTOW just a way for guys who are undesirable to feel better about themselves?

Is MGTOW just a way for guys who are undesirable to feel better about themselves?



I'm undesirable and the concept of MGTOW doesn't seem like it would make me feel better about myself.

No, it's the radical notion that a guy's life shouldn't revolve around the whims of a woman.

yeah it is

In reality, men are men and women are women.

You should be your own man and develop yourself so that a woman actually sees you as a man and respects you. A woman is a compliment to who you are and a relationship isn't an equal partnership.

Instead of doing that, MGTOWs just sit around and play video games and think they're superior for not getting a date.

Yes. Only betas are subservient to their women. MGTOWs are the omegas

Yes. It is the social equivalent of "You didn't fire me; I quit!"

To answer that question ask yourself what sort of person feels compelled to join a movement dedicated to telling the world what a strong, independent, self-sufficient badass he is

>tfw no redpilled gf

Where do you find nice conservative qts. Every woman I've ever is, well to concisely put it, a Hillary supporter.

>Where do you find nice conservative qts.


churches are barren in the uk, at least where i live. I think there are maybe 3 people under 50 who regularly attend my local church.

If you're willing to play the long game you can make friends with the older folks at the churches and see if they have nieces or daughters your age or something.

Fuck man, I don't know. I can't even get degenerate skanky girls to pay attention to me. It's not like I'd know how to get good ones either.

MGTOW uses the same logic as fat acceptance.

Can you elaborate? I can understand how they'd be like the male version of feminists, but fat acceptance?

better than being a cuck or homicidal

MGTOW shouldn't be something men hail to openly or in groups. Then it's truly sad since it's being flaunted like a loud gay man.
If you want to be MGTOW and alpha you just don't even mention it and live your life in silence about your reasons.
It could even be like passive aggressive whining if you hail you are MGTOW and this is why. You don't need to signal anything.
You shouldn't need support by others.
You want to go your own way. Go your own fucking way.
Now shut the fuck up faggots

i don't do it to feel better about myself. i'm just a shut in who never socializes. i'd rather be alone than get fucked over fiscally and emotionally by a woman who's most likely going to make a cuck out of me, whether i know it or not.

At a stretch MGTOW could be about no longer defining yourself by how women view you. Doesn't matter if you are in a wheelchair, were homeschooled and had a single mother who lied to you leaving you without any social skills and standing no chance in the dating scene, you don't have to grovel and beg for attention from some woman who doesn't respect you and doesn't respect herself by letting herself become obese only for her to cheat on you, divorce and tear your life apart. You find friends who don't treat you like a doormat and go your own way. If someone doesn't like the fact you are a virgin who has never had a girlfriend and tries to use it against you you tell them to go fuck themselves.

However meeting MGTOWs it is obvious they are spooked. It is another reddit circlejerk.

literally the only thing mgtow accomplishes is asserting chads harem

it doesnt matter to me or her if she is your wife only you. so go ahead and give up nobody cares

Aw man, I used to read SMBC all the time. Is it any good these days, or did it warp to SJWness like every other webcomic?

Sup Forums wants the exact same thing

>Men can have as many gfs as they want
>Women can only have one partner, the one they lose their virginity to
Gee, I wonder how that would end

>having a wife


There was a thread about this
Everyone said men should be as monogamous as women

If that's your phone, what did you take the picture with? Also can you offer me any advice? It seems like you've got your shit figured out.

It started from the alimony meme then autistic sperglords ran it amok.

Churches are horrible places to meet women nowadays. Many Church girls are sluts. Even ones you wouldn't expect (Mormons, etc.). It is also very unlikely you will meet a girl at Church. People who are meeting their spouses at Church is down to the low single digits.

MGTOW isn't like feminism at all. There are men's rights activists. A portion of those act like feminists. MGTOW isn't about men's rights. It is a reaction to the current reality of marriage.


But if it works, so what?

I'm almost certain you have a vagina.

Feminist do all the time.



not really
born with good genes ( 100% white over 6 foot, decent cock to family with money ) good habits young started me weight lifting at 16 , lost virginity at 13 to a virgin 12 year old, then fucked her best friend etc etc. either you start winning early and it snowballs or you just stay a loser. no point if you are already 15 years behind. you will be past your prime once you catch up

In the long term it fucks over women because when the balance between men and women skews the girls that spent 20 years getting filled with dicks no longer have any bronze medals to settle for and take care of them when Chad finally wants to settle down and picks the best girl he can get.

