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>tfw when your a critical theorist and you've completed the long march through the institution.

That faggot was so pitiful. Couldn't even understand the points Peterson was making about free speech and the implications of such legislation and the precedence it sets. "Just put the pronouns in a phone! Don't hurt feelings! Your just being lazy!"

Peterson is a bit hypocritical.

>holocaust denial laws justified
>"the highest possible value is truth... we need protections of free speech so we can utter the truths that we see fit"

Yeah okay.

When they ask if he will call someone by their preferred pronouns, his answer should be "ill take it on a case by case basis". When he says "no" outright he opens himself up and his message gets lost.

Watch some of Peterson's lectures, he is very good.

>His Pinocchio speech
This guys pretty based for a leaf, I hope he redpills some uni kids

>illegal to deny holocaust
>illegal to use wrong pronoun

Just nuke yourself leafs.


Guess what retard? This is coming to the US.

In fact, it's already in many states.

His maps of meaning Lectures are GOAT

>Political Correctness is a word the big guys use!
>I just program the correct pronouns in my smartphone by the person's name

Okay, but it's illegal to get it wrong.

>Be Canadian
>Get approached by trans student
>Get out phone to find what preferred pronouns they use.
>Forgot to charge it, just take a guess.. "yes, xir?"
>Tranny points and makes that screaming sound like 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers
>Sirens ring, horns blaring, bright lights shinning in your eyes.
>"Nooo! It was zir, not xir!!!!!!!"
>Military pronoun enforcement squad haul you off to reeducation gulags where you are converted into a gay Muslim woman.

Such is life in Canada.

>He points out that they only showed negative questions of the clips of him earlier and not when he was assaulted

>Mr. Ching chong ended the interview right after that

That's pretty good.

We have freedom of speech. Even if it were in any state, you could challenge it and bring it to the supreme court.

What's he gonna do? Deny the Holocaust on air?

>hero of free speech
>it's okay to punish people for denying the holocaust

Nah, he's just another faggot.


See New York. You don't have freedom of speech when your speech has almost endless consequences.

He's still technically a leaf, you can't expect everything.

shoot all in favor of alternate pronouns

can anybody post more vids like this

He's already accepted he could have been an Auschwitz guard and possibly enjoy it, what else do you want from the guy?

>what's he gonna do? tell the truth?
you sound like a good goy

Wait, did Canada seriously create a law forcing people to say shit like ze and xe?

Are you fucking kidding me? Why are they pandering to fucking LUNACY??????

A transgendered person should only be called one thing: MENTALLY ILL.

>what else do you want from the guy?

Not to suffer from cognitive dissonance.

His interview with Joe Rogan (3 hours) was touching, for me.
I recognized the effort and struggle of a man who really wants to understand himself and humanity, it resonated with mine. When I saw his list of 13 favourite life-changing books, I understood why.
On the route to become a real wise man and understand life and the world, I have a new senpai.
Thanks, /pol.

No. you can easily just say "even if I disagree with what you say, I will defend your right to say it" -argument

Nowhere in this video does he say he agrees with it, he's saying it's a completely different thing to compel someone to use words than to deny truth.

>it's a completely different thing to compel someone to use words than to deny truth.

Wrong, they're the same thing essentially. They both force people to accept a certain narrative and modify their behavior accordingly.
Also, unlike a lot of the losers here I don't find Peterson that intelligent. For one, he thinks he's going to change leftists by talking with them. He clearly doesn't understand true believers and how their psychology works.

>being compelled to say things is the same as just saying things

No, they're completely different things you fuck off Gypsie. Nowhere and I mean nowhere in any of his videos does he says it's perfectly acceptable to jail Holocaust deniers, if anything he finds Holocaust deniers fringe counter-factual morons.

If you don't understand why people in the 21st century aren't going to share their truth beliefs on such a subject, why are you here?

>For one
He literally says: stop trying to change others. Sort yourself out.
He explains very well the psychology of "true believers". You're just lazy and angry.

One step at a time

Gradualism is important goy. Learn from the jews. They didn't start out with 39 different genders and gimpsuit buttfucking festivals in front of elementary schools, did they? No, they started with womens' rights.

>Nowhere and I mean nowhere in any of his videos does he says it's perfectly acceptable to jail Holocaust deniers

So he supports their right to free speech then?

>He literally says: stop trying to change others

That's exactly what he's doing thou, trying to change others.

>So he supports their right to free speech then?

I'm not going to answer for him since he's already done it for himself multiple times.

>I'm not going to answer for him since he's already done it for himself multiple times.

I see, so you're full of shit. Got it.

>tfw white genocide will be talked about openly in mainstream culture in a couple years

I don't talk for other people who have already spoken for themselves, especially to a confused moron with an already made up mind.

wtf kermit scares me when he's angry

>I don't talk for other people who have already spoken for themselves, especially to a confused moron with an already made up mind.

Then why the fuck did you even get in the conversation in the first place you colossal moron. See, this is why people shit on Canadians, you constantly behave like your whore mothers smacked you over the head one to many times.

>ze zim zee; zim sie/zie hir zee;here zie zir zee;zere ey em

I don't know what to tell you. You have shit in your eyes and should probably clear it out before you start spouting it, or otherwise just stop talking about a person you don't even know and positions of his that you also don't even know.

Watch his fucking videos you complete halfwit. Fuckin' Nazis didn't kill enough of you.

>I don't know what to tell you

Good, then shut the fuck up.

Just don't be a confused idiot who doesn't know what's going on, that's what I'll tell you.

Now fuck off you subhuman.

at least we're white


Barely. Your demographics are changing faster than ours did.

I was in Canada in 2010 and I could count the white people with just one hand


>demographics are changing

In quite literally a maximum of three different cities. That's it.

>His interview with Joe Rogan (3 hours) was touching, for me.


it's really good. Joe himself said it was one of his best podcasts ever.

He makes me wanna do my masters at UoT so badly. All that snow make me reluctant though.

Where over half of your population is? Our rural areas are still largely white too.

Your government literally wants to triple your population by the end of the century. Do you think the immigrants will be coming from Europe? You're currently just as fucked as we are.

It's a beautiful school, but be aware Peterson is an outcast at this point, most of the school and its staff have fallen into line with this insanity. Student union a few years tried to remove all whites from the union and other student positions.

Half our population is something like 100 km from the US border, not specifically in cities. I'm not saying we aren't fucked all I'm saying is there are going to be practical containment zones, if you will.

>Our rural areas are still largely white too.

As with ours. The Maritimes where I'm from has a white population of something like 93%. It's not because we made it that way, it's because we're fucked economically speaking, so it's only natural people are going to go to the only three options for work: Toronto, Vancouver and MAYBE Ottawa.

canada is the most cucked nation atm, at least germany and sweden have political parties that oppose immigration, destruction of their culture, etc., in canada no one even gives a shit, a fucking conformist wasteland.