Well, that's a very nice message. And now I have a message of my own for these students

Well, that's a very nice message. And now I have a message of my own for these students.

Stabbing a bunch of people for not believing the same things that you do is the very definition of hatred and intolerance, yet you self-absorbed little shits dare project the guilt for this heinous act upon the rest of us? No. Here's the deal. The disgusting piece of trash who attempted this slaughter was here in this country as a guest, funded by taxpayers like me who've been in the workforce for 20+ years. We literally rescued him and his family, and this is how he repaid us--by whining about oppression and microaggressions as he plotted a murderous act of terrorism against innocent people.

We will not let you make this about your self-centered agenda. This is not your show. Your callow sloganeering "thoughts" on tolerance, diversity, microaggressions and general butthurtedness are unwelcome at this time, precious snowflakes. Never, ever presume to lecture the rest of us again.

See that seat over there? The short table with the cute benches on either side? That's yours. Grandma cut up some yummy hot dog bites for you next to your own very special ketchup dipping pile. Won't that be fun to do your ketchup dip-dips all by yourself? Sure it will be!

Eat up all Grandma's num nums, have a super fun time and be sure not to interrupt the adults, sweethearts. Children should be seen and not heard, after all.

Seems like everything to be said has been said, good job OP.

They have a hash tag.

They mean business.

Everytime a white kills somebody all whites simultaneously agreen with the justification

back to the sandbox with em

its only hate when whites doing it.

Honestly it's back to Bumblefuck, Kansas for you breh

'Ketchup dip-dips' is my new favorite saying now

>taxpayers like me
Except you're on welfare

I am? News to me. I doubt I'd qualify as I work two jobs.

Even worse. So pretty much you're some fast food working faggot who fantasizes about a fourth reich inbetween mopping floors to keep from killing yourself

Ummm okay?

Where do you get the idea I'm a minimum wage worker from having been in the work force for over 20 years?

Fixed it

Well-stated. Just keep adding to your brass pile each month and we'll get there in time.

Another stop hate @ kill all whites message?

A fucking racist leaf!

Better question. Why do you think flipping burgers lends you any credibility whatsoever

Shut up, Ahmed

>criticizing someone for having a job
entitled special snowflake detected

I just find it hilarious that an actual irl loser thinks he's some philosopher


>actual irl loser

It's cute when little brown men try to be cool