Based Krugman

really makes you think

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seems legit

Yeah but the auto bailout was only needed while obama was in office

>a deal made when president-elect
>reflective of deals made when actually president and setting national policy

they're trying so hard to minimize everything.


how does that comparison make any sense

There is something Mr. Krugman is not telling us...

>Trump saves jobs without spending a penny
>Obama bails out with our money

The try harding right now to diminish Trump is reaching levels of Kek previously unseen

that deal was literally done while bush was still in office, to be paid out by the next president

>My team is better than your team

This again?

So? He's already done more than our current Commander-in-Chimp. Also, (((Krugman))). If you piss off a jew, you're doing something correct.

Kek agrees with you brother



Beat me to it

The bailouts saved international corps which export labor as much as humanly possible. Yeah, Obama probably saved a lot of jobs, in fucking mexico

>52 weeks
>30 years
>1,560 weeks
>$7 million for Carrier
>$79 billion for auto bailout

If every deal was $7 million, Trump would take 11,285 weeks just to reach $79 billion with seven times as many jobs saved.

in reality, donald trump, who is not even president yet, is going to do several deals like this in a short frame of time in order to get an idea about how to implement broader policies.

he'll do a few carrier deals in the first month. then he'll have a good plan for how to implement statewide policies which will influence DOZENS of companies, and scores of small businesses.

after six months of work like that, he'll be in a position where he understands what needs to be done at a policy level, nation wide.

these programs will affect THOUSANDS of companies, and TENS OF THOUSANDS small businesses, with MILLIONS of employees.

by then the wall will be mostly finished and a couple million illegals will have been deported. as well as voter ID laws being made strictly national.

There's a fundamental difference between not allowing businesses to fail and trying to give them incentive to stay. How is this clown an economist?

>All this damage control by Russian propagandists and their useful idiots in the west

Good job showing Corporate America can now treat American jobs like hostages to get a better deal and still be able to kill half of them.

>Saves 1000 jobs by sacrificing 1000 jobs and giving the company massive tax cuts.
>Implying the Auto industry didn't pay back the bail out and because of how it was set up, the government made money off it while saving domestic jobs.

Now earn your 2 rubles and feed me your (you)'s.

I really think that, if it came down to it, I would select Krugman to be the first person hung on the day of the rope. Drawing, quartering and placed on a stake.

>taking Paul "broken window" Krugman seriously ever

Massive tax cuts are good. Taxes are money businesses will not be allowed to invest. The opportunity costs literally can't be comprehended.

The same goes for not allowing businesses to fail. It fucks with businesses coming to understand the market. Markets are complex systems and literally require failure for adequate assessment of the environment.

the 2000 was lost. trump showed up. he saved 1000, and made money doing it. (pro-tip: the 7 million tax deduction he gave the company will be paid off after one year and profit 100% by the second year and go on from there.

Lying dirty kike... Prez Barry didn't save those auto jobs, he fucking bought them with taxpaying revenue, hence : GOVERNMENT MOTORS.

>generate millions of dollars of taxable income without touching a dime of taxpayer money
>throw money into a financial black hole created largely in part by the failed economic policies of your administration
He should ask for a refund on that economic degree.

Why don't people understand how this works.

General public should be informed. If they're reacting like this over $7 million that saved 1,000 union(?) jobs, I can't believe what their reaction will be when they find out states spend tens of millions to attract the film industry for temporary jobs.

They also see it from one side, they would never talk about Trump increasing taxes and applying tariffs on companies leaving and trying to sell goods back.

>the government made money off it while saving domestic jobs
treasury department says we actually lost 9 billion after all was said and done
government did not make money off the bailout

>I'm going to go ahead and assume all my projections of job growth caused by the stimulus to be true, then use it as an axiom to judge all economic decision making

Krugman is a case of ever present, absurd internal confirmation bias. He lets his ideology dictate his facts

The lower the taxes, the more people pay them.

When kennedy slashed taxes, receipts doubled.

Liberals will point out that it was repaid, years later, ignoring it was a huge fucking bailout.

They also don't think Carrier will do any good with the $7 million and will just pocket it, with no economic boost to Indiana or the US.

