My cancer

I was diagnosted with cancer 3 days ago. I have stage 3 lung cancer and I barely pay off my taxes with my one job at target. My name is maxwell pierce and decided to tell the users here on Sup Forums. Thats it. I will answer any questions.

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Am i supposed to say "max Uh well" or "max YOO ell"?

was smoking the cause?

Do you smoke

Shouldn't have smoked.

No. I just got it. I live in an area where the air is bad, but im not sure why.

Go to Canada, get a free lung transplant and then come back.

Get better max


Stage 3 lung cancer is usually fatal within a couple years.

sorry bro, wish i could be there with you man. this gives you an excuse to do everything you have dreamed of man, please go out and catch all you want and deserve

Might not mean much to you but I said a prayer for you. My dad is going in to have the biopsy done on his lung next week. he's smoked for years so I'm not too optimistic.


You look still young. How old are you?
So what thing you think you missed about before you go, max?

No. Its not

Get a credit card and go wild.



Either way tell him to switch to a mouth fedora.

Like it or not, they're likely 90-95% less dangerous than smoking.

>Anti-smoking cucks BTFO

I'm very sad to hear of your difficulties. I've discovered that along with medical treatment, a psychological shift in one's perspective has a powerful effect on a person's well being while suffering cancer. Apparently if you consciously, systematically will yourself into feeling emotions of gratitude and hope, your health will improve significantly. Writing a list of about 15 things you feel thankful for and hopeful about as a daily practice will help in this. I'm very sorry that I can't offer anything else to help you.

I wish you all the best.

Oh nonono! Thats not a picture of me! That was a random picture on my drive! The doctors said the part causing the cancer could be fixed with a transplant or something. They said it is barely stage three. Dont be sorry.

Kill a bunch of Democrats before you die.

I am not a U.S citizen, i was born in australia. I guess i could move back there with my parents then get a transplant and come back. I have had a great life though. :)



Sorry to hear that. My father died of lung cancer, as well, almost five years ago. He once compared it to slowly running out of air while trying to surface from a deep dive. I hope that you are able to recover, or else you are in for a death with a lot of suffering and not a lot of excitement.

Do anything you can do to avoid this fate, even if it means finding a more pleasurable way to go. That is my advice, anyway. I don't want to get too morbid, but take it from a guy that has seen someone die from this illness with his own eyes. Start calling a bunch of cancer centers and figure out what your options are for surgery, and do NOT hesitate if it is even a slightly viable option.

You all have been very nice. Thank you all :). Glad to see people care in this world.

Is it in both lungs?
You are aware that you only need one lung, right?

Thats what the doctors said. I still have to pay the fee though.

bump, also I hope you can get better

On the bright side, you got to live in the MAGA timeline, and got to see the God Emperor get elected. Your suffering wasn't for nothing.
Praise KEK.

Well get that shit out now.
cancer cells break off and will travel through the blood stream and settle and grow in another part of they body.
Also if it spread into the lymph nodes youre especially fucked.

what state do you live in btw

Red neck city (texas)

Do you have any numbers on different pollutants in your area? Curious as I live in an area with 30-40 micrograms no2 on a yearly average.

I am not sure about anything. They said if i act fast, it would be easy to get rid of. I need to ask. I will probably update tommorow.

"Max UN Well"

doctor here
OP is either lying or retarded
my guess is retarded

Texas Bro here. I live in athens, anywhere close?


Houston is one of the world's leading cancer research centers. If you're an underagefag, MD Anderson will help you for free.

Enjoy dying faggot kek