Americans will defend this

>Americans will defend this

>there's no difference between having the right to own something and the right to force a private citizen to provide you with service for free

Ones in the constitution you dumb fucking leaf :^)

stop replying faggot

the US is doomed

what an excellent point you didn't make

He's just getting started. Mad that OP's faggotry is so easily dismantled?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>shall not be infringed

Seems pretty clear

Say op what do you think of rakes?

Shit where do I get the free gun

You wish, Ahmed.

People buy their guns with their own money in a voluntary transaction.

>Thu)14:06:38 No.101067225▶
> (OP)
> A well regulated Militia

What's "well regulated" about letting alt-reich nutjobs purchase firearms?

They arent giving away guns to the poor for free idiot. Its only a right in that you have the option to buy one.

Quit pulling shit out your ass and think before you post.

mad that you retards keep replying to ancient b8

Fucking leaf

Like other user said. Everyone conveniently forgets the "well regulated" bit

people do not respond to this bait. you have got to know better!

Gun rights advocates are like feminists; they are a very very vocal minority that gets a lot more attention than they deserve. Most of us don't want them in civilian hands with certain exceptions (like being very rural and unable to defend home from wild animals or criminals).

The 2nd amendment doesn't explicitly say the milita has to maintained 24/7 but in the case of a rogue government one can formed and armed
0/10 made me reply

Any drug addled psychopath can purchase an assault rifle with a high capacity magazine and inflict damage on society perhaps killing hundreds if not stopped.

You have a right to defend yourself, your family, and your freedom.

You do not have a right to force others to provide medicare for you.

You really should be afraid, Jewboy. It's only a matter of time

If there were a device that could heal any harm that came to you, you would most certainly have a right to own it.

Heathcare is not that device. Healthcare is a service provided at the cost of another human.

Saying healthcare (to have a healer 24/7) is a right is like saying Security (to have a bodygard 24/7) is a right.

It's not, it's slavery, get it?

it has nothing to do with people bearing private arms. Well regulated was mentioning the standing army. "because we have a well regulated standing army and it's necessary to the security of the state, the people should have the right to bear arms as well, because we just got done fighting our own army and never know when people will have to again."

bait can be fun to take. people here have arguments prepared, and no real opposition is coming here. plus this looks like the beginning of a gun thread, something that should be left to grow (like a flower)

The only point here is your head...

If only Europe didn't cuck their gun rights away and open their doors to invasion.

A leaf wouldn't understand because he has proud burgerfat guns protecting his borders.

To me it reads, the people have the right to form an organized militia and to posses firearms, and neither of those 2 things should be infringed. How the fuck do you form a militia without owning guns, do you store them all in one place, who looks after these guns, the government? What would be the point of having the militia without the guns, also it doesn't say you can only own the firearms if you are in the militia.

There's something seriously wrong with a country that thinks that being white is a privilege but importing subhumans is a right.

receiving healthcare and owning a gun are both rights. having your healthcare provided to you and buying a gun are both privileges.


What's "well regulated" about letting illegal immigrants into the country unchecked?

Anyone who actually understands what rights are and has the education to be able to derive them from the state of nature will defend this

you dont know the power of capitalism

there are no rights to stuff unless your earn it
work or starve
dont have a kid without money

>a right to something = right to make someone buy it for you
Health care is a right, just like a gun. You pay for it yourself.

>It's not, it's slavery, get it?
Let me rephrase.

It's not a right, if it were that would be slavery, instead, it is just a priviledge.

>Seems pretty clear
You would think, but the NFA was deemed constitutional...

A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to eat bacon and eggs shall not be infringed.

Is this protecting the bacon and eggs or only the balanced breakfast?

The answer is both. The breakfast cannot be balanced without the bacon and eggs but the people's right to either one must not be infringed whether they eat them with orange juice or by themselves.

It's your right to be able to purchase a gun. It's a privilege to be able to afford a gun.

>one requires others to actively take care of you at the expense of tax payers

>the other concerns whether or not you may own a tool which can be used for self defense

which right is more fundamental and important?
the right to be able to properly defend yourself or your right to force others to take care of yourself?

>only the rich should have guns

You're literally retarded.

