White People

White people are a plague to society.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes...

Only the leftists

9999999,999999 hours in shoopp

Are they still paying you CTR? Or are you doing it for free now?

White liberals, numale cucks, feminazis, fat people, uneducated, and jews. Sure

I just realized that fuck painted a perfectly good pair of boots. They be comphy as fuck

White people are society.




I love this meme

You mean I could've gotten paid to shitpost?

Why are women so shit at making movements? Feminism is a dying disaster and it was originally about equal rights for crying out loud, pretty easy to sell to most people. How do they just fuck things up?

What in gods name...

Explain this
Why are we next to third world countries as murder capitals of the world?

Because 13% of the fucking population.


this is an extreme white person
who is not reflective of "white people"


Christina Rossetti
Joan of Arc
Walatta Petros

There have been a few good ones, they seem to work best with religious themes.

What this scenario gets wrong is that without black labour, white people would be forced to up their crime rate to survive. Also without blacks men to shoot for no reason, cops would just start victimizing and killing white men. All in all, nothing would change


And burning at the stake.

Wolves are a plague to forests.

>white people fuck
I don't get it.

>tfw not even your custom made clothing fits right




what an ugly fat cunt (i think it's a female?)