Common Core Thread

What's Sup Forums's argument against/for common core? I feel like it's more Marxist bullshit, but don't know enough about it to form a proper debate.

Black people are "visual learners":

An example of common core math:

Is this racialized math, pol? Is it catering to the lowest common denominator?

I believe the argument for it is that while extremely inefficient, the value of its method isn't intended to be judged by merits of efficiency. Instead the methods are supposed to help students understand and manipulate the structure of expressions.

Essentially it's marketed as a tool to help train your brain to solve problems on its own. But how accurate can this be? Who came up with it? Why was it implemented? Was it because black people were failing at math?

Common Core costs nation $80 billion to implement:

Other urls found in this thread:

>What's Sup Forums's argument against/for common core?
You can't set the curriculum for all black schools to be the same as all white schools. They learn at different rates.

This molymeme video got me SPOOKD on common core tbhfam

Is this an argument for/against it, or is it an observation or what?

The leaf delivers, of all people. Watching it now, thanks senpai.

I have a PhD in math and no child of mine will ever study under the common core.

Federal standards don't work because the Federal government is utterly disconnected from moms and dads. If the schools aren't performing then they can pass off responsibility to federal agents, and standards, and curriculums, and funding, and so on forever. If you're just a an average joe; good luck trying to move the federal bureaucrats.

If education is handled at the school, or municipal level, the parents can very easily tell the teachers and school board to fuck off or start teaching better.

Decentralization is almost always a good thing for democracy, as the people can't easily impart change on a federal level.

5*9 is pretty hard though famm

>I have a useless degree
We get it, you're retarded

There is no standard that will ever make kids smarter then they are meant to be.

It's all in the genes.

The best thing you can do is separate smart kids from dumb kids, then prepare the dumb for their future working service and manual labor jobs.

>5*9 is hard
>x*10 will always be x+0
>5*10 = 50
>50 - 5 = 45

Did it without even thinking.

I have an honorary doctorate in botany from Houston Community College and no child of mine will ever learn common core.

Common Core is retarded.

>There is no standard that will ever make kids smarter then they are meant to be.
>It's all in the genes.
I don't think those two statements are entirely correct but common core is total shit. As is the way of the left they look to create "equality" by bringing everyone equally low.


We need to make sure all you ignorant fucks in flyover country don't get left too far behind.

Can you give me more than that, buddy? Your opinion at length would be valuable here.

Good points. From the molyneux video: We standardize cars, we do not standardize people - Einstein

It's 45. The multiplication table teaches you this. No steps needed.

>Black people are "visual learners"

Lol, they're admitting Black people have different brains.


It is needlessly complex, and clearly a form of conditioning given the insistence on use of certain language. All it does is drag the smart ones down to a level that is not beneficial.

We need to go back to just failing, and or beating, kids until they get it right.

I don't understand what is so wrong with making kids do multiplication tables over and over until it is second nature. It worked for the rest of us.

History is repeating itself. Every decade a new education regime tries to erase their predecessors work by "reinventing" education.

New Math song circa 1960's

the problem with common core is the same problem with any federal level standardisation.

it treats every student the same

but students arent the same. some are rich, some are poor, some are retarded
we need to severely reduce federal standards, and instead focus on state level standardization

>As is the way of the left they look to create "equality" by bringing everyone equally low.

Leftist dogma in a nutshell.

>College education = Intelligence.

>phd in math
>having kids

Pick one nerd

no fair, north dakota doesn't have enough blacks

The cities are the ones with the worst education.


Like pottery.

where i come from it's called cooking the books, we do it in our department all the time.

They're admitting that different environmental factors influence how children learn, you mean.

I love that map

I'm a conservative and not knowing anything about common core I jumped on that common core hate bandwagon. Then I looked up some of the math questions. I actually kinda liked how they approached it. I can't speak for the other stuff but the math looks legit. I don't like the federal government dictating education on a local level tho, that's my only complaint.

