Why do you guys hate Muslims so much?

why do you guys hate Muslims so much?

>hates jews
>treat women the way they are supposed to be treated
>the only one with balls to eliminate the fag crisis
>rewards strength and loyalty
>fights degeneracy

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They are subhuman and want to take away my silly juice

>hate jews
mostly do

>fights degeneracy
mostly didnt

Because they refuse to work and live off of taxpayer money to have a fucktillion kids, rape and murder people

low intelligence brown subhumans

>want Christians dead
>want Sharia Law to be implemented worldwide

how is that a bad thing?
Christians have become extremely degenerate and have accepted gay

They are literally the worst parts of Cletus and Tyrone combined into one

Not all of us have fallen for the false teachings of men

>hates jews
Yeah but I don't hate Jews. I don't really love them but they aren't bad people

>treat women the way they are supposed to be treated
We must remember Islam is a Christian oversimplification that is inferior to the thing simplified. By oversimplification I mean this: traditional Christian teachings believe women should dress modestly. Muslims believe they should dress modestly and they ARE GOING to dress modestly. They don't have a choice. It is that "simple"
>the only one with balls to eliminate the fag crisis
Being gay is not a sin. Homosexual sex is. This the homo must take up sexual abstinence his entire life. Michelangelo and tchaikovsky, to a name but justbtwo of many, were abstinent homosexuals who were Christian. Would we have liked if they had been murdered for being gay? Their works of art were some of the greatest in all of man kind

>rewards strength and loyalty
Is this why there are several Muslim tribes in the Middle East that murder and kill fellow muslims? Yes, I see the strength and loyalty in that. Lol.

we must also be reminded that Islam is also a form of Government (Saudi Arabia is just one example of this). Let us also remember Islam is all about control in this same political sense. Christianity is all about governing the individual soul and spiritual journey. We have free will and mistakes are permitted because perhaps there is no other way to find God than this way, to feel pain, remorse, horror, fear, anguish, and despair. Pain is God's trumpet to rouse a deaf world. The Muslim view is much different and in my mind, incorrect and barbaric. It is concerned with others because it's religion teaches that they must be.

2/10 bait, shitty fake shilling of Islam

say can you tell me why there is gospel of john and gospel of luke but no gospel of jesus?
also,those gospels came 100+ years after jesus died so its impossible for the gospels to have what jesus actually said cause jesus did not right down his teachings

Only reason to accept them is that they are better at dealing with the fag problem than anyone else

You forgot
>hates non muslims
Having similar points of view doesn't make them likable.

I like beer and pork.
I'm also not sexually attracted to 5 year old girls or goats.

after the us invaded afghanistan and iraq to mess with them
and regarding 911,the taliban in afghanistan asked the us for proof of bin laden's involvement
the us instead of that attacked their country
and now when turkey is asking for gulen,the us wants proof before doing that
now you tell me,is the us itself not to blame for all these problems?


>don't drink beer
>Don't eat delicious pork
>Want to destroy Christianity (read: western heritage)
Fuck off Ahmed

pork is unhealthy and beer kills you

>want to rape my sisters
>want to kill all nonbelievers

Yeah why do I hate them? Really makes you think


I must be eating them wrong because I'm still alive

>treat women the way they are supposed to be treated

/r9k/ out

five times a day you have to get your butt higher than your head. It's no wonder shit gets on their brain

forgot to add
>no freedoms or liberties apart from being able to rape goats and young boys

reach your 60s and up and see if it don't give ya trouble still
also liver cancer
there is literally no positive benefit from alcohol

>now you tell me,is the us itself not to blame for all these problems?
USA never went to Nigeria or North Africa, and yet they are human factories producing muslim sewage to alarming rates. Christians and Jews living among them are normal people.
The moment you take these people and bring them into a civil society, they destroy everything.

The only thing that has been proven effective to control them ad make sure they function regularly are brutal dictatorships to treat them like 5$ whores and lots of clorine gas. Without these two essential components, muslim life cannot self sustain.
Muslims require to be treated badly, like a cheap black hooker in downtown Detroit will throw a tantrum and break things if the pimp isn't around to slap her.
You will also spend eternity in the lowest circle of Hell sucking satan's cock with that heretic pedophile false prophet you are following, but anyway

>Fuck kids
>Semitic religion
>Low impulse control
Muslims are fucking garbage tier

You want to know why people hate Islam?