>can organize and train a militia
>can't find someone to guard an armory

Revolutions over boys! Pack it up

muh freedums, people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, why should I care if people choose to be sick? Just walk up to the cancer, shake it, and say, "I want you to stop killing me", nothing a bit of hard work and grit can't cure, lazy bums who want welfare don't understand. I'm ashamed to say my kid chose to get cancer, so I kicked him out of the house because he wanted me to use my money to pay for his treatment, the leech. Said he didn't have any money because he gave it all to me in rent. When I was 18 like him, I worked a couple hours a week and got a car and house within a month, this lazy bum says he works 60 hours, yet can't afford a mansion? Pah.

The bum doesn't even have a job now, says he got fired because he looked like a homeless man and was too sick from the cancer. Maybe he shouldn't have chosen to be homeless with cancer then? I need my gun in case he tries to come back. Ain't no-one gonna take that right away from me.

Sage, I saw this yesterday.
This better not become the new "ah need mah AR-15 to overthrow mah government" daily post.

That's what hi points are for.
>Mfw they have to tell their customers DO NOT VISIT THIS WEBSITE IF YOU ARE A FELON

>The poor must be given guns at someone else's expense

I'm a supporter of ''free'' healthcare, but your image is retarded.

Healthcare comes from taxpayers money. People put MONEY in the put to achieve it.

Legal weapons are not a form of welfare, and they cost money. You're free to buy them, just like private healthcare.

>tfw living in Trumpland of freedom instead of the orwellian nightmare that is the EU

nice generalization there kiddo, pls give me more

People have to buy their own guns.

> A gun costs less than a month of rent
you are literally retarded.


Well regulated had a different meaing in the 1700s.
It meant well equipped.
Think about it.. Who is going to "regulated" it in the way you are implying?
The same goverment that the 2nd is meant to protect you from???
Really it makes no difference to me. I dont need a person, or piece of paper to tell me when,where, how,or if i can protect my family.
Its pretty simple
Come and get it

you have the right to healthcare you just have to pay for it with your own money
you have the right to own a firearm you just have to pay for it with your own money

You still have to buy the gun you stupid FUCKING LEAF.

It doesn't cost a fortune to buy a gun. It only keeps them away from the extreme poor who live paycheck to paycheck.

And register, and be approved by the government, and be monitored by the government. The fact that you are put in a database and that you have to get government approval to own a firearm means that you're worse than California.

Yes but who decides who guards it, so you can form a militia but you cant privately own the weapons? Who decides this, if you say the government then what is the point of the militia, if the government wants to go crazy they just take over the armory and prevent the militia from arming themselves.

this desu


You have a right to buy healthcare if you want to, just as you have with a gun.

You don't have the right to a free gun provided to you by the state, nor do you have this for healthcare.

Whoever made this is retarded.

What's so hard to understand? Healthcare is a service done by other people. Gun ownership is me being allowed to purchase and use an object.

>no right to live
>right to own tools of death tho we need those

A gun is a possession a doctor is not.

>"A well regulated militia" means the army you gun nuts
>The army shall have the right to bear arms

Why would the founders bother to write this? Of course the army will be armed, it wouldnt be a fucking army if they weren't. Why would the founding fathers make this a constitutional amendment if it was something so blatently obvious? It makes no sense.

>I have a right to live at the expense of other people


I would defend it too

healthcare is a service. You must pay for services. It is not a right that someone performs surgery or gives medication or treatment for free.

Gun ownership being a right does not mean and never meant that someone pays your gun. It meant you are in principle allowed to own one legally.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The best part is that the founders had no intention for the country to ever have a standing army, as they knew the risks that came with one. Look how long that lasted...

Or he can build a high speed launcher or he can build a bomb or he can use a crossbow or he can simply use a car to run over millions or even just stick flaming rags into liquor bottles and throw them.

Whats your fucking point? That we need to outlaw anything post stone - age and fire related? And no matter how you slice it guns arent prioritized over healthcare.

Fucking moronic leaf.

We have """""""""""free""""""""" healthcare

Thousands of people die from infections they receive in hospitals every year

Ooohhh look at you making threats on an anonymous message board. I bet your mommy's really proud of you now.

