Donald Trump 'won' the election thanks to an archaic electoral system...

Donald Trump 'won' the election thanks to an archaic electoral system. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote by an unprecedented margin and thus she was selected by the people to be president.

Trump cannot be president.

>Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote
lie told by fakenews like cnn

yeah buddy!


oh look it's another irrelevant country gives their opinion on our election thread


its another people think a couple states that always vote the same should decide the outcome thread

>less than 2%
unprecedented margin

And when you look at the ridiculous populations of New York and California then you see why this argument is retarded. also BTFO Brit.

The way candidates campaign and the way people vote is heavily effected by the electoral college system. The reason we have such low turnout is people in strong red or strong blue states don't bother voting, and why should they? Likewise candidates dont campaign in states where the outcome is locked in. The rules were different, people would play the game different.

Also, in polls measuring the popular vote in the week leading up the election, Trump and Hillary were tied within the margin of error. Given how inaccurate the polls ended up being at the state level, we can safely say Trump would have had a strong chance of still winning the general if it was decided by popular vote.

Not that you're going to read any of this, this is more for anyone else who needs an argument for facebook fights.

>Trump and Hillary both campaigned to WIN the electoral college, not the popular vote (See: Both of them campaigning in New Hampshire and Iowa)

>If the electoral college was removed, then more Republicans in blue states would get out and vote and more Democrats in red states would get out and vote as their vote would matter more - (Whether this would benefit the Republicans or Democrats more we don't know)

Fallacious arguments but I know it's bait.

Lol shut up loser

Why are these fallacious

Trump will be, he won.

I got some bad news for cucks like you. it isn't going to change anytime soon. you'd have to amend the constitution. you need 2/3rds of Congress which the dems don't have or you need 2/3rds of the states which dems don't have.

be triggered, bitch moan and cry but you can't do a fucking thing about it.

>no Facebook or Twitter
>really strive to meet mates in real life and catch up for meaningful socialization

I really feel like this 2016 U.S. election I've missed out on BTFOing normies and SJWs, is it easy to just sign up to Twitter and russle peoples jimmies? I just don't know anyone other than work normies who use it so no one would follow me and I'd just look like a complete troll account

>All these faggots having tantrums they didnt get their own way

Fallacious argument* I meant with regards to Hillary being president due to winning the popular vote

So im guessing Hillary won against Obama in the 2008 primaries too right?

>Trump cannot be president.
But he will be anyways. Keep bringing salt.

Can't you just go to the archive, there are bound to be at least 70 of these fucking threads.

Was it a smart choice of the Hillary campaign to not rally in swingstates like Michigan until the very end? The Trump campaign would have been radically different if the presidency was decided by the popular vote. Both campaigns knew about the rules in advance yet one of the campaigns failed to convince normal blue swingstates...

>by an unprecedented margin

Better learn some American history you dumb limey cunt.

it's not your fucking election, gtfo of it.

>President of the United States
>President of the States
>President of the People
>President of the People's Republic
Different things.

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

ukip came third. you're a moron

Get the fuck out of my country you labour-voting cunt.

>Donald and Hillary playing blackjack
>Donald gets Ace + King
>Hillary draws 5, 5, she keeps hitting and ends up busting after getting 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
>Hillary: Well you know Donald, if this were poker I would have won