The media is run by bitter Marxists who want to use solely punitive measures to force businesses to act according to their ignorant, tyrannical desires.

I think they see the government as the counter balance to corporate power not realizing they are ossifying corporate power.

Store had record sales on Black Friday, but supposedly didn't make much money because of discounts on many items.


>pay business to keep an outdated form of income here rather than investing in the future

>> with no economic boost to Indiana or the US.

you mean besides the 1000 people with good jobs that aren't on welfare and spending money and the presence of an operating factory with 1000 employee's in the area...

>force health care onto job providers
>job provider splits one full time job into two part time job to avoid paying for their healthcare
>check it out boyz, I just made two jobs!

>outdated form of income
Care to explain that?

>Trump kept jobs in America
>Auto companies took Obama's money then left for Mexico



Really makes you think.

>rate of job saving

Is this a new economic indicator ? Will CNBC begin reporting rate of job saving for every month/quarter?

>Paul (((Krugman)))
>Columnist at the (((New York Times)))

Wew, r u guys even trying anymore?

>I'm a 19 year old hippie that thinks this is the first time tax incentives were given to a business

Literally on Monday Arizona gave a 46 million dollar tax break to a car company for 2k jobs. Is krugman mad about that? No he is just mad that trump was involved.

Go read any article about a new construction project in your city, basically every single one involves some kind of tax incentive from the city or state

You fucking child

are they going to mention how obama lost a million decent jobs that a person could support themselves and even a family on, and replaced them with several million shitty minimum wage jobs that require welfare in order to have a poor, futureless family on.

Fuck your digits OP




Damn, beat me to it


No, I mean Liberals will say there will be no benefit.

Trump save these jobs even before he was sworn in as president

liberals will say anything to try and save their filthy hide!

>Russian propagandists
>You will never be this paranoid

Christ, being a liberal truly is suffering.

>people still think a bunch of part time jobs to try and keep up with immigration is a "recovery"

I was a Trump supporter, but after Drumpf failed to keep all 1,600 jobs (And that's barely any in a country of 300 million+ people), I can no longer support him.

I'm now ready for Hillary.

Krugman is the only NYT editor that can trigger me

*editorial damn

Obviously he wouldn't give individual tax incentives to every company to make them stay, but a systematic approach changing the global trade structure could reverse industry killing globalization and the massive wealth transfer from the white middle class to the third world and capitalist Jews. Surely a Nobel Laureate understands this.

>Believing the bullshit of voodoo economics after it trashed the economy twice.
Even communism manages to be less naive and retarded than Supply Siders who believe a it will benefit a specific specific country in a global market.

They weren't lost because the jobs hasn't been official shipped yet. He should have played hard ball and made an example of Carrier by going through the threat of slapping anything they made with tariffs and taxes . (Why stop at 35%? 50 is a lot more nice and even.) He's already pussied out just like on his promise to build a wall and deport every single illegal. He's now given corporations a way to get massive tax cuts and still outsource jobs.

>2 cents has been deposited into your account. Thank you for your service comrade, and remember that after every 100 post per day you earn a coupon for free hotpockets.

I hope he realizes that Trump did that without actually being president. The guy hasn't even been inaugurated and he is already MAGA.

He's actually fucking implying EVERY job involved with the auto companies was on the line.

the typical jew mentality when counting what monies they think other people SHOULD owe them.

He's a filthy shill who thinks (((Wall Street))) is an indicator of real world work.

>he should have

right there, i caught you trying to correct trump and act as if you know better than him.

don't try to run, shill. you've been caught.

>trashed the econemy twice

I'm sorry do you not live in the best quality of life of nearly every human who has ever lived?

Oh that's right, you do

I'm starting to think we're not fit for democracy and freedom.

The economy was trashed twice by anti-capitalist reforms.

Clinton, (((forcing))) banks to give loans to poor people which persisted through the bush admin because he was an establishment idiot which caused the recession while wealthy bankers sold the dept off to the highest bidder.

You don't know how an economy works, let a lone an effective one.

If he just simply attached tarrifs, they'll go somewhere else you retard that is what has been happening with the shipping of jobs over seas, high regulation and taxes make it possible for large corporations to move their industry but keep their market in the US because there is no major competitors rising from the lack of any loyal industry in the US. The regulation stops any upstart because they're obviously paid "regulations" the larger corporations pay politicians to pass, which is shown in their obvious contradictory policies that only massive corporations can afford to avoid.