I would say its a mix of undesirable men and men who have been burned horrendously bad by women.

I don't really feel bad for either, because one is making no effort to become desirable (and are just the male version of feminists), and the other were desirable enough, but were not picky enough. They were so desperate to be accepted that they chained themselves to a manipulator.

There are good women out there. True, they are incredibly rare, and sometimes you need to sink some time into them to get their heads on straight, but they are out there.

You would just be buying into excuses. It's very similar to this pic.

I don't see how. The MGTOW philosophy is to not commit. Some MGTOW will date, have a GF, maybe even kids.

MGTOW has nothing in common with feminism. One is a political movement to "improve" women's rights, the other is a personnal way of life where men don't give a fuck anymore. They don't claim anything, nor do they ask for something. They react and adapt.

>date & have kids
>not commit
>nothing in common with feminism

They are both promoting the destruction of nuclear families and familial values. They sound exactly the same desu.

Only vaguely in appearance. MGTOW is one of the consequences of feminism on society. It s not a movement, it s a reaction. Some dudes put a name upon it but actually, it is nothing more than a logical choice when confronted with the risk a marriage can bring to your life. Most MGTOW probably don't even know they are what we call MGTOW and they don't give a shit.

>Be a decent niceguy 18-22, looking for a relationship.
>Treated like trash by succubi for years.
>22-24, become confident and have regular fuck buddies. No fucks given.
>Now at 25+, women are mostly interested in relationships.
>Literally forever alone, because women want an attitude and behaviour, which they forced me to abandon by being entitled immature cunts.

Nigga that's plain as fuck
I do dom shit all the time, either that girl is cheap as fuck or you've got a lot more going for you then charm

>Is MGTOW just a way for guys who are undesirable to feel better about themselves?

Yup. I've never encountered a high value man who have claimed to be MGTOW. Going MGTOW is just their way of saying "You silly women can't reject me if I reject you first!". It's pretty pathetic. If you really were alpha then you wouldn't slap a special snowflake label onto you and tell the whole world that you're *~going your own way*~. You'd just do it. It's not like it's hard or anything.

No one will believe this but I'm going to say it anyway.

I've been dating girls since I was 13. Lost my virginity at 15. I have had many steady relationships, sometime more than one at a time.

I was in a marriage for 19 years. By the end I truly hated her. It was a non stop living hell. After being addicted to sex my whole adult life I suddenly realized something very important. It's just not worth the price you pay for it, and there is always a price.

I decided to go my own way for me, and no one else. I don't care how women feel about it. I honestly don't care how they feel about anything. I don't miss their company and I don't want them around. It's gotten to the point where I can't stand taking to most of them.

My life has been very prosperous and far more happy since I made this decision. It's a great way to live but it's not for everyone. Weak men need someone else, almost always a woman, to give them personal value. They are incapable of standing on their own because they have no self worth. Other men want a woman who is basically a mommy that runs their lives. Also very sad.

Seek knowledge, spiritual truth, adventure, life experience, joy and life's simple pleasures. All of these things will give you far more satisfaction that some woman's well-worn fuck hole.

And that's my story

bsaically, yeah. mgtow is just dudes with poor genes and too awkward to date, just leave them be. it's a lost cause. what's lamer than mgtow tho is the faggots that can't stop talking about them. there seems to be a thread every day about how mgtow are lame. yes, we know. now shitpost something else.

This is angry projection from a weak, insecure, irrelevant little man. Probably has some bitch leading him around by the nose. Probably has to check in with her when he goes out. Probably has to answer to her like a little bitch.

nigger, im mgtow. these fuckers put to much attention on us and they're gonna ruin it for us with a marriage tax, you forget how retarded some of these faggots on here are.

what is it worth going your own way if you dont cover your tracks to keep the masses from chasing you down with a bachelor tax?

this message will self destruct in 3 minutes

fuck you, manlet

m8 I lost virginity just before turning 21 and fucked 5 more girls in a year. And it only got better later.

>I don't really feel bad bad for undesirable men because they can't become desirable
fixed that for you it's literally all genetics