Can't throw out trump without guns libtards, remember that

the constitution sucks
and then they own something that shoots lil deadly things at deadly speeds for no reason than to make their dick feel bigger
guns had a different meaning in the 1700's
they were A LOT more necessary to life i.e. hunting/self defense

I'm not saying that idiots who break there legs doing something stupid should have the govt pay them off, but getting sick/injured shouldn't be a financial hardship, why can't we agree on that? And why should we let the end goal of the healthcare industry be profit? I think that's really fucked. The system is broken as is

wheres my free gun faggot

Furthermore, even if that WAS the case, then we are still in violation of the second amendment. Active duty personnel do not have the right to keep arms in their quarters. Active duty personnel do not have the right to bare weapons without prior authorization from their CO.

Also, by definition, a militia is an ad-hoc fighting force of irregulars not directly commanded by any state. How would a standing professional army like the federal army or state national guards be considered a militia in any sense of the word?

Only a leaf..

Commodities are not rights. The ability to choose whether or not to attempt procure a particular commodity so that you can live is a right.

Healthcare is not a right. But the opportunity purchase healthcare if one is able to so long as they do not require violating another's person's rights is a right.

A gun itself is not a right. The ability to purchase, keep, and maintain weapons if one chooses, so long as they don't violate another's rights, is a right.

The ability to defend your rights when they are threatened is a right.

Most of the world likes to use the word "right" without understand what constitutes a right philosophically.

Rights pertain to the opportunity to acquire or do something so long as you don't directly interfere with another person's ability to acquire or do something.

>LEAF/Yuropoor/Left-wing lack of philosophical development.

You have the right to purchase both healthcare and/or a gun.

Not anyone else's fault if your too poor to exercise either of those two rights

> I dont force anyone to pay for my guns
> People force me though taxes to pay for their health care and shitty life choices
No one has a right to force others to pay for bad luck or bad life choices,

There actually is something wrong with a country that "thinks" owning a gun is a right. It actually is a right no thinking about it.

Healthcare is a service, good luck making that a right. Wasn't slavery forced services?

Quality Bait.

You sound like a cucked nu male that hates guns for no reason other than that you never had a father figure in your life to show you how to be a man.

You can't fight the government with free dental.

There's something seriously wrong with a country that thinks that healthcare is a right but that owning a gun is illegal.

What if it did cost a fortune to buy a gun?

What if it cost literally a years worth of rent to buy a gun?

Would you think that's fair? Because that's basically healthcare right now.

That webm is super hot.


You have the right to medical care. You just don't have the right to demand other people pay for it.

You have the right to bear arms. You have to pay for it.

I wouldn't support legislation to tax the American public exorbitantly to provide every American with low quality arms that would tank the national gun industry and make American arms a global laughingstock.
I also wouldn't support legislation barring people from purchasing health insurance- even in cases where the insurance would be extreme/over the top, covering any number of cosmetic options.

Flip the subjects of healthcare and guns, and you also have my opinion (and the majority American opinion) on public health options and gun bans.
It's consistent, respectful of my fellow citizens, and just plain constitutional.

Slavery was banned by the 13th amendment.

You cannot enslave doctors and force them to treat you.


Fuckin' leaf.

The 2nd Amendment has ensured that the US government, the longest running continuously identical government in modern times, does not result in tyranny.

>the constitution sucks
>and then they own something that shoots lil deadly things at deadly speeds for no reason than to make their dick feel bigger
Look at all those arguments that are missing

>feminists just trying to take away your right to free speech
>gun rights activists trying to make sure the government doesn't become a totalitarian shot hole.

Stop being a faggot

We have to purchase both. Im not going to dip into my wallet so someone else can get a firearm or treat their genital warts.

service, provided by others - unable to purchase
>owning a gun
property, purchasable

Europe never had gun rights. Their rulers never wanted the commoners to have guns. So guns were always reserved for the aristocrat rulers and their trusted vassals and servants.

The only chance Europe ever had to gain the right to own guns was when Americans occupied most of it. And at that time, American occupiers did not want the locals armed.

Settling America required guns for self-defense and to provide meat. So America starts with guns "on" by default. But if Europe had started settling America in 400 AD and succeeded, America would not have gun rights either. Just your local rulers and their trusted servants (police, army, etc).