That video made me hate math.

I got through calc 1 without hating math.

But that video makes me hate it.

>I actually kinda liked how they approached it.

You like it? Why? Do you suck at math? Seriously why?

When I was reading how they explained to do the problems I was like "hey that's kinda how I do it in my head anyways". Also, I wouldn't say I'm great at math but I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and had to pass just about every math class at my college. To be fair, things got hard after calc 2.

>Then I looked up some of the math questions.

I think you mean Math 'situations' there friend. Or do you need a timeout in the correction corner?

It isn't that I don't get it, but WHY?

A friend of mine is a history teacher.

He's a couple states over but everytime I see him a good 70% of our "conversations" is him bitching about common core and how he can't even teach his own class the way he wants.

I think its slowly redpilling him. He accidentally let out a "ya know I mean races have been separate for so long maybe that was a good idea" over the summer.

>I was like "hey that's kinda how I do it in my head anyways"
That's the entire problem with common core. Instead of teaching you how to do something properly and you intuitively figuring out shortcuts if you are smart enough it attempts to teach everyone how to do it in a backwards way that just confuses everyone

They were questions with solutions. If you want to address my word choices rather than the subject matter then why are you even here?

Also the video where the creator stated he wouldnt use it to teach his kids.

Because you are not using the correct terminology as mandated by Common Core. Dare you question the benevolent and all knowing government?

Huh, that's true.

I learned that as a kid in the 90s. Used it once for the lesson and never again.

Lol love it

They never taught you the hand trick in school?

jesus that article is scary

It is. Imagine if you doesn't already know how to do it. You'd be fucked!
That's literally why the only time someone chimes in defending it they're a mathfag or closely related. It isn't about how well you understand the shortcut, it's about how well the shit can actually be taught to someone who doesn't already know

>writing in the 0 before writing the 1 on top

A lot of the approaches they take towards math are actually more effective in some circumstances. I've actually used common core methods in my head before common core was a thing because I had just figured out that they were faster.

The problem comes with the fact that they are also more confusing, counter intuitive, are only circumstantially useful, and lose all their benefit when used on paper.

For example, 17+16. The common core "make ten" (or whatever they call it) method would have you saying "Oh, I know 7+3 is 10, so 17+16=20+16-3=20+13=33" This type of calculation is easier to do in your head than
six plus 7 is 13, keep the 3 carry the one
one plue one plus one is three, put that in the tens place.

But on paper the second method is easier. Its also more straightforward and intuitive.

The problem with common core comes from the fact that they force all the kids to learn all the "shortcut" confusing methods, and then grade them on their use of said method. It unnecessary and makes kids hate Math more than they already do.

It would be like teaching your grandma to exit an application with alt+f4 and then yelling at her for not using alt+f4 when clicking the x is just easier.

Seriously though as pants on head retarded as the actual mathematical 'methods' they try to teach are, my bigger issue is with the attempted conditioning. You can fix bad maths practices, but breaking conditioning requires electing someone like Trump.

Fuck that brainwashing bullshit

I see, so it's all about taking them through the proper steps so they end up at a place that they can either determine their own shortcuts, or fall back on the procedures they were taught.

how are you supposed to do larger numbers?

>ask how something is possible
>haha! just kidding, trick question, it's not

fucking hate that shit. just let me answer the goddamned question without your mind games

>black girl
>contemplating math

Fucking. kek. I'd have a better chance of finding a unicorn.

>that pic

My level of anger right now is not reasonable.

I'm better at mental math than pretty much anyone and the least amount of processes the better. Common core is not intuitive, it just breaks it down more into easier blocks. It's much slower and won't help anyone in the long run.
Math at all levels is something you simply have to accept for being what it is and learn it. Sometimes the intuition comes early and sometimes you have to drill it into your mind before you get it. Not everything should be served on a platter.

It about shoving complicates shortcuts down everyone's throats while some middle schoolers still struggle to understand what a fraction is.