Stop being a commie you idiot, it never ends well, read a book on the economy, get a job, CTR isn't a career.

Democracy always fails

Even the Greeks knew this

"Not making an argument" the argument.

The Greeks became drunk with power and abandoned what made them great which spelled their doom. Also greek democracy was for those who actually contributed to society not random nigs shooting each other.

So just like he modern west

Oy vey! Can't let the goyim think that literally Hitler would be a good President!

It's going to be 8 years of non-stop psyops in the media. We're in for a ride.

> Everything MUST be an argument, we do not tolerate opinions on Sup Forums

The leaf

Using tax dollars to buy statistics != using Presidential power to save actual jobs

the fuck are you talking about? without the bailout lots of companies will go under and shitloads of people will be unemployed
plus the bailout money literally got paid back in 2 years

>one deal

>hasn't even taken office yet

Are they really this autistic? Or do they just think the public is?

Seriously, this is weird.

Or are they just that buttblasted?

> Or do they just think the public is?
The public IS.

We have been conditioned to trust the word of governments and media without question. Even our own parents lie to us from times to times but here we are, putting our faith in complete strangers who we're made to believe have our best interests in mind.


I know he's a jew, but he's not wrong on his analysis of crowd control.

how would Russia even benefit from Trump keeping jobs in America? I dont doubt that there are russian shills on Sup Forums, but i dont see why Russia would give a fuck about this.

Ladies and gentlemen a kike, he later shills for communism

(((Paul Krugman))) just hates working class whites and would rather see them starve to death than to have them keep their jobs.


Trump didn't bailout anyone though, he gave a tax break. We have the highest business tax in the world. Even Sweden has one of the lowest. There is a difference between giving a tax break and giving actual tax payers money to bailout a failing industry that deserves to fail (they are still doing the same shit that made them need to be bailed out btw). Obama was wrong, government shouldn't bail out businesses. Trump was right.


Paul Krugman is everything that is wrong with the US intellectual system.

Obama didn't have to bail out the bankers and financial sectors that he should have prosecuted. But he did, because he's a good goy.

>without the bailout lots of companies will go under and shitloads of people will be unemployed
So supporting Corporations on the backs of taxpayers i a good thing when Democrats do it, but Republicans giving Corporations the ability to survive without picking pockets of taxpayers is "Corporate Greed"

This is the goy that thinks deficits are wonderful....

>The fax machine wasn't one of the craziest inventions of all time
Are you fucking kidding me? The only reason it's not the pinnacle anymore is because it was surpassed by email and it wasn't until the mid 2000s that email was even normalized as an official form of communication in most businesses
So what pray tell would have such an extreme impact to do to email what email did to fax??
TLDR: fax machines are nothing to laugh at

excuse me sir. you probably did it inadvertently, but his name is "nobel prize winning Paul Krugman"

so our country was pretty much doomed after 2000

holy shit im imagining the meme of the spider except of a fax machine angry at the computer typing this out lel

most of the jobs obama added were short term construction jobs anywho. plus, think about all the money spent now that will have to be paid for in the future. The ARRA boosted GDP by only 1% and created ~200,000 long term jobs, but added 800$ bil dollars to debt... that is something that will stick with tax payers for decades.

>This thread again

nobel prize winner Paul Krugman is my hero.


>but his name is "nobel prize winning Paul Krugman"

And Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Except for the hard sciences (and even there favoritism and politics exists), the Nobel has become a self congratulatory hunk of bullshit traded around by elites voting for themselves.

>does a deal with Carrier
>not even president yet
really makes you think

wtf I hate the Nobel prize now

Top fucking kek

Krugman is at the top of the oven list.

Kids these days you don't understand what a huge advancement the fax machine was
Paul Krugman is a fucking idiot for thinking something could just come along and replace the internet
What the fuck was he smoking

Exactly. It doesnt. Those businesses failed.


Also this guy is the reason why Obama doubled our national debt in 8 years. I'm still waiting for that money to trickle down from the 1% to me too, fucking kike.