Apologize, Texas. It's a woman's right to choose and not bury

Apologize, Texas. It's a woman's right to choose and not bury.

>Flicking someone off while asking for an apology.

I know that girl.

...is she going to perform the abortion with that finger?


Texas über alles. Just say the word on republic 2.0

Abortion is murder, and only liberals are capable of blinding themselves to the atrocities of child murder.

It's not that hard to fuck responsibly. I don't wanna pay for child murder.

Women do not have rights, Stop being islamophobic.

Why on earth would the woman care? It's not like they're forcing her to attend a funural. They're just taking the unwanted pile of blood and guts and shoving it in an oven long after she's back home and looking for the next nigger to creampie her.

>It's a woman's right to choose and not bury.

Actually, wouldn't that be shared parental rights since it's no longer an extension of the whore's damaged goods?

Oh, I forgot, men have no say-so in anything unless they can afford 6-digit lawyers. My fault.

Go fuck urself useless cunt

The unborn, they have to go back...to the womb where they belong.

Quit being whores, problem solved.

who dis she a qt

The pro-life people have LOST.

>fight to make abortion illegal
>ok just the ones that are kinda developed
>ok just the ones that are 5 seconds from being born
>ok lets just not use taxpayer money
>ok lets just not let Planned Parenthood sell bodyparts
>ok fine, can we just fucking bury the fuckers at least?

all the girls who support abortion on my FB feed are trashy whore single mothers. the nice christian girls with families oppose it. makes me think

I dont understand why leftists support islam when islam and leftists have no common ground

Texas is based as fuck, I love living here. Too many beaners everywhere and liberals in the big cities though

That picture is kind of hot. It was a nice fap.

> it this is

>Please call killing my baby something else so I don't feel bad about it.

Cultural Marxism.
Not even once.

They are brainwashed morons, useful idiots who are anti-European/anti-white. Nothing else. That's why.

Its Islams goal to infiltrate the west and rise up right? Well the left is fine with that because it pisses off their enemies and makes them look Islamophobic. They think they will be safe during the 'spring' because they were allies of Islam.

But women HAVE the right to choose. When they decide to have sex they know that they can end up with a kid.

It's your choice to have sex and when you make it, don't punish a baby for your mistake. Take the responsibility like an adult.

Unless you're not an adult, then you shouldn't be fucking in the first place.

In Texas we don't tolerate that behaviour on womans.

>Mysoginistic chuckle.

Is she as stupid as she looks?

>Media massively supports abortion
>Every state made abortion illegal - courts struck it down every time
>Massively popular law forbidding abortion? Courts struck it down
>Start attacking the system itself; making clinics obey the law; making women actually think about what they are doing
>Courts want to interfere, can't
>every year for decades more and more young people are pro-life, fewer abortions happen, more clinics are closed; more restrictions slip past the courts
You sound like Hillary's pollsters in September....

fake issue like the KKK
libs are getting exploited by fearmongering

If they (((choose))) to have an "abortion" and think it isn't murder, then why would they have any issues with what's done with the remains of their non-murdered unborn baby? Are they not satisfied enough with it's destruction that they need further fulfilment from knowing it gets incinerated after?

They do, they are both anti Western

>I claim to believe the thing I'm aborting is just a mass of cells yet I have an emotional breakdown when I have to bury it

nah fuck that shit. i LOVE Texas. based state.

Does she do anal?

You might want to hook up. Apparently she's easy and if she gets pregs you know she'll abort.

Walk up and say " Hey gorgeous, want to dig a hole together?"

fill her up

first with your dick, then with lead

>its a womens roght to sell baby fetus parts!!!


They want to sell the body parts, burial/cremation denies this market.

why you so upset OP?

The "tolerant" left has no idea about what's coming, especially in Texas.

The Mexicans. They vote blue, sure... but they're also very Catholic, and seem to like large families. Not big fans of abortion.

But you know,
>"no human is illegal"
>surely they won't vote against MY interests
>after all I so graciously looked the other way concerning their legal status in this nation!

I do think abortion should be legal for eugenics purposes and also for reducing the number of undesirable races, but among whites it should be a freedom that is just never used.


If you're gonna kill your unborn baby the least you can do is have the decency to give it a proper burial


I don't get the issue of having to dispose of the remains yourself. It's their body and their responsibility.

The hospitals do this shit themselves anyway, using our tax dollars.