Seriously watch the video, and see for yourself what "Islam" does. It's nothing short of a violent genocide on the non-believer. Why do people who have nothing to do with the elites deserve to suffer with these fire starting, woman raping, stone throwing savages just to 'help those poor refugees' ?

the war on terror started when the us invaded afghanistan and iraq
unlike others they don't just give in,they fight back
also,you guys got russia's nukes aimed at you guys so you aint got no problems whatsoever too

>The Gang Kills Hajis

Not him but I'll be happy to inform you: None of that shit is real, their Bible and your Quran are collections of degenerate teachings by (((people))) who would delegate responsibility for the state of the world to their imaginary fucking friends instead of themselves.

Christopher hitchens is your friend:

Alcohol makes other people less tedious, and food less bland, and can help provide what the Greeks called entheos, or the slight buzz of inspiration when reading or writing. The only worthwhile miracle in the New Testament-the transmutation of water into wine during the wedding at Cana-is a tribute to the persistence of Hellenism in an otherwise austere Judaea. The same applies to the seder at Passover, which is obviously modeled on the Platonic symposium: questions are asked (especially of the young) while wine is circulated. No better form of sodality has ever been devised: at Oxford one was positively expected to take wine during tutorials. The tongue must be untied. It's not a coincidence that Omar Khayyam, rebuking and ridiculing the stone-faced Iranian mullahs of his time, pointed to the value of the grape as a mockery of their joyless and sterile regime. Visiting today's Iran, I was delighted to find that citizens made a point of defying the clerical ban on booze, keeping it in their homes for visitors even if they didn't particularly take to it themselves, and bootlegging it with great brio and ingenuity. These small revolutions affirm the human.

remember,the immigrants are not religious
if they were,they would like the taliban of afghanistan not rape
alcohol was legal in syria if you didnt know

nope,you are just brainwashed and have no idea what you are talking about


> fights degeneracy
> sodomizes children and beheads women for fun

>unlike others they don't just give in,they fight back
Not my argument. Why are North Africans muslims such trash despite the USA never touching them? Why do they want Sharia everywhere?
Also Russia is the one with the nukes against you.

Hopefully they will rape you in the coming decade, aided by the valiant Pajeet

For you, Achmed.
For you.

all the while slowly killing you
just because you think it makes you feel better does not make it healthy

Sharia law.
Not compatible with the 1st amendment.

No true scotsman

They Identify as Muslims, pray to Allah and follow principles that fall within the Islamic framework, therefore they are in fact religious, and Islamic at that.

NatSoc is better!

My grandfather ate pork and drank beer all of the time and was healthy and active till his 80s.

they are just too under developed and illiterate
they are for example in some parts less developed than syria is right now

Their values are amazing, I would totally hop on with them if they weren't shitskin savages.

no,syria was a secular county
the fact that they allowed drinking alcohol in syria changes all of it
also,of the afghan immigrants,they are the ones running away for fear of taliban takeover,so that means that they are the non religious ones

>I'm not the brainwashed one!
>Adheres to a doctrine of mandatory abstinence and draconian theological law because he was born into a shitty Middle Eastern country
>Surrendering your worth to the most obvious spook of them all

Enjoy dying in a sand pit after your brother in ideology wades his way into a crowd of kids with a bomb vest again. Instead of the foundations of medicine and the sciences that your people once were, you've been reduced to a legacy of self destruction and complete ignorance.

Even you, a guy from Pakistan knows this.

Ever wonder why the retarded German does not?

Most of the hate that comes from non-Christcucks and non-Jews has nothing or only tagentially to do with religion. We'd prefer Sub-saharans, Somalians, Arabs, Turks, and subcons, Muslim or not, stay in their own homelands.

>acts like niggers
>lies like Jews
why do you love suck Muslim cock

But I don't want to die healthy.

