I suffered too much from being born ugly

I suffered too much from being born ugly.

I know this isn't Sup Forums related but to me, looks matter. They matter more than anything you could come up with.

I want to have good-looking, tall kids. This is all I ever want. I don't wish the riches, I don't want plastic bimbos, nor do I want a boat or sports cars. I want a large family full of handsome men and women.

Why the fuck are there so many ugly people out there plagued with the same fate as me?

The differences in status are so obvious among people, it's flabbergasting. A quick glance at a man will tell you if he's a classy businessman earning several thousands a month, or a gutter trash pushing carts at Walmart.

How do I obtain this, Sup Forums? How do I birth good looking kids? I'm obsessed with this to the point it's all I ever think about. Looking at people in the street, juding their faces, their build, their morphology. It's my main concern now.

>Why the fuck are there so many ugly people out there plagued with the same fate as me?
So people like me will have it easier.

You spend too much time on Sup Forums desu. But I often wonder why so many people are ugly and why people that are useless keep breeding, only to make their kids suffer.

You know how you value beauty in women so much. Women don't value looks the same way. They value power. Whether that's financial, attitude, actions. They value that a lot more than they value looks

Are you suicidal?

Used to be. Now I just regret being so focused on looks and not working at school. I still think looks are a key element in life. All successful, smart people are somewhat good-looking.

Rate me, Sup Forums. Am I ugly?

you're downright /soc/ tier

4/10 because you keep your hygiene

Kinda, it's not too bad.

Get a full beard, you have a baby face and get shredded.

I actually "been" at russian /soc/ meetup. There was this huge square, and on one side there were blue-haired feminists, on the other there was a /soc/ meetup, complete with obligatory junkies and underage whores. I was drinking with a metalhead right in between them.

Yeah, I get that a lot. The beard grows for fucking ages, and no moustache for me since this shit grows asymmetrically.
Also my voice is not very deep, so I usually get mistaken for a schoolkid. I'm 21 tho.

>being born ugly
>Not Sup Forums related
There's not one good looking person on Sup Forums other than myself. If you refute this argument, you're ugly.

You're just fat

10/10 for Russian. Could pass for Westerner. Good job. Also no Jewish features!

Lose some weight or kill yourself, you're a hideous disgrace.

That's true, unfortunately, though in here 200lbs for 5''11' is considered mildly overweight.
We have this weird gradation where depending on height to weight ration you get your obesity level, and I'm not this scale.
Well, when people judge me by my accent they guess I'm from Netherlands or Germany.
It's kinda hard when the gyms are either overpriced swimming pools with a threadmill thrown in for a good measure or a USSR legacy that looks like a scene for torture porn.

How is Russia?

>people tell me I'm good looking, and theyre not wrong
>have never had a gf

I guess I have a personality thats just so shitty nobody wants to be with me

Rate this lizard I found pol

Decent enough, believe it or not. Education is free if you pass the after-school exams well enough, and there are quite a lot of decent unis. If you don't - either go to a shithole and educate yourself while getting a useless piece of paper from your shitty uni or pay for a good uni where you couldn't get for free. Healthcare is okay-ish, but it's a lottery if you don't want to make a scandal. Some medics work well, some are lazy and require threats or chocolates. Though even they will treat you pretty well if you break your leg or get cold.
In general people are not drunken savages as they are sometimes pictured, just your average joes. Though train stations and some ghetto areas exists filled with homeless, junkies and wild illegal immigrants looking to gut you.
There's also a really small niche fir nu-males and feminists, and you can spot one or two in the street once a month, though they can't do shit IRL since even a fatass like me can break their arm.

Jobs are another thing. There's always an opening in your local McDonalds, but if you want something for your profile - tough luck. I'm getting a degree in software engineering, and barely anybody wants interns. Either you get to work at a startup and pray that one day you will get paid in anything other than cooler water, or get told to fuck off since you have no expirience. So you need to look for some obscured shady companies and apply for internship, but then again you can be fired anytime cuz "Sorry, you finished your project, but we shut down our internship department and you haven't worked enough to be employed properly".

Is it true Ruski-girls all want the BAC (Big Anglo Cock) ?

How much would a Hot Russian Wife cost me ?

more like 2/10...potential for 4 to 5/10 tho, depending on height
start by gymceling and dropping your bf to like 8-12% for face gainz and lose that fag style, glasses and beard

They don't care as long as you have a shit ton of cash to throw her way on a regular basis. Most girls are sluts (quite literally) that want to use you for whatever reason. Homework, free lunch, a car, whatever.
Nice girls exists, but they are neets (yeah, really) who don't take care about themselves and are extremely hard to be taught proper ways.