The whole system is screwed up and leaves kids confused lost, and all it does it create more, unnecessary confusion.

>tfw niggers lower the collective IQ for all of Michigan...

I fucking hate mid michigan

Commie Core is basically the Jews up to their old tricks in promoting their "le everyone is equal" meme.

It, Like Head Start, Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind, is centered around the idea that socialization and environment, not race, is a determining factor in academic outcomes.

More Marxist propaganda to condition future generations to be unwitting slaves the the Jews.

Literally this, 1:20.

Why does Sup Forums hate pewdiepie again?

It was literally began to "end white privilege."
I don't have the video, maybe someone else posted it ITT or can post it. The dirty fucking kikes behind it actually ADMIT IT.

evil shit. one of the reasons they do it so parents can't help kids with their homework

For me personally doing the common core method is faster sometimes. It depends on the circumstance though, and I only use it when I feel it would help.

But thats really the issue though. For me the method might have some use, but for you it doesn't. And thats fine, to each their own. But common core doesn't allow for this. It forces methods on kids, methods that most kids don't need to learn at all.

Honestly, It's kind of nifty what she did in the math video. If you were teaching someone math for the first time I can see how it could be useful as one of the methods.

It gets you to think about the subtraction as an addition problem without introducing negatives

the common core method doesn't seem intuitive.

with 17 + 16. in my head, I add 10 to 17 to get 27. then add 6 to get 33.

its basically just adding the bigger number before the smaller one. i understand that common core is trying to do something similar to that, but not in a good way. it is not how we intuitively do math

another example 54 + 17

add 10 to 54 to get 64 then 7 to get 71

>An example of common core math:
Color me triggered.

>Black people are "visual learners"

Physics instructor here.

tl;dr version - the basic things that Common Core Math wanted to accomplish aren't bad, helping kids develop a better, stronger foundation for later math by developing a strong disposition for mental arithmetic early on before introducing the usual algorithms and shortcuts.

The problem is that, like much of our science and math curriculum in the United States, none of the people writing up these curricula and textbooks have any fucking idea what they're doing.

Look up the people who actually write these stupid "new pedagogy" strategies and you'll quickly realize that they're almost exclusively people with fucking communications and sociology degrees and shit.

It's like if I was suddenly asked to write up a syllabus for a class on Contemporary French Poetry... I have no fucking idea how to even begin to approach that because it's not my area of expertise, and I'd have to be a dumbass or a douchebag to even try.

It's because black kids typically don't have parents to help them, so they invented a new system where the white children's parents can't help them either. Instead of figuring out how to help black kids, they're handicapping the white kids.

Shit is so sick and disgusting it's something only kikes could come up with.

It should be in another class for "those" people that need it if it has to exist at all. This is dragging down children. I'm not having my brother learn this retarded shit when he starts school. If its not replaced by then I'll home school or find a private thing. I've seen my cousin do it and tried to help them with their homework and its literally, LITERALLY, for morons. You thought showing your work was moronic and a waste of time? Common core is writing out shit you should be able to do in your head like second nature. Example rounding shit to ten first then adding what's left for ease. Common core has these kids being stupefied writing out that jumping to ten is the answer. Because its close. Its so gay and I cannot believe we are this fucking retarded and failed in the education of children this hard

I never said it was. Its counter intuitive. For me its easier when I do it in my head because it makes 7+6 become 10+6-3. Its less straightforward though.

Which is why I'm against common core. Its forcing confusing methods onto kids who are already pretty confused with math.

what's weird is that common core is somehow both stupidly simple but weirdly confusing at the same time

Jesus Christ. Please tell me they don't actually teach kids in this manner these days.

designed for and by subhumans

education is not a right

get government out of education and dont pay pensions they were not earned

I remember a similar method I was taught in elementary school (Before common core). It was more clever and kind of useful, but it involved drawing this fancy grind and then adding numbers in a weird way. Pic related is the method.