My God is holier than thou

because development and raising standard of living is even more important than fighting degeneracy
next question please

3/4 americans are fat, 1/4 have heart disease.

those are accurate statistics about america.

the bible and quran don't say (don't eat pork) it says that eating animals that DONT chew cud, and HAVE a cleft hoof are unclean to eat

considering most people are fat, stupid, and fucking disgusting. much like yourself. I would probably just avoid pork.

The country has an area of 71,498 square miles and a population of 18 million. Sunni Muslims represented approximately 74 percent of the population (approximately 12.6 million persons). Other Muslim groups, including Alawi, Ismailis, and Shi'a, together constituted an estimated 13 percent of the population (approximately 2.2 million persons).
(United States Department of Defense).

Maybe their was more religious freedom in Syria that other Islamic countries, and I would certainly qualify it as one of the 'least bad' of them.

You said 'remember,the immigrants are not religious'

Just plain false. I don't know what more to add.

Is that Mac (first one from the left)?

ofcourse im not,i got knowledge of the bible and the Quran and i know you just have a prejudice
take for example
try learning about your religion without and pre determined bias or opinion and see where that goes

hm,well,try reading the Quran,hopefully you'll like it(not saying as in converting but just read it)
might enjoy it

Why the fuck would I want to associate with sand niggers?

Oh joy I can't eat pork, I can't drink I can't do anything fun. Fuck those smelly sand niggers.

being sunni does not make one religious
by religious i mean follows islam word for word
if any muslim wanted to convert another to islam,why would he try to do thing to antagonise themselves?
clearly they care about themselves more than religion

Honestly those books (Bible, Quran) are poorly written and not fun to read. If I want to read something from that time I think I would gain more from texts like 'The Republic' or 'Meditations.' Yes some of the stories in the religious books are interesting, but reading a wikipedia summary of them is much more time effective and less of a drag.

I repeat what I first said: No true Scotsman
You don't get to decide for someone else whether they are the right flavour of religious to classify on some arbitrary scale.

well for one,the rapist refugees are definitely the secular ones

I'm surprised that most of the posters in this thread sounds worse than the OP.
I shouldn't expect anything less from a board that considers the likes of Milo yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro etc to be public intellectuals.

I'm off to /gif/ to fap.

because muslims are like retarded inbred jews


then read the wikipedia pages for them

>having 9yo wives
>not degeneracy

Hamid pls. I'd rather not see my daughters married before they turn 20.

>treats women the way they are supposed to be treated
No they don't. Just because we think the man should be the alpha of the household doesn't mean that we disrespect women. A marriage should be an equal relationship, the man provides and fights for the family and treats his wife with love and respect, and the female supports her man and raises the kids and shows her husband love and respect.

But muslims treat their women like dirt. Genital mutilation, facial censorship, physical abuse, rape, false accusations of adultery, stoning. Their women are weak for allowing their men to do that to them, and their men are pathetic scum for treating their women that way.

Ex-muslim here.
Most of the people who want Sharia Law don't know that it includes beheadings, cutting of ligaments, etc.. Sharia Law actually just means "gods law". So most of the people think that if a country is ruled by Sharia Law, then their countries will be blessed and they will prosper. Most are not aware what Sharia Law actually entails.

...you do understand that ham is a healthy meat, right? You're probably a morbidly obese Abdul, otherwise your dietary knowledge wouldn't be so lacking

I have done so for large parts of the Bible, will start with the Quran soon.

Conjecture and you have no proof for that claim.

we don't all hate islam
i personally find it pretty cool except the parts where they want to capture the whole world, thats not so cool.


Muslims smoke like fucking chimneys, you think that's healthier?

one of the reasons for me hating on jews is because they are throwing mudslimes at us
that fixation on fags is unhealthy, and a private matter which should be and stay that way
polygamy, pedophila, how is this not degenerate ?
they're satanists following a false prophet

>Why do you guys hate homicidal retarded rapists so much?

The statistics say differently.
Of those in Pakistan that advocate Sharia law, 89% want stoning as the punishment for adultery. for Afghanistan its 85, Egypt 71, Palestina 84, etc etc.

