Please tell me James won't be another "Russia is an enemy and our #1 threat" guy

Please tell me James won't be another "Russia is an enemy and our #1 threat" guy
I really wanna be friends with you guys

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Trump doesn't want war with Russia.
Trump's cabinet does as they're told.
We'll be okay, Russbro.

hopefully Vlad doesn't get too cocky and test us

I'm looking forward to the new Russia / USA friendship.

Not sure his opinion on Russia, but from what I've seen he tries to avoid politics as much as possible. Everyone just loves him because he's a professional badass.

Trump and Flynn are both very pro-Russia, so I think things are looking up for us.

>Trump's cabinet does as they're told.
>donald "you'll be in charge of foreign and domestic policy" trump

Pro tip: You guys will always be the bad guys until you are entirely subjugated.

> hopefully Vlad doesn't get too cocky and test us

Why would he do that? He has already btfo a reported who hated Trump

Also this
Trump is an isolationist, he doesn't like USA spreading all over the world.

Fuck you Ivan.

Russia is a backwards ass country with a low GDP. Lower than China for fucks sake.

For a big country that's pretty sad desu senpai.

I would feel bad and throw you a bone here and there if I was the USA.

hopefully trumps friendliness with russia and putin will counter mattis's aggression. But also stop russia from trying to fuck us over.

anyone remember that time we made friends with russia and they invaded the ukraine afterward

that was pretty funny

>stop russia from trying to fuck us over.
Since when are we trying to fuck you over?

I think he's more of a "Iran is an enemy and our #1 threat" guy. Which isn't good, but better than anti-Russia imo. Hopefully this means that the US will try to build a relation with Russia and steer them away from China/Iran. Which honestly is in your best interest because you can't trust chinks or mudslimes.

Ok so get this you dips

Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future series is supposedly based on Donald Trump.

In the third film, we discover that Tannen's ancestor was a notorious outlaw by the name of Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen.

Add it to the list of synchronicity and other related meme magic fuckery.

>donald "you'll be in charge of foreign and domestic policy" trump

Still no nuclear war to worry about

hes just a walking marine meme and hes an actual homosexual.

Petrodollar subversion

>Still no nuclear war to worry about
>donald "why do we have nukes if we're not gonna use them" trump
>donald "more countries should have nukes" trump

seems legit.

stop owlposting you moloch cuck nigger. GET YE GONE HOMOLOCH

Russians make csgo agony, if that helps?

That is my only criticism

fuck off, newfag.

get back in the oven faggot

I don't mind if he recognizes threats from Russia as long as he can back them up logically.

Obama and Clinton were just frivolous about it.

I recognize we have opposing interests.

no thanks, nigger.


wasnt asking

who gives a shit about ukraine though?

good question.

Do Ukrainians even give a shit about Ukraine?

I think this is a breath of fresh air between us two, I welcome it. The cold war was stupid anyways.

You guys gotta do something about North Korea though

Russia got caught with its hand in the cookie jar several times during the U.S. election. You're fucking lucky Trump won, and you can expect severe retaliation once Trump is out of the way - one way or another.