Wtf is this garbage? It's like they want to make math hard to understand.

>Instead of figuring out how to help black kids...


We literally just need to get rid of the niggers and Jews and we could have our own education system.

as a mathfag i quite like common core. Its how i work and its more conductive to inductive mathematic reasoning in general.

But i have not thought about it from this perspective. Now that you point it out, just like there are conventional personalities and creative personalities (job wise) there is no doubt that math wise people will enjoy or respond better to different styles.

Perhaps the best approach is a flexible one then that focusses on tried and true methods but implements the "new math" shit just as a supplement where necessary.

All they are doing is visually representing what many people do in their head. Its a processes, the equivalent of show your work for an algebra problem.

For someone who is just learning these concepts I can see how it could be useful, try to think about it from the perspective of someone learning math.

In Canada from K-12 we have "Learning Through Love" education. Needless to say my nephew is graduating from high school next year and has never learned mathematics beyond the Pythagorean theorem, despite him being in gr.11, thanks to LTL education standards.

the kids answer was both logical and correct. The only way 4/6 of a pizza can be bigger than 5/6 of a pizza is if the first pizza is bigger.

The real question is 4/6x and 5/6y there is no x=y constraint forcing a rejection.

The teacher was just retarded.

It is like being shown all these different methods of working out a problem, but instead of just showing it for the sake of showing it they are making actually learn them. Regardless of whether they are practical or not. So you just end up confusing the kids more and getting them to retain even more useless knowledge that is competing for space with other liberal indoctrination. Sorry I meant education.




>Learning Through Love

I can't image how horrible this must be. The "everybody gets a trophy syndrome" is really bad here in the U.S.

but when we do stuff in our head, we don't map out the steps, it's just rough images that form together to create an answer. it seems bizarre to try to turn our "in-head" thoughts into step by step problems. in my opinion it makes more sense to present the problem, give them the traditional problem solving method, and if they can intuitively do it in other ways then good for them

>useless knowledge

really? i think everyone could afford a better understanding of mathematics. statistics and logic as well.

Common core fails students because its a overly loaded and complex design for something that should evolve from essentialism first.

I agree that there should be some nationalization in standards for education, but common core is an overly formulaic approach that reeks of bureaucratic overtones because it was forced upon schools failing to meet benchmarks.

technology changed it

in the same sense that hardly anyone knows how to farm/hunt and gather because it's done for us we don't need to know math, because its done for us.

of course math still needs to be taught but none of this bullshit is good at all

What they need to do is decrease class sizes so the teachers can make sure every kid in the class doesn't fall behind.

I've worked with kids who struggle with math, and I have friend who works at a library in the city. Its really sad how some kids get left behind when it comes to math. Like a lot of kids don't solidly understand basic concepts like negative numbers or even basic arithmetic, and then they are expected to learn concepts that build on those, and they are just stuck being eternally behind. And you know its because one day some teacher decided that the rest of the class of 25 kids needed to move on and that she didn't have time to help the 5 or so kids who were stuck.

They just give out heart shaped stickers. The grading system is "good" or "better", if you get above 60% in a subject you get a "better" grade, below 60% a "good" grade. Teachers are not allowed to actually record a numerical mark. Just good or better. This has led to our universities to be overcrowded in order to adjust to LTL standards.

For me i do the first like this
>17 + 16
>16 + 16 + 1
>32 + 1
For the second
>54 + 17
>7---4 = diff of 1, force overlap so add one to first position.
>70 + 1
Importantly i do not "calculate" 7+4. I just look at it and know the relationship between 7 and 4 always overlaps and it always overlaps by 1.

Its weird, its like my brain writes it out like a visual computer program from memory rather than one based purely on calculation.

i just use a fucking calculator.

in NSW after like year 9 you use a calculator for every single test, as it should be

>PhD in math

Do you work the floors in McDonald or have they let you on the counter yet?

He probably teaches or does research idiot.