In Pakistan 82 percent favor the cutting off of hands for theft, Egypt 77, Turkey (!) 13, Nigeria 65.

Large groups even want the death penalty for apostasy. In Egypt thats 84%, Jordan 86, Pakistan 76.
All these statistics apply to those that want Sharia as law of the land.

Source: Pew Research Center

You claim 'most of the people' is therefore false.

Season 12 Episode 7:

Mac becomes a terrorist

hm,i see,sorry,i have erred

found the degenerate

well yeah,see over here the politicians get away with looting the country and people becoming degenerate so we want sharia to put everyone in their place and get justice

>treat women the way they are supposed to be treated
can't work can't drive
boy, I sure will have a good time being the sole provider of an entire family :D and driving people everywhere because I have nothing better to do XD

>the only one with balls to eliminate the fag crisis
I don't care about fags. They can fag all the want. What's the matter? As long as they work and pay taxes, I don't have an issue. Eliminating working individuals is counter productive and in no way justifiable unless you follow some semitic cult which really doesn't justify anything. And they are not eliminating shit. Faggotry is alive and well in muslim countries. For them fucking boys and other men is not gay because you're not the one getting fucked. They punish gay men by raping them. In fact, faggotry is more prevasive in muslim world because they can't fuck girls before marriage and until then have to fuck each other.

>rewards strength and glory
yes yes with a couple of magical virgin angels in some magical heaven

>fights degeneracy
Is degeneracy.

You're right. I guess as an Algerian-American, Algerians tend to be somewhat more secular than other countries. Especially since the civil war during the 1990s, when the government fought the Islamists. Algerians like sex and alcohol and dont know what Islam is.

Yeah I get that in desperate times you want stronger authority. I've noticed mysefl that that is a large part of the swing towards the right in European countries. I still don't think that excuses a majority of muslims advocating for the death penalty for apostasy, that is basically punishing though crime.

you wont be,you would have 7 or 9 kids also working when they are older while you sit back
the pashtun people over here do exactly that

>why do you guys hate Muslims so much?
it's not islam that i hate about them. it's the way they behave among non-muslims. from the hundreds of muslims i know, there is barely a handful of decent people among them.

Pakistan could be quite brutal. Are you a Muslim?

Because they're violent, thin-skinned retards.

if europe had sharia law, degeneracy would literally stop existing, just saying.

>treat women the way they are supposed to be treated

This is why woman don't like you user. I bet you unironically lurk r/theredpill.

>Anyone who tries to take your basic human rights, not just muslims

7 or 9 kids that would ahve their own families to provide for

Pashtuns live like shit.

Sharia Law is not a good alternative though

You can cure a headache with a 12 gauge too ya know?

Yeah, the 'Islam-light' countries such as Algeria, Syria, and Turkey aren't all that bad. We were talking about the countries where a majority is in favor of a strictly enforced Sharia law, and those statistics just scare the hell out of me.

Under rated post.

yeah i am
also,not really,we are mostly kind,only want to be brutal on those damn corrupt politicians

right now white women don't like any men,unless they be degenerate cucks ofcourse
are you a cuck?

im a pashtun myself,thing is we are the most literate of the groups in pakistan
also,we live a good live and can adjust to life in pretty much any condition

well,you dont feel scared if you are muslim in a sharia country,non muslim sure but if you love islam alot,you feel better in a country with sharia

>1st ammendment

>implying american liberals havent already gotten rid of it

>we are the most literate of the groups in pakistan
clap clap

you're the champion of special olympics

Shittiest of all stans

hm,you seem troubled

I don't really hate Muslims in the Muslim world. I hate Muslims in the West. Good fences make good neighbors and if they wish to largely subjugate Christians to a minority position in their society they have all the right to if we in turn have the right to do the same to Muslims in our world.

Western Muslims end up having the sullen chauvenistic pride of the Arab and the Muslim, constantly bristling with impotent rage and behaving like a bunch of entitled children who believe God created the world for Muslims. There is no humility, no live and let live. It's as much our fault for enabling them as it is their fault

you seem to be out of things to say

media makes muslims seem like violent badasses
muslims are all submissive beta faggots in person